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Posts posted by DerangedBanana

  1. I have been getting crap from people for being so angry about his "joke". Is Spencer a pedophile? I have no idea. What I do know is he made a statement to the effect that he likes to masturbate watching child porn and especially likes 3 & 4 year olds and even likes it better if you can tell they are in a basement. It is supposed to be funny because he used McCrae's microphone to make people think it was him. It was Spencer's brain that came out with that crap. Was it a "joke" that Spencer told the HG that he let's female hobo's ride on his train for free if they give him sex??? Does anyone else wonder how old those so called hobo's are? Is it a 15 year old runaway? Is it a 13 year old runaway?? Is it a 50 year old abused woman hiding from her abuser? Exploitation is exploitation. He is disgusting any way you put it.

    I have worked with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and One Missing Link for over 15 years. I have sat with families while they wait to learn if their child will be found alive or dead, dismembered, raped, molested etc. I have held them and cried with them when they got the news. I have lived this life in my own family. If I heard someone comment about getting off on child porn I would report them. I could never live with myself if a pedophile stayed free because I thought a statement was "a joke".


    Amen! Spencer is absolute scum. I am shocked and appalled by the number of people sticking up for him.

  2. Have you ever watched GM eat. It is disgusting to watch her. She eats like a pig and she eats & eats & eats. All these girls except for Elissa & Helen have gained at least 10 pounds or more, LOL

    I never thought I'd see the day when someone could beat that fat pig spencer at a frozen yogurt eating competiton.

  3. This cast is just sooooooooooo disgusting. It is amazing how they got such a group like minded people together.

    1:50 AM BBT: Judd tells GinaMarie that Helen and Elissa are sleeping in GM’s old bed (the one she likes to sleep in because Nick slept there). She is pissed and upset that she won’t ever get her bed back. She goes around being upset about his for a while. She says that it is her and Nick’s bed and she is going to stay in it until she leaves. She’s pissed at Andy for not saving her bed. She goes back out and tells Judd and Spencer that Andy is a “fudgepacker” and so he can’t sleep with other guys. She says if he wasn’t gay, that wouldn’t be a problem. Then she goes off on Candice and calls her a f**king c**t and says she is tired of her crab-infested a**. She storms off to the HoH room to go to bed.

    I am sorry I ever tried to give GM the benefit of the doubt or cut her any slack. She is, as I originally suspected, a vile human being.

  4. I am tired of Aayrn being CBS's scapegoat while Spencer and Amanda both get off scott-free. Both are a thousand times worse than Aaryn or GM could ever hope to be. Whether it was a joke or not, what kind of sick pig finds child rape funny? And If you ask me, he got way too much joy out of making up the the awful little details. A basement in Minnesota?! This vile pig makes ED and Mike Boogie look like Mother Theresa.

  5. Elissa (along with EVERYONE ELSE) in the house has been paranoid about the MVP and they just can't figure it out. Almost everyone has pointed the finger at everyone.

    Oops, I guess I should probably specify exactly what happened that I was disgusted by, lol. In a conversation between Elissa and Helen about how Kaitlin might be the MVP, Elissa said that Kaitlin had told her and Amanda that she had gotten an abortion right before the show, and expressed how immoral she thinks abortion is. I thought outing Kaitlin like that on the feeds was a crappy thing to do, and I think she did it to get votes away from Kaitlin in the future case Kaitlin was indeed the MVP.



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