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Status Updates posted by 22kricket

  1. @Royals @TheRealHos35 KC gave him a very fair deal. He's being greedy. The other thing is he's getting old for b… https://t.co/sWkCCgbSAQ

  2. @Royals This team isn't playing as a team maybe they should just trade the guys that want to go and rebuild a new team

  3. @semisweetPatti @BBTooms @BBFeedsFairy i would be crying too if I was stuck in that house with James and Paul. LOL

  4. @SenJohnMcCain sin is between man and God.God https://t.co/0iVwqyfl3C is supposed to also. Not voting for Donald is hypocrisy by you.

  5. @SenJohnMcCain why don't you go ahead and change your political affiliation to Democrat that's exactly what you are

  6. @TheRealHos35 way to play for yourself this year then abandon a loyal team and fans

  7. @WhoopiGoldberg have you left the country yet. Do you need help packing.

  8. Does this mean their will be 2 HOH's

  9. RT @AMCTalkingDead: Sundays, look out. #TWDreturns on Feb 12 at 9/8c. https://t.co/sMzIy6A38Q

  10. RT @BaysideChurch: A beautiful truth to the new life God has given us. Galatians 2:20 https://t.co/9BgC3Jn8GE

  11. RT @BaysideChurch: There was SO much energy and excitement last night at our first Special Christmas Service in GB! What was your favorite…

  12. RT @BillyGraham: "I have one message: that Jesus Christ came, he died on a cross, he rose again, and he asked us to repent of our sins and…

  13. RT @BillyGraham: “Our job in life is not to be successful, but to be faithful.” #BillyGraham #BG100

  14. RT @bobbibriney: @bigbrothrgossip I can't watch this season anymore

  15. RT @Chiefs: RT for your chance to win a mini helmet and football signed by Alex Smith! #ProBowlVote #WPMOYChallenge https://t.co/Q0V1lYyrdY

  16. RT @curtharlow: “A great people which had created a great civilization had become a nation of silent onlookers. They remained silent in the…

  17. RT @curtharlow: “Jesus is the giant killer - not you or me.” Lou Giglio @BaysideChurch

  18. RT @curtharlow: Every trial presents two opportunities: (1) The development of our character and (2) the promotion of our problem solving s…

  19. RT @curtharlow: Let me love you Lord as much as you deserve and love others regardless of what they deserve.

  20. RT @DougSides: This man did not take a knee in protest, he took a knee in prayer and was called "controversial." LET THAT SINK IN https://…

  21. RT @Franklin_Graham: The Bible is full of examples of people hearing from God. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and th…

  22. RT @JackPosobiec: Presidential. https://t.co/XVJBRQbUUF

  23. RT @Ligonier: Because there are no expendable or disposable people, every life is worth honoring, protecting, and saving. —@RCSproul

  24. RT @Ligonier: There is no greater state than to get up from your knees knowing that God has forgiven every sin you’ve ever committed. —@RCS…



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