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Status Updates posted by FLguy

  1. @CBSBigBrother Fat Shamer Evicted Da da da da da da da da da da

  2. @CBSBigBrother for the love of Cword can you have a no whispering rule, or have the common sense to subtitle anything below normal sound

  3. @CBSBigBrother https://t.co/ikq5ARcCQN

  4. @CBSBigBrother One day someone is gonna slip on that slide on grease competition and break an arm or worse.

  5. @CBSBigBrother Why was Davonne acting like a Hood Rat in the Jury House?

  6. @cesarmillan Can someone start a petition to keep you on the air?

  7. @ChallengeMTV Next Rivals Simone Vs. Everyone.

  8. @courtneyact Congrats on winning Celebrity Big Brother UK, that Unicorn wig was a little crazy.

  9. @CWPennandTeller I like how you have an episode with a guy who cuts his hands off and a magician with no hands on the same show.

  10. @CynthiaBailey10 That wig is cray cray https://t.co/5CUU3McAyj

  11. @DaRealAmberRose Are you tender headed, is that why you wear your hair so short?

  12. @designerkini Did you think it was the OJ challenge instead of Avant Garde

  13. @DixieProduct I hope you donated the $25K from @ProjectRunway to charity.

  14. @DorindaMedley Mary Tyler Moore was not in NYC she was in Minneapolis.

  15. @eileen_davidson Lisa Vanderpump is a bully. Best to be cordial with her and move on, She wants everyone to walk on eggshells around her.

  16. @FaceOffSYFY https://t.co/qDFe6dzjn8

  17. @FaceOffSYFY Someone made a twin of themselves. https://t.co/xTI8KHqd1t

  18. @FaceOffSyfy Wolves, Rabbits and Bears, OH MY!!!! https://t.co/zEVHRfqMBW

  19. @FireIslandTV Why don't you have a blue check mark

  20. @FLGovScott I hope you are serious about the gasoline reserves that are needed in Florida and set them up.

  21. @GeorgeTakei Why are you so fucking sensitive about the Oscars, Get a sense of humor and stop acting like a child. Get over yourself.

  22. @GolnesaGG Why are you so angry. do you know where you rage comes from. fix it or be miserable for life.

  23. @HeatherDubrow If you want your husband to be home more, buy a 2000 square foot home. Many working fathers can't be home all the time.

  24. @hestermoving Is your cousin still doing flip and moves?



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