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Status Updates posted by s00nergirl

  1. RT @MikeTokes: Amazing. High school students bring out Trump flag and the crowd erupts in chants of USA, USA! We need more of this.

  2. RT @DropTheTidePod: "When they go low, we go high" -Michelle Obama (Screen shot in case Tom Arnold decides to delete this.) #EarthDay #E…

  3. RT @chuckwoolery: Government is one of the few places better run by us outsiders rather than Washington insiders.

  4. RT @dbongino: Not a random piece. Libs are horrified at the thought of losing influence in one of their staple battlefronts in their cultur…

  5. RT @RyanAFournier: The FBI was told a 19 year old psychopath was going to murder children at school, they did nothing! A pornstar says she…

  6. RT @allen_rizzi: @Trump4Hope Looks the type! https://t.co/J0MVlzQk0M

  7. RT @RealJack: Both the YouTube shooter and the Parkland shooter had serious mental illnesses and were warned about to police before the sho…

  8. RT @RealJamesWoods: I quote a California friend of mine: “The 60 billion dollars that the #Moonbeam government wants to squander on the bul…

  9. RT @thebradfordfile: If you think it's strange that Susan Rice would be offered a board seat at Netflix--think again. Chelsea Clinton, who…

  10. RT @unscriptedmike: #StormyDaniels 60 Minutes So a porn performer is worried that her daughter might think badly of her? She already ree…

  11. RT @kwilli1046: Isn't It Interesting How Paul Ryan Praised The $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill and Increasing Military Spending But Ignored Tal…

  12. RT @BlackMan4Trump1: Clinton body count just added another 71 bodies, they brought down a plane, killed 70 innocent people just to kill one…

  13. RT @NorseShadowRunr: If #FireMcCabeFriday *doesn't* happen, the DOJ is gonna see what that phrase "There will be Hell to pay" is all about.…

  14. RT @brandongroeny: Democrats are pissed off that the House Intelligence Committee said they found no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. D…

  15. RT @ChristieC733: Seriously, this is the Democrats solution to #BorderSecurity

  16. RT @BuckSexton: Weird that an ISIS- supporting kid who brought a homemade bomb into his school to cause massive loss of life isn’t getting…

  17. RT @WhoWolfe: It just so happened that Ellen Degeneres showed up at anti-gun rally surrounded by 6 armed bodyguards & cops. Liberals are su…

  18. RT @RealJamesWoods: There is a two-fold value to utilizing trained retired military for school security. Many veterans could use the work,…

  19. RT @SharonLesley11:

  20. RT @daxtonbrown: Or you could start a business and get rich on your own. No one is stopping you. But that would require getting off your fa…

  21. RT @RealJamesWoods: An organization that funded your campaign sells dismembered unborn children. You’re a tsunami of hypocrisy. Stop talkin…

  22. RT @RobertA99554088: @NancyPelosi Dreamer Kills American 2 year old toddler #BuildTheWall #StopDaca #DreamACT 'Grossly impaired' illegal im…



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