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Status Updates posted by xwooooozeex

  1. If you organize in the Bronx, reach out and connect. The BOC is an oasis at the edge of the movement. https://t.co/MWH1XP6hAc

  2. Hillary Clinton: The Anti-Woman ‘Feminist’ https://t.co/y8gQ4gRAaH

  3. Look away. Nothing's happening. https://t.co/2unjF0KHZJ

  4. with a model like this, is there any wonder at the disappointment at version 2.0? https://t.co/rEDhhQuXxU

  5. Millennials - Bridge Street cares enough to understand that student debt can drive a person to drink. We are... https://t.co/adBcYVHD2z

  6. The sister who owned this store passed away today leaving two young sons behind, in our care. Stop by, have a... https://t.co/i7UNJY1NzB

  7. https://t.co/gVZTh7GSJN

  8. How block associations work to make NYC a city of neighbors https://t.co/GgZIwhr3Hk

  9. Yours truly will teaching this class! All you need to know is how to knit and pearl :) first session this... https://t.co/m2crbQ9oqP

  10. #Blackgirlmagic https://t.co/HAKykaFVMf

  11. Let's keep reaching for and seeing each other https://t.co/zpShPZrTxn

  12. What kind of former "community organizer" has no respect for people power?!

  13. Affordable housing, not shelters! Bedstuy residents want their neighbors to move back into the hood into homes... https://t.co/SiUNJUKPAD

  14. I can't picture in what bizarro jimmy carter might have needed to cut ties with Habitat for Humanities had he... https://t.co/SPNKTfmzZR

  15. Check it: homeless folks need housing not "safe haven" drop on centers with beds or shelters with wacky curfews... https://t.co/9zXllLr3jn

  16. People to whom the land belongs ate being arrested for trying to protect it. Wtf https://t.co/sQ5RilgYas

  17. RIP Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and many others...though you are now zombies, we will remember you as you were. #jillstein2016

  18. My girl Lucretia John just gifted me with veggies and fruit fresh from the farm!

  19. https://t.co/l3Hcmx3RI0

  20. #blackgirlmagic https://t.co/JhB1fklUVb

  21. Lawsuit Finds Millions Of Uncounted Bernie Sanders Ballots https://t.co/XcEoX4EJoh

  22. https://t.co/Y543rXSNX1

  23. Let's not keep repeating these patterns. No more warmongers in the white house! https://t.co/W4ZMjXoKap

  24. To say from the start you will capitulate to power is an act of violence toward the next generation. What if... https://t.co/njQg9d4HXL

  25. Scarsdale Strings Music, Dance, Arts Program https://t.co/6W0r04p4Nu



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