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Posts posted by scooterdog

  1. Hmmm. Last week it seemed Adam was getting a whole lot of loving on this board. What a difference a week makes.

    Nevertheless, Porsche needs to take advantage of this. She needs to win the final HOH and send Rachel to the JH. Rachel will be mad with Adam because he tried to blackmail them and she will campaign against him. I believe her campaigning would be a whole lot more effective than his. In addition, Porshe could give the following half a million speech.

    "Rachel, you are a great competitor, one of the greatest in big brother history, I really enjoyed competing against you this summer. However, because you are such a great competitor, there is no way I could win if you made it to the end. Therefore I have to evict you."

    It makes no difference whether porsche believes what she is saying or not. All she has to do is tell rachel she is the greatest and Rachel will be forever grateful. Porsche will automatically have R/B/D/K votes. Makes no difference what the rest does. But I think she could get all 7 votes that way.

    Adam has always been playing for second place...well since he started playing after his hero left.

    Doesn't the last HG get sent elsewhere & not to the jury house? That would mean there'd be no campaigning against either of the final 2. Wouldn't that also leave the final evicted HG in the dark as to who the jury is voting for?



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