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Status Updates posted by canadiangrl56

  1. Let Easter remind you that there is a father that loves you so much that not even death could stop Him from pursuing you. You are worth it.

  2. RT @bobgoff: If we only love people who love us back, we make our faith look like a negotiation.

  3. RT @JarridWilson: "We can't tell people to come as they are, but then insist they change before they arrive. People grow where they're love…

  4. That place that sin once reigned in your life can become your altar of sacrifice and praise. Just give it over.

  5. @anniewiltse anytime sweet friend!

  6. Honesty and authenticity: it's a heart issue. #davidcp @Mbrew @CrosspointNB

  7. This is basically my life. Ugh. I just want to let go of fear. https://t.co/1lLHYkIA7V

  8. @anniefdowns listening to "Looking for Lovely" through tears. I so feel your heart because it is so much like mine. Wow. Thank you. ❤❤

  9. "He (Jesus) is not threatened by that tension, or worried about your questions. He's not daunted by your doubt." @Mbrew @CrosspointNB

  10. RT @Hollswould: "It doesn’t matter how much you love someone. What matters is that they know it."

  11. @kaleeclare Bobby actually is so into it now. It's the best.

  12. Let's remember the reason for the season

    Happy Easter! http://t.co/UF9MltFNWT

  13. RT @EugeneCho: Remember, there is no Resurrection without the Crucifixion; No Easter Sunday without Good Friday; No empty tomb without the …

  14. The @ifgathering app is officially live! Download for free: https://t.co/GTBjB6r6f3 #ifgatheringapp

  15. RT @nynybonini: White bread and Corgi butts. This is your heaven. @TheRyGuy_5 https://t.co/h9LQOMeLjk

  16. @kdrapes @cjdignam I'm stupid. There's no Costco in Charlottetown. #needmorecoffee

  17. RT @Hollswould: "I think all writers feel the insecurity that someone has already said it better than them. Say it anyway. Say it your way"…

  18. RT @JennieAllen: We have become the generation who wants to DO things for God but we have forgotten what it means to just BE with God. Let'…

  19. There are no words to describe the this time of @IFgathering I am here, humbled&amazed by what God will do through open hands. @JennieAllen

  20. RT @sarahbessey: NEW POST: 60+ Marriage Resources for Christians https://t.co/yzs4oNGe0g #Mutuality #Marriage #Egalitarian

  21. RT @sarahbessey: Too much of our study of theology is just a way to stop conversation & questions, rather than to start them.

  22. RT @sarahbessey: I guess I’m foolish enough to believe that they will know us by our love.

  23. @uprising_conf done!! So excited!



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