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Status Updates posted by FLguy

  1. @Uber_Support Is this real or an angry driver hoax? @uber https://t.co/ksgJ7Ekhm8

  2. @FaceOffSyfy Wolves, Rabbits and Bears, OH MY!!!! https://t.co/zEVHRfqMBW

  3. @realDonaldTrump Your Russian hookers took leaks.

  4. @FireIslandTV Why don't you have a blue check mark

  5. @kelbacca @ajplus Yes it does.

  6. @realDonaldTrump Wow calling the terrorists losers, that's all you had to do and you save the world hurrah you big dummy

  7. @Uber Florida drivers Quit before July 1 or lose your personal insurance policy

  8. @Uber Why does @travisk tell people that 9 cents a minute is waiting time, it's driving time and traffic time, drivers stop as a favor.

  9. @Uber Oh and Zero dollars so far today too, no rides all day even morning rush hour. @travisk

  10. @travisk You sure are little.

  11. @Uber @Uber_Support @travisK You add a tipping feature and Lyft will die. You have the market share to beat them. U R VHS they Betamax

  12. @Andy i thought Vanderpump was saying "the ground is heavy darling, leave it where it is:, though maybe a English saying.

  13. @Uber_Support Why don't you warn drivers of long ride requests, sometimes I many have a doctors appt in a few hours, cant do them

  14. @realDonaldTrump It is legal if you are committing espionage.

  15. @Uber Are you going to increase rates as gas prices go up or ask passenger to tip?

  16. @RuPaulsDragRace @RuPaul https://t.co/MxnW4IBQic

  17. @Uber_Support Why do you let pax cancel without charging a fee or consequences, it's like a game to them.

  18. Uber adds an average of 50,000 new drivers per month https://t.co/r5STqg7rQI (via @craigpsmith)

  19. @realjknoxville at Action Park rode the steep water slide no one riding kid didn't tell me cross my arms, ended ride with bloody knuckles.

  20. @scheanamarie Sorry to hear about your troubles, you deserve better than someone who says they care about you and lies to your face.

  21. @ladygaga When you say you were once Nobody it's tantamount to calling your fans nobodies

  22. Nixon Counsel During Watergate Says Trump Administration 'Showing How Damn Guilty They Are' | Politics | US News https://t.co/YVBJ2Ui5tN

  23. RT @DavidArquette: We want to see Trump's tax returns. - Sign the Petition! https://t.co/gT6SoBtYU5 via @Change

  24. @realDonaldTrump @KellyannePoll @BarackObama @HillaryClinton https://t.co/lPjYT1IwBw

  25. @realDonaldTrump Trump (don't) care = MASA Make America Sick Again. @NancyPelosi



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