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Posts posted by LynLyn

  1. 11:12 PM BBT live feeds are back. Emmett, Jillian, Gary are in the KT. Talla is in the BY. Gary is out the the prisoners outfit.

    11:16 PM BBT Jillian steps out to the BY Talla tells Jillian she’s funny. Talla tells Jillian this is her 4th HoH.

    11:17 PM BBT Jillian and Talla discuss who goes on the block and the outcomes of each person and who wins POV. Talla asks Jillian if she would consider putting Gary and Emmett up, Jillian tells her she won’t be mad. Talla yells out “Thank you! Thank you! You saved me a speech.” Jillian tells Gary who is in the kitchen that heard Talla yell that they weren’t talking about him.

    11:24 PM BBT Jillian asks Gary to join her and Talla to the hot tub. They head to the hot tub but said it was cold so they head back to the pool in the BY. Talla asks if the cold or warm and tells them the water is higher in the pool. Talla says “can you believe it? We are the final four”. Jillian and Talla discuss that Talla has broken the curse about being the pawn 3 times without being sent out. Jillian then talks about the previous pawns that were sent home. Gary is eating barbeque sauce like its pudding.

    11:30 PM BBT Jillian says she feels like everyone did a lot of talking. Gary says he feels that there was not enough group time for everyone to get to know each other. Talla says no one really chilled back.

    11:32 PM BBT Gary says he feels that the only way to get farther in the game when he was HoH, was to get Tom out.

    11:34 PM BBT Gary says he doesn’t want to throw stuff out anymore, rather to pack it and put it in the attic. Jillian tells him not to, it is called hoarding. Gary leaves the BY and goes to the KT, Talla then tells Jillian they are in a good place. Gary yells out to Jillian “Do I broil these?” Jillian heads back to the KT to help Gary. Emmett is no where to be seen, Jillian mentioned earlier he was in the DR.

    11:40 PM BBT Gary says he doesn’t know where to sit when he is going to eat. Jillian says out loud “I really, really, really, really, really, really, want self-tanner.” Emmett is out the DR room and heads to the KT. BB tells Gary to go to the DR. Gary asks if he can eat first. BB tells him it will be quick. Gary tells Emmett to take out the food out of the stove at 12:20 AM so the food doesn't get burnt.

    11:45 PM BBT Talla brings Emmett to the BR. Talla asks if she can try on Emmett cowboy hat. Emmett heads to the bathroom where Jillian is putting on makeup. Emmett and Jillian discuss they have to wait for Veto to see what happens and try and work out what’s best for them. Gary heads back to the KT where Talla is. Talla thinks she hears music and asks Gary if he hears it too, Gary says he doesn’t.

    11:51 PM BBT Talla and Emmet are in the BY playing catch with a football. Gary is in the KT preparing a meal. Gary yells out to Emmett “Emmett I’m working out tomorrow”. Jillian is in the DR.

    11:53 PM BBT Talla is doing okay with catching the football though she looks scared, throwing the ball needs improvement. Emmett tells Talla she’s doing horrible, tells her not to be scared and telling her she needs to want the ball, be aggressive, and not to close her eyes.

  2. 8:00 PM BBT Emmett and Jillian are in the HoH room taking a shower together. Talla is in the KT preparing a meal. No sign of Gary, and Andrew is getting dress.

    8:04 PM BBT talla is making something with beef and needs marinara sauce thinking she needs to make chilli. Talla goes to the HoH and asks Jillian and Emmett who are taking a shower a together and asks what she would used instead of marinara sauce. Jilliana tells her she doesn’t need marinara sauce and she will come out in a bit to help her cook. Talla heads back down to the KT to start cooking.

    8:08 PM BBT Emmett heads down to the KT. Andrew and Talla are now both in the KT. Emmett and Andrew head out the BY. Talla talks to herself says, “If he doesn’t go home…” mumbles to herself.

    8:12 PM BBT Emmett sets up chess, as Andrew tells Emmett that he had to clean up the broken glass because Talla didn’t want to. Emmett mentions to Andrew that Talla is watching them from the KT. Andrew says “Unbelievable, unbelievable…” seems like they are annoyed of Talla. Emmett and Andrew move their game of chess in the hallway between the BY and hot tub, to get away from Talla.

    8:15 PM BBT Emmett goes back the KT to get a glass of milk. Talla askes Emmett they should spend time together. Emmett doesn’t respond. Talla asks if he changed his mind (to keep her). Emmett walks away like he didn’t hear her. Talla tells Emmett “good talk.”

    8:17 PM BBT Emmett goes back to Andrew. Andrew tells Emmett he is frustrated with Jillian. Emmett doesn’t say anything, as they begin their game of chess.

    8:25 PM BBT SotH

    8:26 PM BBT Live feeds are back. Andrew and Emmett heads back to the KT. Talla asks Emmett and Andrew what happened (to their game of chess). Emmett tells her Andrew won in 4 moves.

    8:29 PM BBT Emmett heads to the pantry then to the HoH room. Talla and Andrew are in the KT talking about cooking. Talla finds out from Andrew that canned beans are already cooked.

    8:30 PM BBT Jillian asks Emmett if Gary came back yet. Feeds get cut and come back.

    8:32 PM BBT Talla and Andrew are in the KT talking about beer in Europe and how much it costs. Talla is surprised that beer is expensive in Europe. Andrew tells Talla if he buys a beer here that costs $6.00 here and goes to Europe the same beer can cost $10.00 for a bottle but he would still pay for it.

    8:35 PM BBT Talla complains to Andrew that the KT is a mess now. Andrew reminds her that there was cooking going on. Talla then complains that when someone uses the dishes they just leave it there and doesn’t clean it up. Andrew tells her that Canada doesn’t know the behind the scenes where the hardest thing you have to deal with are peoples habits, like not leaving the toilet seat down for the women in the house, or taking out the trash.

    8:38 PM BBT Jillian heads to the KT and asks Talla if shes figured everything out. Talla tells her she found beans. Jillian heads the bathroom.

    8:40 PM BBT Andrew heads to the bathroom to get away from Talla, asks Jillian what she uses the lubricant for, Jillian tells Andrew is for something that she has and doesn’t want to go into details. They both head back to the KT.

    8:45 PM BBT Jillian heads to the HoH room and asks if Emmett has eaten dinner and then talks about how they are getting better in voting ratios for evections. Then they talk about how unanimous the votes from week 5. BB tells Jillian to fix her mic, Jillian asks Emmett if she would like to repeat herself but clearer for Emmett, Jillian changes the subject and tells Emmett that she is going to eat dinner and then cereal for breakfast tomorrow. Jillian and Emmett head downstairs. Jillian goes to the KT and Emmett heads to the living room and looks upon the HG’s photos, it looks like he is thinking of a plan.

    8:52 PM BBT Talla is in the KT trying to figuring out how to drain a can of beans, asks Jillian and Andrew tells Jillian not to help her as a joke (or he really doesn’t want anyone helping Talla ). Talla looks like she having a hard time cooking. Jillian tastes her cooking and suggests Talla use chilli powder, Talla didn’t know that chilli powder helps chilli takes like chilli.

    8:57 PM BBT Talla says “I’m so proud of myself, I made chilli for the first time, poor Gary will be on slop forever.”

  3. 8:05PM BBT: Talla is in the kitchen cooking kitchen and asks Jillian (who is in the HoH room) if she want's any. Talla says out loud the broccoli might not taste good. Talla isn't confident in her cooking.

    8:09PM BBT Gary joins Talla in the kitchen and tastes Tallas cooking, he tells her it's over cooked. The expression on Gary's face shows that her food wasn't good but he gives her advice on how to improve it. Andrew joins Gary and Talla in the kitchen. Not much going on.

    8:09PM BBT Emmett and Jillian are in the HoH room sleeping. Andrew is cutting cucumbers in the kitchen while bickering with Talla. Then Gary joins Andrew and Talla in the kitchen. Talla starts freaking out because Gary has a cig. Gary and Talla head to the BY to smoke the last cig they have.

    8:21PM BBT Talla finds out that Gary got the cig from AJ and they thank AJ for the cig to the cameras. Talla said she would quit, guess that she isn’t trying now, tells Gary she hasn’t smoked for 11 days. It seems there is not hope for Talla to quit. They finish the cigarette and Talla thanks Gary and AJ for it as they head back to the kitchen to join Andrew.

    8:25PM BBT Gary heads to the BR and trys to find something to wear. It seems like it’s a big decision. Talla tells Andrew that she can hold her breath longer after she stopped smoking, that she was stronger in competitions. Guess now she won’t be.

    8:32PM BBT BB tells Talla to change her batteries. Talla and Andrew head to the pantry to change her batteries. Andrew tells Talla her breath stinks. (because she was smoking)

    8:38PM BBT Andrew is eating in the kitchen. Talla joins Andrew. Talla puts her leftovers in a container and plans to eat it tomorrow (which no one will eat but her). Talla and Andrew talk about how Alec is a grouch about going home and faking his tears.

    8:44PM BBT Andrew tells Talla one thing he doesn’t like when Emmett /Jillian win HoH, they are always in the HoH room.

    8:45PM BBT Alarms goes off in the HoH room, guess BB is tired of Emmett & Jillian sleeping. Jillian and Emmett head downstairs to the pantry. Andrew joins Emmett and Jillian and tells them how he hates how there are always up there, that he has been in hell with Talla.

    8:47PM BBT Talla join Emmett, Jillian, Andrew in the pantry and asks why they are eating in the corner. It seems like Emmett and Jillian are annoyed of Talla since they hardly say a word to her, while Talla asks them, “Do you love it? Do you? Do you love it?”

    @mortystv 8:57PM BBT Talla and Emmett are in the BR talking about a plan and Talla is asking if she is safe. Emmett tells her yes, she is safe. BB tells Talla to head to the pantry. BB gives Talla a cocktail. Emmett and Gary are in the BR. Feeds are choppy; Garry asks Emmett if he told Andrew that he will be up on the block and if he has smooth things over with him.

  4. 11:00 BBT SotH

    11:31 BBT feeds are back Jillian and Emmett are in the HoH room. Emmett has a letter from home. Emmett won HoH.

    11:35 BBT Emmett reads the letter from home. Emmett tells his brother on the live feeds that he is trying to sell his car. “Why aren’t you selling my car?!”. Emmett and Jillian are talking about there are 13 days left in the house.

    11:35 BBT Talla & Andrew having a pitty pool party

    11:38 BBT Talla & Andrew are in the pool talking about how they wish they won the HoH competition. Talla says she's not worried since everything is the same. Andrew tells Talla he wants towin every competition. It sounds like Andrew and Talla are have-nots again since Andrew says Gary will be in the Have room alone since Jillian and Emmett are going to be in the HoH room

    11:45 BBT Gary joins Talla and Andrew at the pool. Andrew and Talla wants to know what happened in the jury house. Gary tells them he can't say anything. Gary leaves and goes back into the house. Andrew and Talla talk about what Gary is going to do now, how Gary will go to Jillian and Emmett and asks whats going on and to put them two (Andrew and Talla) up, and that is his only choice.

    11:50 BBT Gary is in the HoH room with Jillian and Emmett. Gary tells Emmett and Jillian that he was with them and to put up Andrew. Emmett tells Gary who was in alliances. Gary is putting Emmett in a spot and saying he was hurt that Jillian and Emmett voted him out. Gary says the deal he had with Emmett/Jillian was the real deal, the deal with Topaz who said Peter & Alec would protect him was all on them.

    11:57 BBT Gary is to make Emmett/Jillian feel guilty about voting him out so he won't go on the block.

    11:59 PM BBT Jillian is explaining to Gary the iceberg competition, to clarify her side of the story about why she put up Alec and Peter and when Peter won veto she had to put up Topaz. Jillian tells Gary that Alec is the one to suggest to get rid of Topaz, which shocked Gary.

    12:05 AM BBT Gary tells Jillian and Emmett that AJ wants Talla to win since he likes her alot. Gary tells them he cringes when he looks at Talla.

    12:09 AM BBT Gary is still trying to make a final deal Emmett and Jillian. Emmett is not falling for it; he tells Gary that he will be going up on the block because there are people in the house that are not happy he is back.

    12:15 AM BBT Gary tells Emmett that he trusts him so much that it makes him sick. Gary finds out that Emmett, Tom, Alec and Peter were in an alliance. Emmett tells Gary that it was Tom’s decision to take Gary off the block, that Gary turned his back on Tom and Gary is the reason why Emmett lost his alliance, that's why he doesn't trust him. Gary defends himself by saying he wanted to put Tom on the block the week he was HoH to feel the heat of being on the block since Tom put him up. Gary tells Emmett he wanted to win the Veto to take Tom off the block so he keeps his word, he tells Emmett to win the game you have to be honest. Emmett tells Gary that the house thought Gary wanted Tom out since it was a 10 to 1 vote.

  5. 11:00PM feeds are back, Emmett, Jillian, and Talla, Andrew are in the KT eating. Emmett calls Alec a prick for thanking Chevrolet for the powershift for this speech.

    11:12 PM It is confirmed Jillian won HOH. Talla asked Jillian to wake her up when she gets her HOH room.

    11:13 PM Jillian and Talla are talking in the kitchen suggesting Andrew will go up on the block. Jillian tells Talla she wants all four of them to talk openly so everyone is on the same page

    11:16 PM Talla gets ready for bed and asks Jillian again to wake her up when she gets her HOH room. Andrew joins Jillian in the kitchen.

    11:18 PM Jillian is telling Andrew how Talla wanted to put Andrew as a pawn but Jilian clairfys that she wants to talk with all four of them. Andrew tells Jillian the scenarios if Talla goes up with Peter. If Peter wins POV and takes himself off then one of their own goes up. It is confirmed they want Peter out next.

    11:20 PM Andrew and Emmett head to the hot tub. Andrew tells Emmett in the hot tub he likes how it worked out. Andrew tells Emmett he trusts him and Jillian that it is them three that will be in the final three. He tells Emmett what Jillian told him that Talla didn't want to be put up as a pawn but to put Andrew up instead. Andrew points out if it is Talla and Peter on the block and Peter wins POV, Peter will pull himself off the block then he will have to go up.

    11:23 PM Andrew tells Emmett the reason why Topaz went home was that she slept all the time which was disrespectful of the game and he is happy that Alec is gone. Andrew didn't like how Alec played the game.

    11:27PM SotH

    11:40PM Feeds are back. Feeds are back. Peter is eating in the KT by himself, looks like he is planning for his next move. Andrew and Emmett are in the hot tub talking about what happens after big brother and who they want to see when they get out.

    11:44PM Andrew tells Emmett if he (Emmett) wins next HOH what they will do if Peter is still there and what kind of competitions will be taking place.

    11:47PM BB house guests to stop talking about production.

    11:48PM Andrew and Emmett are talking about grudges and if who will have grudges when the show is done. Andrew suggests Gary will have grudges against them.

    11:50PM Andrew tells Emmett that he would take him to the final two if came down to it and he isn’t just saying it because he is right beside him.

    11:52PM Peter joins Andrew and Emmett in the hot tub, Andrew asks Peter if he just got out (from the DR), Peter tells them he was out awhile ago and he was eating nuggets in the kitchen. Andrew says he thought they threw that out awhile ago because they were old. They continue to talk about chicken nuggets. No game talk. They talk about North Korea and how they hosted their own Olympics and they won all the competitions. Peter tells them that North Korea controls everything in their country that if someone types google.com they get directed to Chinese.gov.com. that the government controls everything. Peter says North Korea’s people are brainwashed, information is so regulated and compare how they (Canada) are living in luxury compared to them.

  6. 11:00PM BBT Jillian, Emmett, Peter in the HOHR room. Peter tells to Jillian and Emmett that Alec would cut Topaz out earlier in the game if that over Jillian.

    11:02PM BBT Peter says if Alec goes against his word he would look stupid. Peter can turn the house against Alec. Jillian tells Peter that Topaz wants her and Emmett out. Peter tells to Jillian, Topaz is really mad that she went against her promises. Jillian says it’s her fault she is up there (there were no other choices she would pick). Peter tells Jillian anyone will go up to her and say anything to find a way to keep themselves here longer.

    11:06PM BBT Peter tells Jillian if you want Alec to sit or compete he will do so.

    And if Jillian wants Talla and Andrew out Alec can do that too.

    11:11PM BBT Talla enters the HOHR room with Emmett, Jillian, and Peter and to eavesdrop starts singing, BB tells her to stop.

    11:13PM BBT Jillan and Peter take their conversation to the kitchen still talking about game.

    11:14PM BBT Jillian asks Peter if Alec would do whatever she wants to do? Peter tells her yes (which is a lie). Peter tells Jillian he will compete for her since she cannot compete.

    11:18PM BBT Peter tells Jillan if Emmett can trust him Peter will side be with them. Jillian tells Peter if there is a two and two vote she will go with Peter on the votes and vote out Topaz.

    11:23PM BBT Andrew, Talla and Emmett are in the hot tub. Talla tells the guys that she went the HOHR to eavesdrop on Jillian and Peter’s conversation. Topaz emphasizes that Alex is not safe. Peter joins Andrew, Topaz and Emmett in the hot tub.

    11:30PM BBT Andrew, Talla, and Emmett start talking the third season of Survivor and then conversation turn to a topic about different degrees of murder. (Seems that they want to avoid Peter’s game talk)

    11:33PM BBT Peter leaves the hot tub, as Talla, Andrew and Emmett continue talk about murder and criminology.

    11:35PM BBT Jillian joins the hot tub, Jillian tells Talla that Peter is willing to get rid of Talla next week. Emmett and Andrew continue to talk about criminology. Talla and Jillian about how Talla walked in the HOHR while Peter and her were talking game.

    11:44PM BBT Jillian tells the group she thinks BB will hold more physical competitions now since there are less people in the house, whereas earlier in the game there were more mental competitions. Jillian continues to say that BB will give cooler competitions to make BB Canada more memorable.

    11:47PM BBT Talla stops the conversation and tells Andrew, Emmett and Jillian they need to think about a potential double eviction this week (which is true).

    11:50PM BBT Andrew changes the subject and started talking about what they will do when they get home. Andrew says he will go home, close the doors, shut the blinds and lay naked in is room because there are no cameras. Jillian says she would run naked down her neighborhood.



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