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Posts posted by blamethecoldwar

  1. Heck of a lot better then "The Nice People" ... Not even close

    I thought both had lots of potential to be entertaining ... Easily better than Helen, Elissa and the "Nice People"

    Yeah I'm not a fan of the whole nice people thing either, but every single person in that house says it irregardless of the side they're on. Helen & Elissa just happen to say it more (which is very annoying, I agree). At least this season it's a little bit accurate with all the racism and such.

    I don't think David would have brought much drama or anything, he seemed pretty dull to me.

  2. I would bet a lot of people split vote on Aaryn/GM because last week GM was IRRITATING!! And she is also pretty hated outside the house. Aaryn wasn't the only one fired for racist remarks ya know.

    Yeah I agree - especially for the CBS-only people which I'm sure there are even more of this year with all the controversy. Might not be the best decision, but it probably was America's decision tbh.

  3. Just found out that they took everyone's clothes away that has labels! That's probably what happened the GM's clothes

    Is it labels on the actual clothes, labels on the tags, etc? The concept of Big Brother taking away clothes both confuses and frightens me.

  4. Yeah I'm not big on all the showmances either. There are very few that I can actually stand - Jeff & Jordan were okay, but Dr. Will & Janelle were the only showmance I could truly stand. Completely for game purposes, how showmances should be done.

    This season just seems very high school with it all... especially if you reminisce on the first night of the feeds with Jessie. But I guess that's what happens when you cast people who don't really know the game and think they popped up on a weird, twisted version of the Bachelor instead (David).



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