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Status Updates posted by drewchebag

  1. subtweet https://t.co/pm6tDO1kUj

  2. thinking about the time that @zachary_binxx and I had an idea we were convinced would go viral and we forgot what it was

  3. This is just a friendly reminder that no food actually ever necessitates one to scrape one's teeth against a fork...e v e r

  4. To think that the plot of Citizen Kane hinges at one point on the premise that an affair would be enough to end a political career

  5. well, I bought an Eco novel at HPB so I guess I'm past the grad student point of no return

  6. What if it's just Sophie Turner herself who wins the Iron Throne in the end https://t.co/0Ahm4pWoAX

  7. When you make an appointment with an Internet provider and they leave an ad for your exact plan on your door it doesn't inspire confidence

  8. When you're havin such a good hair day you're afraid to step outside

  9. Would anyone ever argue that talking too much about a novel ruins it? Why is this a thing for tv series only? HMMM

  10. You have not had a full account of your life until you've seen a man w/butt hanging out get up on the bus and considered the implications

  11. you know you don't live in the real world when all of your 'who to follow' suggestions are dead authors



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