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Status Updates posted by cathy818

  1. @SchrodngrsTrump At least it's not misspelled. Lol

  2. @SenKamalaHarris Having epilepsy costs a bunch for medications and MRI. I cannot be insured due to this being a pre existing condition.

  3. @SethAbramson Well we are bothered by you, trump, being friends with putin!

  4. @SharronSmiley @HardballChris @CNN @MSNBC I hate it when he does that. Its so rude!

  5. @summerbrennan Me either. I have epilepsy. Meds are a grand a month. I die without them.

  6. @SusResister @Megresistor He will not say a dam thing.

  7. @TeaPainUSA @RogerJStoneJr @JoyAnnReid Ugh. Go away Roger stone. You are slime!

  8. @therealdonald_ YOU LOST THE POPULAR VOTE!!!

  9. @thinkerdamous @LuvAmerica2016 This is precisely why we were so depressed when he won.

  10. @ThreeTouchDowns I've also always wondered why the "good" die young.

  11. @USMC_SSDD You wouldn't believe what they put me thru to work as police dispatcher either. Why not the gop?

  12. @WoaAnimals Omg that's adorable!

  13. Agree. Thank you from oregon! https://t.co/waAlvBnJMe

  14. color all the food one color. I submitted a Big Brother Sabotage Idea on CBS.com!! http://soc.li/yFem7Jm

  15. Go get em scott! https://t.co/tErTYARcsn

  16. Great question!!! https://t.co/iq8olx4Vho

  17. Has he ever given even one dime to any charity? https://t.co/vb27hoRn40

  18. Love this. https://t.co/VD4vEBmoD9

  19. Me either. Baffling isn't it? https://t.co/fZlu6LIdmK

  20. My thoughts exactly! https://t.co/ZhtsMIg9ZZ

  21. Noo. It's hillarys fault! Smh https://t.co/3yRTxIkbMB

  22. RT @4everNeverTrump: RT if you love your country more than you hate Trump.... and you fucking HATE Trump. https://t.co/T0LqdI1oRY

  23. RT @Alifaith55: RETWEET if you think Rachael @maddow is a living LEGEND! https://t.co/25PzEnboss

  24. RT @atDavidHoffman: Reality Winner facing 10 years in prison for leaked document on Russian hack. Yet trump leaked classified info to Russi…

  25. RT @BanditRandom: Kelly translation: How dare a meager black woman we allow to serve in our fraternal govt know what an asshole Trump is &…



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