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Status Updates posted by canadiangrl56

  1. RT @VinesMatthew: If your heart hasn't been broken by the harm the church has done to LGBT people, then you aren't ready to speak—much less…

  2. Repeating over and over today. “He will again have compassion on us; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You w… https://t.co/2CdcJ1ptsc

  3. I am who you say I am.

  4. Oh, your mercy rushing through me. Oh, how beautiful, how beautiful. ❤️

  5. @PokemonGoApp Any news? I still can't log in :(

  6. RT @dukekwondc: When Jesus speaks about the greatest type of love, he points not to the romance exchanged by lovers but the sacrifice excha…

  7. RT @HappySonship: Dear Church, Jesus protected women. Empowered women. Honored women publicly. Released the voice of women. Confided in w…

  8. RT @GlennonDoyle: Yes. This. There is a difference between leaving a man and leaving God. There is a difference between leaving a church an…

  9. RT @sammyrhodes: Thoughts and prayers with all the introverts who are braving Super Bowl parties tonight.

  10. RT @mikemchargue: Want to be less anxious and more productive today? Try this: https://t.co/9XNPyk1LKs

  11. @Mbrew Wow. THANK you for saying this!

  12. If you’re weary in the battle: Rest because you’re already being fought for. Take a deep breathe because you’re… https://t.co/yq1P6Gfx6O

  13. Never quite resonated with the lyric "Feels like an ocean of sorrow is under my skin" more than I have the last few days.

  14. RT @jorymicah: Scripture doesn't say, "if you love someone, point out their sins." Actually quite the opposite. It says, "love covers a mul…

  15. RT @SHoddeMiller: "If you want God to show up where you are, then you need to show up where you are." @erwinmcmanus #mission

  16. RT @JenHatmaker: The fruit of the "Nashville Statement" is suffering, rejection, shame, and despair. The timing is callous beyond words.

  17. My week on Twitter

  18. RT @sammyrhodes: "Jesus hangs around pain. If you're not hanging around pain, you're not hanging around Jesus." - Steve Brown

  19. @iAmSteveAustin Faithful.

  20. @cjdignam Somehow I'm JUST seeing this now, but it's exactly what I needed to read.

  21. My week on Twitter

  22. RT @EmmaBell17: @realDonaldTrump You know what else has tremendous cost and is a burden? YOU AS PRESIDENT.

  23. The Musicla Dignam Fam



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