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Posts posted by Jenn

  1. I have no idea why anyone would want Jordan to win a sum of 1 million dollars from this show, when there are 3 people in the house who have no idea what it feels like to sit in the f2 and win that money. I can only imagine the anger I would feel if I were one of them, and had to sit, and watch Jordan win after many weeks of playing harder than she. You guys would see me go OFF on finale night if that happened.

    And I will feel that anger if Porsche or Adam win. Porsche did NOT do anything ALL summer long. She sat there and ate the whole time and slept. She has no clue what talking game is and is only playing Daniele's game. Adam on the other hand is too much of a fanboy and coasted back and forth between people in power. They did NOT have a target on their backs the whole time like Jordan and Rachel did. Adam and Porsche do not deserve that money at ALL. I will be disgusted if one of them win.

    Who cares if Jordan won once? She played the best social game. Not one person in that house dislikes her, which is totally to her advantage. If she got to the final two she would deserve to win.

  2. I was really hoping that Jordan would have made it to the final two. I think she would have won, depending on a couple of the jury members. I do not think that Dani would vote for her, nor would Porsche, Adam, or Brendon. I think she would have Jeff, Kalia, Shelly, and Rachel though if it came to it. Who knows.

    I wish that Jordan would fight. She has some good things that she could say to Porsche to try to convince her to keep her. For instance, she could tell Porsche that she has a better chance to get to the final two with Jordan over Rachel. If Rachel won the last HoH she'd probably take Adam with her. Jordan could try saying that the jury would never give her the money twice, and that the newbies would all vote for Porsche to win. Jordan could even step up and say that Porsche clearly won more competitions than Jordan, but Rachel won a good amount too.

    Jordan is my favorite female Big Brother player. Obviously she's no huge physical threat or anything, but I do not think that Jordan is a dumb game player. She had a target on her back from the moment that she stepped in the house with Jeff. She played a great social game. A part of why Jordan got so far is because everyone LOVES her. She knows how to win people over and befriend them and honestly guilt-trip them about sending her home. Porsche coasted through the entire game until the end. Even Jeff said that it was day 53 or something and she never talked ONE bit of game with him. She sat pretty the whole entire time. Through that, people were gunning for Jeff/Jordan and Rach/Brendon. How can Porsche say she had a good strategy when she literally just sat around? Talking no game is not a strategy at all, it's actually pathetic. At least Jordan dicsussed the game with others and attemped to form deals/alliances.

    Porsche never had to worry about anyone sending her packing until she woke up near the end. Same with Adam. I still don't think he's a "great" competitor, a lot of it is luck.

    And I am still tired of the, "Oh - Jordan had the HoH handed to her" bit. Jeff and Brendon both said that Jordan was clearly the best at the golf game. Before the competition they wanted to have her go third to last because they wanted to make sure she beat everyone else just in case they had to try to pull something out of their behinds. Instead, she scored the best so the two of them just let it go. If Jordan was supposedly the best and both of them said it, obviously they didn't think that they could score higher.

    I will be SO disappointed if the final two is Porsche/Adam. In that case, I'd pick Adam to win.

    Still crossing my fingers that there is some way Jord will stay. Love to see her comeback like BB11.

  3. I do not like this woman at all. At first I thought she was sweet, constantly talking about her husband and daughter - but she is just a witch and a liar. Her daughter said that she hoped her mom stuck with Jeff and Jordan and stopped lying - well, she's going to be a very disappointed little girl. Shelly had a good thing with Jeff and Jordan. Sure, they would take one another over her in the final two, but they wanted to take her to the final three. Who knows what Kalia and Porsche will do? They want the final two to be them and not to involve Shelly. If there came a time where someone needed to go on the block, they'd throw her under the bus in a heartbeat. She flipped sides so easily and they know that they can never trust someone like her again. What Shelly did to Jordan was way more than just a game move, it seemed very personal. Jordan gave up the phone call so she could talk to her daughter, and that truly is how Shelly repays her. Jeff was HoH and Shelly just sat pretty and did nothing the whole time. The only thing she is good at is butt-kissing and trying to get on the HoH's good side.

    She is a poor gamer in so many ways. She lies way too much, she can't cover her own tracks, and she can't win anything for crap.

    Shelly set herself up to be one of the most hated players ever.



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