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Posts posted by RealHowieGordon

  1. Elissa would be the one to take a hike. It doesn't say a helluva lot about me, I don't guess, but were I in her shoes - they are Korkease Macchiato (Eva); by the way; I would take a hike before I would lose to those particular P'sOS and under those circumstances. If you don't need the money; make waves.

    I just googled that and I am absolutely floored that you nailed it! That's amazing! :)

  2. Andy and Helen are in the lounge having a cry-fest. Andy is really feeling bad for Helen - telling her if she gets a chance to fight and get back in here that she better fight hard - Helen is being a really good sport - saying she is lucky because she got a chance to be here and she lasted so long....


  3. Is production really making such a big difference with Elissa? GM was sooo appreciative of her dying her hair and now I read where she is mad because Elissa still has hair dye and new clothes and they don't?

    If this is so, production is really trying to get the house to flat out jump Elissa. IMO

    that' a good point about production but it seems like Elissa is the one giving them all the ammo

  4. So Elissa calls Andy up to the HOH room, and they tag team bully him with a barrage of threats and Andy finally turns and very frustrated tells them "You ARE bullying me, and I don't like it - especially from people that I am supposedly friends with!" And he shuts them down.


  5. Helen is really upset - Aaryn is telling her things that McManda told her about Helen targeting her (Aaryn) and it is not true and she is getting really upset Helen is NOT going down without a fight - good for her! Also although she is upset she refuses to throw dirt back at the McManda crew - that is good just in case she gets evicted and comes back


    Helen is saying she never called Aaryn a "F**king bitch" on national television

    SHE DID! I remember it! She is lying and I don't think that she realizes she is lying!

  6. I agree with you Janis.

    Aaryn was saying that she can't bully anyone to vote how she tells them, she tried that in week two when she had Elissa on the block.

    Elissa tells Aaryn that she is Rachel's sister and they cast her for a reason and you don't think they would vote me out the second week and -

    the feeds switch to the fish.

  7. ^^^^This is a really good conversation. Elissa tells Aaryn that she doesn't look at her like a threat and Aaryn says - "well I won 4 HOH's and a veto - how am I NOT a threat"? And Elissa tells her - "Well 2 were just luck, and 1 was with Jeremy".

    If you have flashback, try to find this, it's worth a listen to.

    Elissa tells Aaryn that going forward McManda own the votes, and they don't need to win anything.

  8. I am watching a conversation from last night sometime ( I dont know what time my quad cam is showing me last night)

    Elissa is really getting in Aaryn's ear - this is the best conversation that Elissa has had all summer - she is telling Aaryn that Aaryn is playing Amanda's game and that if she doesn't make a move no one will vote for her because all she did was what Amanda wanted her to do - and she is telling her that the whole house wants her out of the house very soon - also telling her to convince Andy to vote to keep Helen or else Aaryn is toast




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