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Posts posted by joec88

  1. I'm not sure 1) if the ring is real if Amanda could actually keep it even if Elissa did double cross her and 2) once Amanda proves she really did vote for her (maybe even after the finale) Amanda would have to give it back since Elissa kept her part of the agreement. I'm also not discounting that the ring might be real but it isn't Elissa's ring but one supplied to her by production to use knowing full well they will get it back.

  2. elissa should have nominated mccrae and amanda and worked to rid the house of one of them. she did not and so now is all for ginamarie doing what she didn't do. she didn't do it because she had the mean-on for aaryn and wanted her gone at all cost. amanda appears to me to be a major nutjob but elissa can be pretty minor nutjobby herself at times. personal vendettas serve no purpose on big brother except to get a person evicted because of lost focus. elissa knows better. I hate it when she whines. amanda is rapidly approaching sad-I-might-need-some-help-here-folks status.

    Wasn't Elissa planning on backdooring Amanda until Amanda won the POV?

  3. Does the Conspiracy Theory that Season 15 is set up for Amanda to win Big Brother hold any truth?

    While I don't think the show is 100% rigged I do think this season is heavily favored in Amanda's direction. It just seems to be too big of a coincidence that after winning nothing all season she won the POV to save McCrae. And I'll be shocked if either Amanda or McCrae do not win the HOH this coming week. Because anyone else winning that might nominate Amanda and McCrae might actually mean one of them would leave and I don't think they want that right now. Especially Amanda.



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