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Posts posted by chrislew1710

  1. I believe that's the right approach. Julie Chen does not attack. When someone attacks it puts the other person on defense and nothing is accomplished. IMO.

    That is so true Roli. But I have a feeling when the houseguests who didn't make the jury will not be so kind at the finale.

  2. What really makes me sad is the way they are treating him. From what I have seen, he has treated every one of those people with kindness and respect, to their faces and behind their backs. He will be one of the few people who can walk out of that house with his head held high.

    Totally agree. Remember when Helen told everyone that she didn't want Aaryn to feel isolated yet she is doing it to Howard. What a hypocrite.

  3. Jessie walked in and Amanda used Jessie's lip stuff (chapstick?) and then handed it back to Jessie - and then I remembered Amanda's encounter with McCrae and I got grossed out

    Watch, when Jessie uses the chapstick after Amanda used it, her lips are going to look like Elissa.

  4. If I was Howard, I would wait until eviction night and if the other houseguests evicted me, I would keep my ass in that seat and say go ahead call security because I am not leaving. When security comes, I would run out to the backyard and have them chase me, just like a Benny Hill skit with funny music and all.

    Believe me, if I were on BB, that is how I would go out. You would see me running back and forth in front of the camera with security chasing me, while the next HOH competition was going on.

  5. If I was Howard, I would wait until eviction night and if the other houseguests evicted me, I would keep my ass in that seat and say go ahead call security because I am not leaving. When security comes, I would run out to the backyard and have them chase me, just like a Benny Hill skit with funny music and all.

  6. Arryn is 22. She's not a child and giving her a pass because she's young doesn't even make sense. She's old enough to vote, go into bars, join the military, sign contracts and "model" with barely any clothes on (and completely naked and exposed, if she so chooses). She's a racist AND a bully!I taught my kids that they were responsible for their words and actions starting when they were toddlers. If Arryn doesn't know by now that she's responsible for her words and actions then it's high time she learn that lesson. BUT no lesson can teach her how to FEEL. The way she feels about those who don't conform to her own view of who's superior is despicable. SHE is despicable. All the education in the world isn't going to change that.

    Preach RolI! Here, here.

  7. ame="bearpawz" post="800729" timestamp="1375219876"]

    And that's your prerogative. However, I say she's a racist and I probably have more experience in that area than you. Education is great but before she can learn anything she has to admit there's a problem and when people are petting her on her head saying she's not a racist, just a spoiled little mean girl, it's not going to sink in. Saying something you regret is a far cry from spewing racial epithets on a daily basis. I don't have any racial bias and understand what it feels like to be on the receiving end. Do you?

    Dang Denise! I wish you were in the BB house to set some people straight. I would be team Denise!
  8. Does anybody wonder why Aaron's parents had not sent her a hoh letter it's always the stepsister!

    And the last one was like A paragraph long! And what was up that sash!

    If they did they would have to write Honey we are so proud of you! I do not think they want to open those can of worms.
  9. Amanda in the HN room, having a heart to heart & crying and hugging Howard! For a minute I was "WTF"?! But then it came to me, Amanda working him just in case Candice wins & takes him off (lol).....she has every base covered, as usual!

    Not going to work. Candice will give Howard a I should of had a V8 slap upside his head and tell him not to fall for her shenanigans.
  10. I think they opened it up before HOH was over. Don't forget West Coast hasn't even (officially) seen the show yet.

    Grodner has thumbed her nose at the fans for years now with her production manipulation but if she allowed the HOH to be on the block due to the MVP CBS would not be able to put that genie back in the bottle. The closest she's ever come is the coup d'eta which allowed the (Grodner selected) winners to basically overthrow both the HOH and POV noms (which also led to Chima going down the river and over the falls mad).

    I wish they would throw one of those coup de doos, or whatever it is called, right about now.

  11. Wait did anybody pay attention to who put it on Youtube!!!!This lady Doesn't play. I love her!!! Hit me back if you know I'm talking about!!!!! She is pissed she's mad and she's coming out for blood

    I may be wrong but I think it's a fake Julie Chen. If it is the real Julie Chen, I applaud her.



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