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Status Updates posted by 22kricket

  1. @7BOOMERESIASON This is why we stand. Stop praising NFL players who have it wrong. https://t.co/u5FRwhLSMR

  2. @ABC10 you shouldn't portray the cops as the bad guys you shouldn't even allude to it you should check into this Cl… https://t.co/zCylCXbJdM

  3. @alexacjones @duggarfam Can't you be nice. These people aren't harming you in any way. Don't follow if you don't like them. Hatred is vile.

  4. @AMCTalkingDead Tonight's introduction was by far the best ever

  5. @BaysideChurch sermon by Pastor Ray about inspiration awesomeness Pastor Ray is so inspirational himself.

  6. @BBFeedsFairy As if he'd have anything to do with Alex

  7. @BigBrotherLeak Hang on James and NIcole

  8. @BigBrotherLeak yah.... love that she won

  9. @Chelsea handler. Have you ever heard the phrase don't say anything if you can't be nice why don't you try it

  10. @curtharlow @HiddenFigures So true..... Great movie.

  11. @DonaldJTrumpJr Only sorry because she's suffering reproduction for her actions. Bit off more than she can chew.

  12. @DumbleDarkVader @DonaldJTrumpJr Do you know him personally do you know that he's really a terrible person or are you just making this up

  13. @FearTWD @AMC_TV Epic start...

  14. @FOXSports Short memory Harold saying Harvey has pitched the best game. Cueto threw a complete game 2 hitter. Harvey's given up 4 hits.

  15. @JaimeeRindy @ArianaKatyPurry @jamesrhine @MissCleoBB He's a whining baby and needs to go.

  16. @JokersBBUpdates Just mad he got called out. Paul a jerk

  17. @KeeganNYC @realDonaldTrump Do you believe everything you read and hear on the news that's a shame. You are too trusting

  18. @lincolnbrewster Sharing a wonderful song. Maybe you can jazz it up for church. https://t.co/IKeZVM8Ivj

  19. @MerylStreepPage from now on if you accept an award could you just say thank you and get off the stage.

  20. @mikeymike365 @DonaldJTrumpJr @mikeymike365 what a stupid thing to say.

  21. @MissCleoBB Boooooooo..... I can't take the guys EGO anymore.

  22. @realDonaldTrump Don't let crooked Hillary and the media get your down.

  23. @RealJamesWoods Coming from some overindulged privileged person. Classic!!

  24. @RealJamesWoods Mr. Woods can you run for office.



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