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Posts posted by est1973

  1. What's wrong with Danielle! She has totally lost it this week. Does she have no insight or what? First, Shane is going to freak when he hears how she talks about him doing what she says, like he is her patsy and can't think for himself. He needs to run from the hills when she gets out. And I feel terrible for her parents they must be so embarrassed. She says she isn't mean but she has been talking terribly about her father all season. She seems to lie a lot too, I'm just glad Dan calls her out. And what's with the hypocritical speeches she is giving Ian about lying to her about a final 2 deal when she had no intentions of ever taking him. Her preferred choices were Dan and Shane not Ian, why is it wrong for Ian to have a preferred choice. Her campaigning also sucks, how does she think threatening, lying, and bullying Ian is ever going to get him to take her to final 2. Her behavior is so unbecoming, cruel, and makes her look really stupid. I use to like her and feel sorry for her for being so naive with Dan, but she has lost it big time.



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