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Posts posted by djk12

  1. I realize that she did not get there her own and I am not defending it but I wonder how many more of these houseguests were recruited to be on the show. I think that is just as bad as putting someone in the house multiple times or putting in their relatives. There are many people who go through the process of filling out the application and doing videos etc to get on the show that are probably overlooked for various reasons.

    I don't think she's a recruit. She's one of the few people that knows all the rules of the game and is baffled by the people (like Kaitlin) that don't know the veto winner can't be the replacement nominee. She's also referenced multiple seasons in conversation so I definitely think she's a fan,

  2. Well it looks like America is not voting for the best "player" Unless I missed something Rachel's sister has not been playing the best game

    Normally I'm one of the first people to call BS with production's interference but come on, did we expect anyone BUT Elissa to get this first MVP? The majority of the audience doesn't watch the feeds so all they're basing it off of is the first episode. And also she has automatic votes from the Brenchel Army whereas everyone else has to build their fanbase from scratch.



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