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Posts posted by KayBeeRN

  1. Do the right thing and hand over the victory to Gary???? REALLY?? I am the biggest Gary fan, he is an amazing soul, who I thought truly found a love for each person in the house. By far my favorite person.......... in the house, but by no means does that translate to deserving to win. Jillian played a great game, she won competitions, and Emmett did not hand her those comps, she won them. She did not ride Emmets coat tails, at least no more than he rode hers. They were both safe for weeks because they were able to basically control the HOH. When Emmett wanted Peter to stay Jillian got her way and Peter left, when Emmett wanted Andrew gone he got his way. Peter and Alex voted they way they did because they hate Jillian, they are bitter and making fools of themselves. Peter is ridiculous, the guy is blinded by self importance. He says he was the best player but yet says Jillian is an idiot for getting rid of him. WHAT??? The only way she would be an idiot is if he was no threat at all and a waste of an HOH. BUt yet he keeps telling us that he controlled the game, so I guess he decided to self evict with all that control??? The guy will drown in his bitterness. Jillian did not make the mistake with the key, Topaz did. She couldn't follow the instructions and she cost Gary the game. How come nobody came to Emmett's defense when he was DQ'd for not following instructions? To say that if Jillian had any integrity she would hand the money over to Gary is absurd. When someone from another team makes a mistake we don't all go awwwwww we'll give you the win, we take advantage and claim victory, it happens all the time! Gary will come out of this even better! He is a star with a huge heart. Having lost in the manner in which he did with the class he showed he will be even more loved by everyone and great things will happen for him! Sorry for the rant........

    Brookteag. Rant away if what you say makes sense. You are so very right!!! Thanks

  2. Congratulations to Jillian, she owes a lot of the win to Topaz…twice!

    First for believing Jillian and giving up an important challenge to her, in a game notorious for broken promises and lies, (and then go on to blame Jillian for it), and secondly, just for being the bitter and catty queen of drama she is. lmfao!

    Hope Peter enjoyed the justice…the poetic justice that is. Bitter and remaining deluded of his own self-importance to the end. Glad he didn’t disappoint!

    Alec of the shield…and the only one to throw up your sign when he came in…too bad his ploy to lead Gary to a tear jerking speech didn’t sway enough votes. Looks like its back to the books for him. Study harder, muuuuch harder.

    A.J, bro wannabe till then end. He was convinced that you didn’t need to win competitions to win BBC, as it is more important to have strategy and a good social game. Well then, how did that plan work for ya. Oh yeah, that’s right, first place…..in the jury house, leading the pack of the “bros” he admired so much!

    And Talla, what can be said of Talla. Little fireball did everything she said she was gonna do, and did it Talla style…I did love it!

    Andrew was the only one besides Emmett who asked a question that seemed actually relevant to their own vote, annnnnnnnnd, he did it with class. It was unexpected, but I was impressed!

    Emmett, loved the passion and conviction from him. But more so than anything, that he also kept Jillian’s back in the jury, even through he was licking his own wounds at the time. True, tough, and the equal winner on my score sheet!

    Thankfully, Emmett and Jillian had a three way alliance that neither of them knew existed with Topaz. Thankfully, Topaz was caught sleeping again, and didn’t know about it either! lol

    Drummergirl. Your post rocks. Accurate, to the point and stated fairly. My thought's exactly.

  3. I have been a Big Brother fan since session 6. I always watch the live feeds and feel that I know this game fairly well. I tuned into Big Brother Canada just to see what the differences and similarities would be. I really have been enjoying most of the season until now. How can production bring back someone who has been in the jury house for two weeks. This is so ridiculous and completely ruins and destroys the entire Big Brother concept. You have a house guest who is back after spending two weeks with angry bitter jury members and is given free range to lie and deceive the remaining house guests as to who the jury will vote for. I can't believe that Canada production saw no problem with this theme. The whole idea of Big Brother is that someone is voted out each week and goes home or later in the game goes to the jury house. Having twists and surprises can be fun but Canada please take it easy. Too much, too soon, too often gets tired and annoying real fast. It looks as though Gary will stay and Andrew will be voted out this week. I don't blame Andrew for being angry and becoming emotional. I am angry and annoyed for him. I am not sure I am going to continue watching Big Brother Canada and many of my friends feel the same way. This is not the Big Brother we know and love.

  4. Danielle does not strategize on her own. All her decisions and game play have been encouraged and motivated by others mainly men. She has not had one original thought. Her two big moves were both directed at (interestingly enough) other women who were more attractive and received attention from the male houseguests. Any pretty houseguest frustrated her since she craves all the attention. That is why she is so comfortable with Jenn since she poses no threat to her.



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