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Posts posted by Cyninbend

  1. Is it just more or was the crowd booing when Frank found his clovers in the rainbow veto competition? So why does production want so desperately for him to win?

    Booger's buddy in production, Don Wollman, had to switch from "mentoring" Booger to "mentoring" Frank. (With apologies, why does it sound so Penn State to me?) Booger or Don choose him from the start and Don had the fix in on the reset day, to help Boog... Now it's just to help Frank directly. Since it's not illegal to cheat in "entertainment" show comps etc., I think they just tired of trying to keep it secret from the feeds. So it's all out--maybe less fish now? Please? Lotsa boycotts of CBS.com because of constant fish blocking feeds (I haven't voted in an America's Coice this year, and big websites are pushing to try to get them to stop. I am so sick of fish exploding with that canned theme music in the middle of the night too....aaarrrggghhhhh).

    Anyway, I don't think they care if we hate someone...in fact, they love that stupid "villain" theme and actively try to help those we dislike. Remember Maggie? Did anyone besides a few young girls like Jessie? Yuk! Boogie was despised S 7, esp after his disgusting rant on Jani, wanting her hurt, killed...he nevewr apologized until he won the money.... It's BB's M.O. and smart little Ian has been trying to be their villain all reason. He says it openly. But BB has picked Frank to win....we don't matter?

  2. Gotta give him credit for winning when he needs it! I just hope Dan makes it through!

    Funny how that always seems to happen...? Just once, someday, wouldn't it be fun if somebody didn't win the comp and flip the ;power? The formula is getting stale.

  3. That is what Dan is trying to make happen but Britney seems to be messing up the plan. It is hard to tell for sure but it appears she wants Dan be evicted.

    While Brit seems to agree, the plan to evict Dan is coming from BB production. Saturday night, in the BR, Ian told Brit they are "pressuring" him... Later, talking in bed, he spelled out lots of talking points to Shane, and when Brit came in, and Ian started to "fill her in", feeds went promptly to fishes...

    They are scripting the newbies game! When feeds returned, to Jenn/Joe in BY, they were both exclaiming how, if they got to play in the POV Saturday, and win it (I know LOL), they'd be "snapping that box shut", not using the veto... No word at all given to the idea of demanding something in return for use of the veto, 2 players who cannot win anything so far, who could never make it to final 2 unless they hitch a ride with a successful player, throwing away a veto and letting a past winner walk right out the door, without a thought given to using him to get ahead, or using the non-use of the veto to get ahead....snap snap! The box closes!

    I say the DR has been very busy, brainwashing these newbies into closing off any idea of playing the game. To ensure Dan goes, Frank stays safe next week, the Quack Pack Alliance completely under Frank's control, before POV is even played. Brit is a great manipulator, but this is more work than she could do in one day.

    Brittney is an idiot. They need the numbers to get rid of Frank.

    If she doesn't I hope she follow Dan next.

    That's what production wants, and she already knew it when Ian told her.

  4. I wish Dan would tell Frank about all that Ian has done, and that Brit participated.... And I wish Dan would actually play for the veto instead of throwing it... And I wish he had said a single word to help Jani when Brit, Dani and then Booger were lying up a storm, trashing her good reputation in the game. I keep wishing for a sign that all the hype through the years was deserved and that he is a great player..in his season, I never saw what the hype was about, I admit it..... He was not my favorite player.

    But so far, beyond usually being a nice guy who can persude people to buy into things they may otherwise not, he just isn't living up to his rep. He's hiding behind other players...letting Dani and Shane and even Ian do all the work. It would be funny to see Frank and Boog watch the feeds of Dan laying around, saying little or nothing for days on end, as plans were hatched, nominations and votes determined... And now Ian says BB production, via the DR, is "pressuring" him to let Dan go...If Dan fails to win the pov Saturday,, Ian is not to use the veto ball from Pandora's Box, and is to refuse to save Dan "again!"

    Although Ian speaks of "saving" Dan in the plural, he only has the example of when Frank spoke to him--when Frank, then HOH, was considering backdooring Dan, and Ian urged against it. And he conveniently forgets that Dan took the heat for him all week with Frank and Booger, and Dan still has not told Frank of Ian's long and active participation in their Quackpack alliance.

    Talking to Shane, in bed Saturday night/Sunday morning, Ian went over the long list of things the DR has told him about why he has to make Dan "stop relying on Ian to resue him." Ian actually recited the points the DR had made to him! Whilt I don't think Dan has contributed much to the game this season, I do NOT think Ian is the one who saved Dan. What blinders! One thing Dan did do was to take all the heat for Ian's tattling on Boog and Frank, their talk of who to nominate, send home, etc...all week...after he had sworn on his wife. Ian owes Dan, big time, for that!

    With production actively throwing Dan under the bus, it appears he has laid a bit too low this season! I think production is horrified they lost their Booger and Ashley, and are doing anything and everything they can to save Frank...again. Blatant manipulation. They want a newbie to win (and want Dan and Brit to go per Ian). I hate people throwing comps, but if they aren't going to let them get away with it, BB should tell them, not wait to throw them under the bus now!



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