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Posts posted by pami

  1. My question to you is who is the more deserving pair? Porscha and Kahlia? Until this week those two haven't done a thing for themselves. Porscha coasted the entire season and Dani ran Kahlia until she (Dani) was evicted. Adam and Shelly? More coasting...in my opinion. Rachel is the ONLY PLAYER that has fought the entire house against incredible odds. She's like a cat with nine lives and SHE saved Jordan, not CBS.

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  2. In my tiny little opinion, Shelly would have been better off remaining with Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and Adam. Did I get that right? Sometimes, I get confused. Changing alliances in such a sweeping move, mid-stream; was stupid and has not benefited her in any way. Shelly could have worked quietly with Rachel and Adam to best Jeff and Jordan and go to F3 with Rachel and Adam. Hindsight is 20-20 but I felt the same before the fact of her not doing what I thought that she should do. It was really, really stupid of Shelly to all of a sudden be BFF with Daniele and her buds. Daniele: "I love you, Shelly," as she is evicted. Right. Sure you do, Daniele. animated_rotfl.gif

    She loved Shelly because she turned on her friend, that was a feather in Dani's hat. Just like Dani telling Adam, "my daddy hates you"...so immature. None of the cast are perfect but I enjoy the show and look forward to it each summer.

  3. Big Brother, it is what it is..entertainment at different levels. If we don't like what is happening we have the right to switch it off. Most normal people however do not take telling someone how much they love and repsect them in one breathe and deceiving and lying to them in the next. I personally do not associate with people like that and would hope Jordan doesn't once she is done with this season. Hate it love it I am pulling for Rachel to take the prize after all that has happened!! Have a great Sunday everyone!

  4. all I can think to say at the moment is..unless Shelly goes home instead of the jury house she will at least get time to bond and build on her new love for Dani and maybe even give Dani the same camojacket she first gave Jordan..love BB! and the game play with drama is what makes us all watch it! IMO! All I can think to say when Shelly walks in the house is Jeff looking at her and saying "AWKWARD".

  5. No I agree, Shelly is not a devil. She is just a non contributing player. She is miserable and wants everyone else to be. The comment Adam made about her being no good at anything really has been eating at her. She doesn't like her Tony and Josie and people from where she lives thinking she is a loser. As for those girls D/K/P being mean girls, lol..my chihuahua is meaner than they are. Those 3 are clueless, pretty much, IMO! I really wish Cassi had the chance to play the game, but fencesitter, I mean Shelly got to stay instead.

  6. So you have never been apart of an emotional argument with a friend or family member or pleaded to someone emotionally? I highly doubt that. Shelly was telling Jordan that she felt bad about doing it but it is a game and she made the play that best suited her, that was the entire premise of her interaction with Jordan. Again, people see what they want to see to hide the truth, sad.

    Omg dedeisafan. Why such hatred for people you will never have in your real life? CBS loves to get ratings and that is all this show is about. Rachel is not the devil, even though she is red-headed. =)

  7. Shelly will not win, unless Jordan takes her to the final 2. Would it not be a real twist if these 2 have this planned since they supposedly intended to be BFF's after the show. Shelly wants to cajunize Jordan, or so she said. Shelly kept preaching to her she wanted to go to the final 2 with her. In BB one never knows the real truth of what goes on behind closed doors.

    Oh, please...it has nothing to do with the game and every thing to do with her nasty, viscous attitude. She has obsessively hated on Rachel. She has taken Rachel's personal belongings and threatened to destroy them (Rachel's little doggy) while she herself would have crapped her pants if Rachel had stolen the dog Josie gave her. She has made totally inappropriate comments about Rachel, Jordon, Brendon, Jeff...maybe you haven't been watching the live feeds or BBAD. It has nothing to do with being fans of Jeff, Jordon or anyone else for that matter and every thing to do with Shelly thinking she is better than the others while doing things 10x worse than ANYTHING anyone else has done. Sounds like you're the one with issues. Get over it, it's a game.

    I love BBAD! how about you 2KrazyBBB?

  8. It's ok for Jeff to have his army of sheep who he could pick and choose to go to the end with, act like the big dog in the house, have Jordan get a free ride to the end while doing nothing, yet if Shelly makes a play to stop it from happening she is this horrible person? Jeff did the same thing in 11. He got his army of sheep and they didn't want to ruffle his feathers, as much as I didn't like Russell he was dead on about that. It's a game, Jeff will realize that and if shelly makes it to the final two you will look back at this play and say she made the correct play, how couldn't you if she did make it that far? The houseguests will see that as well and will vote her to win. Jordan got in Russell's face in 11, and said you are just mad because you got played, and are going to the jury house. Jeff told him, hey man it's just a game and you got got. Well, the same qualifies here. If Jordan didn't like it and wanted to play these childish school girl games then she shouldn't have came back in the BB house. A phone call and confinement for 24 hours isn't worth a 500,000. The fans making it so personal are crude and 10X worse than anything Shelly actually did in a tv game show for crying out loud. All that happened here was a sheep who went against the herder. Just because America feels Jejo was entitled to win it all because they are cute and get great edits doesn't make it so. Shelly didn't come in there to be a mom, or help guide those two to the final, she came there to win.

    If Shelly intends to win the 500k maybe she needs to win a Veto or HOH , instead of jumping side to side, do you not agree??? Maybe if she had her mind on the game and not seeing how often she can smoke cig after cig she might do a little better. I could care less if Jordan wins, btw.

  9. Have to disagree with Jeff in house if Dani stayed. She had him next on the list for her to take out. Had her "crew" won Jeff would have been gone instead of Dani.

    What I didn't understand was Dani saying that they were writing the check for Jeff & Jordan; was she just ticked off because they weren't writing the check for Dani?

    I have no idea at this point whose name will be on the big check. Dani did a good job of turning Shelly. I don't expect to see her name (Shelly Moore) on the check either though, regardless of how big a game change she thinks she made.

    Also, I found hate pages on Facebook already bearing Shelly and Porches name and pictures. Unreal how much we like BB in America. =)

  10. I understand that Shelly thought it was a great game move, but she really didn't think it through. She is further away from prize now than she was before. What I dislike about Shelly is how she handled herself with Jordan. Jordan was not yelling at Shelly. Shelly, a 41 year old woman who just got her way, got in Jordan's face and started screaming at her. Perhaps it's an intimadation tactic that she uses at work, but completely uncalled for last night. For that she gets an F+ in my book.

    totally agree with you on this SueNRob! =0)

  11. Dani played the best game with the weakest alliance, that was her downfall. Had Jeff kept his word with Dani he would still be at the house with Jordan. With all that said, it still bothers me immensely that Shelly was so concerned that all her kids teachers, parents, her kids friends would see what a chain smoker she is, yet she is ok with flipping (backstabbing) on the one person she claimed she loved and wanted a true, long lasting, real friendship with after the conclusion of the game. I watch BB After Dark on Showtime every night. I found it interesting last night that Shelly wouldn't even acknowledge or look Jordans way. Talk about awkward..lol I have a feeling the finale will be the best part of the season. Old saying is what goes around comes around.

  12. Shame on you Shelly! You are such a sad excuse for a player and person in general. I have been in your corner until this week. I guess in time all snakes come out of the grass and expose themselves. Jordan gave you her call home so you could speak to your child and this is how you repay her. I thought you had class but in truth you are totally classless. Keep chain smoking, it's so unattractive just like the mean, vile person that is inside you. You ride everyones coat tails. Do you do that at your day job too???



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