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Posts posted by doublejeopardy

  1. [sorry I'm Late. These houseguests have made me angry this evening]

    12:37 BBT Aaryn and Amanda talikng.

    Mccrae, Jer, Kaitlyn and GM also in the room.

    Aaryn is telling Amanda she is conescendingtells her to look up the word because she is using it incorrectly [LOL]. and Amanda . The convo started good but took a turn for the worst. [Amanda has won many cool points this evening.]

    The convo began with Amanda apologizing to Aaryn for airing out her and her hit squad in the bedroom. Aaryn sort of accepted. The convo turn to Aaryn saying Jeremy is a douche and Amanda saying Aaryn chose the wrong side. Aaryn crying about not being racist. Apologies and confessions about the Nick and David evictions. Aaryn is telling Amanda that Amanda always talks shit about Jessie. Amanda disagrees and says but I say it to her face. Amanda telling Aaryn that she is victimizing herself and then Aaryn starts throwing around condescending.

    Amanda telling Aaryn that convos like this are the reason why you are in the position you are in and look at the position you are in and look at the position I am in.

    12:40 BBT

    Amanda tells Aaryn the reason why Nick and David are home is because of your actions. And becasue you decided to try to get the house against Elissa is the reason they are home.

    12:41 Jeremy (?) makes a comment about it being fair and Amanda sas fair or not fair, everyone had the opportunity to use the twist to their advantage.

    Elissa comes in and calls for Amanda to come out of the room

    Amanda and Elissa talking now. Amanda relaying the haranguing of Aaryn.

    Amanda goes back into the room and we see Aaryn still defending her reasons for hating Elissa

    !2:44 Amanda telling Aaryn that is was stupid for her to create a bigger target on her back by flipping CAndace's bed. Says she should have been like Jeremy and laid low

    Aaryn says but, but, but.... me and Candace will never get along.

    Mccrae inrjects and says that's where your gameplay sucks! I don't fucking care who you don't like, you have to suck it up and take one on the chin.

    Aaryn can't handle the truth and storms from the room.

    !2:45 Jeremy says to Amanda, your convo isn't my business but basically the only thing you said wrong (to Aaryn)is that it's her fault that Nick and David went home.

    Amanda: (smirks) you said the same thing anyway

  2. GM is her lovely f this and f that dialogue talking about how great of a job BB casting did. Says some people meet on the show and date.

    GM needling Nick and says the 'people' say Nick likes red-heads and that's why Andy is in the house. Nick doesn't look amused.

    GM: you make me smile everyday

    Nick: (mumbles)you make me smile too. This house would not be cool without you.

    Lots more of GM telling Nick everything but I love you and take me now, and even more of Nick deflecting.

    [The sun has been up on my side of the country for over an hour and I need to turn in. Be back refreshed later this evening.]

  3. 3:54 Nick and GM

    GM telling Nicks how to campaign then switches to telling him he better come clean about any lies he's told her. Says she has his back and not make her look like a fucking fool [too late]. says someone is trying to give her hints that he's playing her out but the person isn't telling it all. GM asks if he nees to tell her anything.

    Nick: I like you.

    GM: you aren't some f'ing homo (her words) becasue you never kissed me, right?

    Nick: no. you are making me a little disappointed right now

    GM: *laughs

    GM says she would hate to be like the 'broad' with Boogie that he called a ho.

    GM says she doesn't care about money and cares more about her rep. Says every day she like Nick more and more and doesn't want to get hurt

  4. NIck and Howard playing pool

    usual convo going over MC plans to evict Elissa.

    Positive they have the votes to keep Nick.Says as long as Amanda doesn't posin aaryn they are fine. Howard tells Nick that Jeremy has a handle on Aaryn and Kaitlyn and for reinforcement he is staging a morning workout with them.

    Howard says Nick should hurry up and finish they game so he can go and get Judd out of GM's ear. Nick is confident GM cannot be turned. Says she campaigns for him and it's unbelievable.

    Howard says Judd stays up all night to see who is talking to whom and he isn't as dumb as everybody thinks.

  5. 3:07 Cams 1 and 2 on Elissa and I think Jessie in bed whispering aga

    No mics at first. Girls were smart to grabs their mics b4 BB called them out and blew their cover.

    Elissa says another reason Aaryn wants her gone is becasue she thought she would be Elissa's target. Elissa says Aaryn would not have been her target because she would never put up a girl. Says Aaryn is so evil to her that it's affecting her game

    Asks Jessie if Aaryn has given her reasons why she targets her [i know- jealousy and insecurity]

    Jessie asks if Elissa is considering approaching Aaryn. Jessie says maybe elissa and aaryn could come to an understanding that Elissa is not coming after aaryn. Elissa asks again awhat aaryn has said. Jessie says just the whole MVP things and aaryn thought elissa would put her up.

    Elissa says she wants to get along with the girls and it is not her character to be mean and not get along. Says she likes hanging with pretty girls.

    Jessie says she expected to be in Elissa's position coming in the house. Says girls always target her.

    Elissa pressing for a valid reason why Arryn hates her. Jessie starts to explain and we get FOTH

  6. 2:44 Cam 4 Jess Judd and Spencer talking about Nick.

    Jessie says she asked Nick for his vote/support when she was on the block but he told her it was too soon and wouldn't promise. Says now that Nick is on the block he wants her support. Ponders if he remembers when he wouldn't do the same for her. Says she doesn't think hes coming after her but he also will not help her game.

    Judd says he has heard that noone knows how Nick voted in the first eviction.

    Jessie says they are the swing vote bunch. Says that if they don't vote elissa out the other group will freak out.

    Judd says he doesn't care and will do what he wants regardless.

    Nick comes out

    The discussion turns to sleeping arrangements

    SPencer says he isn't homophobic but doesn't want to sleep with Andy. Says he heard he wakes up with a boner in the morning. Says BB will have some funny editing of the 2 of them sleeping together.

    Judd comments that Nick and GM will be married when they leave. Nicks says they are already married.

    Andy comes out

    2:50 Cams 1 and 2 on Mccrae and Amanda cuddling

    Amanda says she thins Howard, Jeremy and Spencer are in an alliance.

    Amanda caresses mccraes face and they kiss

    Amanda says she doesn't want to go home and mccrae says he doesn't want her to go home either

    Mccrae says hopefully they will win HOH

    Amanda says you can't win again

    He says I will take it if I have to

    AManda says she just want to make it to jury house with mccrae. Says she wants to be with him the next few months. Amanda says she can't believe 'they' fucked this up

  7. [sorry Guys I will try my best to fill in over night- I am a night owl]

    2:04 BBT Elissa and Nick talking about Star Wars/Trek

    2:05 GM wants soda and McCrae patronizes her and gives her a hug

    2:06 cam switches to bedroom with Andy, Elissa, Judd and Nick(?) talking about sleeping arrangements and maggots

    2:08 BBT Cam 3- Howard and SPencer playing pool. Howard says he mentioned to Aaryn about having a minority alliance. Says he plans to use his cool game on Aaryn to gain her trust. WIll train with Aaryn in the morning. Plans to bad-mouth Amanda

    2:11 BBT Andy comes out and Howard and SPencer change convo to a discussion about where And ggets his shorts from (Kohl

    2:12 Andy leave and stategy convo continues

    2:13 Judd comes out and convo ends once again

    2:14 Cam 2 Amanda and McCrae in bed talking about his penis and her possibly having touched it

    2:16 Amanda believes Howard and Spencer have gone to the other side becasue Howard kept defending SPencer. The plan is to keep Elissa now

    2:18 Candice enters

    CAM 3 2:19 BBT

    Elissa and Helen whispering in the dark

    Elissa and Helen talking about how smart Mccrae is and how it was obvious in the 1st HOH. Mccare didn't really want the veto but won anyway. They say his mind in 'lasered' and he hasn't shown just hw good he is.

    Elissa knows she will be put up every week and knows she will go home but doesn't want to go home the 2nd week. Prefers to go home 3rd or 4th week but doesn't want to be stuck in jury.

    Tells Helen to tell Judd and Spencer it would be a good move to get Nick out.

    {Crap...sorry It was not Helen Elissa was speaking to. It was Jessie)

    2:26 Nick called to DR

    2:27 CAM 3 Nick, Howard and SPencer at pool table

    Nick tells Spencer he looks pissed. Spencer says he is thinking about Amanda.

    Howard tells SPencer and Nick that he spoke to the 'boy wonder' and heard him say out of his own mouth that he doesn't care if amanda is evicted.

    Spencer wants Amanda and Judd gone. Howard agrees and says they can then backdoor Aaryn.

    They agree that Amanda and Aaryn are the brain trust and once they are gone they will have a firm grip on the house.Spencer says the more he gets to know Aaryn the more he thinks she;s a crazy bitch.

    Howard agrees and says Aaryn is spoiled as hell and a bitch

    Spencer says she (Aaryn) tries to act like some poor little girl but her family owns a 18000 acre ranch.

    oward says he spoke with Aaryn about the racial comments she's made. Says Aaryn said she isn't racist and her words were out of context.

    Jessie interrupts and convo switches

    They trie to convince Jessie not to smoke and have willpower

    2:33 Pool game ends and Howard walks over to the hammock to GM and Candice. Candace tells Howard where to find shampoo so he can wash his hair

    2:34 CAM 1 Mccrae Amanda and Andy in Bedroom-

    Andy making a case to keep Elissa. Says she says bonehead things sometimes but doesn't deserve the treatment she's getting.

    Mccrae agrees and says Jeremy should have been immediately ejected after wiping Elissa's hat on his butt.

    Andy says he wants to bad to beat Jeremy in the next HOH. Says Jeremy thinks he rules the house.

    Mccrae doesnt like that they have to lie to Elissa now. THey all want her to fight to stay.

    Amanda says Elissa asked her if anything was wrong becasue Amanda would leave any room Elissa entered. Amanda has been keeping her distance because she felt really bad and didn't want to lie to her

    Amanda has tears running down her face and saying we are getting rid of our Queen, our MVP.

    Amada says Howard is a good f'ing liar.

    says Howard lied on the Bible

    Andy says he wishes just Helen was on the block and not Helen and Elissa. Says Helen told him they are going to lose the game if they send Elissa home.

    Andy says he will try to get a read on Spencer tomorrow

    Switching feed:

    2:34 BBT Cam 4 Jessie Judd and Spencer on patio couch

    Jessie says Elissa told her Nick threw her name under the bus for MVP

    Cam 4 switches to Howard and Elissa in bedroom

    Elissa asking if Howard 100% wants to get rid of Nick. He says yes.

    Howard says he thinks Nick is sketchy

    Elissa says Nick was trying to get her to not put Kaitlyn up.

    Elissa tells Howard that he is a strong guy so they will vote him out and Jeremy has no integrity and he won't keep his word to Howard. He will only help the girls becasue he can beat them.

    Some unintelligible whispering- Howard tells Elissa to enjoy her sleep and leaves the room



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