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Status Updates posted by CandyAppleRed13

  1. @Grizzly_AdamsSC No...just stupid

  2. @DanielM95771862 @DeannaSader @arcapelion @carita_paige @RetardoTwit @realDonaldTrump Go suck a dick https://t.co/WUVLYCe0Z5

  3. We all know the REAL reason the orange piece of shit bombed Syria. https://t.co/zqJoCKUMkS

  4. @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/MCGVxnrAEG

  5. @blkIndigo What the fuck does that have to do with that ass trying to come for Joy? https://t.co/rtZh9vz2tp

  6. @ScottWalker You scared little man https://t.co/nXuwxtiP6x

  7. @TWO8Gthegreat Better then NONE from the shitty republicans

  8. @Deplorable191 @StormyDaniels Trump supporters https://t.co/CyRkQv1PuO

  9. @JimCarrey You are awesome. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. https://t.co/hBNoX8kJBW

  10. @Dope_Del_Ray Because they knew people would be pissed with that finale.

  11. @WazzupWA https://t.co/txwSNR1GV2

  12. You go Queen #TeamShangela https://t.co/vZqrgycnEs

  13. RT @MichelleObama: Parker, I'm so glad I had the chance to meet you today (and for the dance party)! Keep on dreaming big for yourself...a…

  14. @KoalaFan4 Nfl and Pizza hut drinking your tears... https://t.co/jCKsOFNazc

  15. @JamesGunn I love how you Marvel directors support each other. Cant wait for GOTG 3! https://t.co/KJvkHITklI

  16. @lisaedw88124650 @realDonaldTrump @NRA Bitch stfu. Your party was the reason after Sandyhook happened nothing was done. Stupid cunt

  17. @SonofTheMisfit @SavonMoreland @MsBlaireWhite Good God your dumb as fuck

  18. Nathan Chen like... https://t.co/UTHhu6FLtD

  19. @Green_Ventures Dumb and stupid is DJ Green https://t.co/lwCpPmbcaT

  20. @JTMann05 @realDonaldTrump Stfu bot

  21. @Mediaite @MeghanMcCain Why are you bragging about an argument you lost. Joy Behar slapped your ass down. Loved it.… https://t.co/A2U5A1r95q

  22. Looks like Kraft, Brady, & Belicheat won’t get to put their lips on Trumps ass at the WH #SuperBowl https://t.co/LVMqUSHy1F

  23. @Liz_Wheeler Why don’t t you show more interest to kids in orphanages, instead of the ones up a woman’s vagina, hypocrites

  24. @ProudBoysUSA @TB12sports @realDonaldTrump One is a winner, the other a racist piece of shit. I let you decide which one.

  25. Have him roast in hell #FixTrumpIn5Words



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