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Posts posted by Napper

  1. lvgal said none of what you just said here, the ignorance part came from when I said simpley if Jeff did make all the statements he is accused of then he did it out of stupidity or ignorance, in the yr 20011 who is not aware of homsexuality?? if ppl are against it and try to spout the bible or ignorant opinions because they are clueless and just spouting, then to me that is ignorance, and then stupid to spout it out in a public forum, you took that and went balistic on lv gal, when what she said is soooo true, but you twisted it around to not even close to what she was saying then called her dumb,OMG, to each his own Napper, ppl can live in the dark ages and think what they want about homosexuality, but I think it is better to try to bring them out of the dark ages so they can see that it is not wrong, that gays have the right to get married and have all the same things the rest of the free world have, how you arrived at what you did is beyond me, I mean it is your opinion, but never can you just call someone here DUMB even if yout hink so, AND at no time did anyone question what your thoughts on the subject were or accuse you of anything, except being WRONG for calling lvgal DUMB

    I have not edited any of my posts since I was here yesterday. Care to quote me on what you are accusing me of?

    Let me give you a few examples:

    You (you as in certain posters) have put words in my mouth, called me ignorant, said I called someone dumb when I said it was the "dumbest post", accused me of baiting when I have only been making statements that well, you simply don't like. Really? Are any of you adults?

    napper, noone said any of what you just said, AND napper you cannot call anyone here dumb, I am surprised someone did not report you, it just is not allowed at Mortys, you did the wrong thing and you should say sorry to lvgal, this is the Jordan thread, so how this got started in here I dont know, oh yeah, it was Neb, just sayin Napper, Mortys is not a place you can call ppl names no matter what you think, noone said a darn thing about the statements you made up there in your post

    Still scratching my head on where I called people names. And no one said anything about my posts? Let me scratch a little harder....

    I just thought it was so wrong to call you dumb,lol it frankly po'd me,lol but yeah we been around long enough to know a bait when we see one, thats for sure.

    So yes, accused of baiting.

    Actually, here is what was said.....

    Dumbest post I've seen on these boards. I really feel sorry for this person.

    If YOU think you are highly evolved & educated & still believe that there are ppl "below you", I will stand behind my belief that you are ignorant.

    Putting words into my mouth.

    I'm sorry, I don't remember saying anyone was below me. Could you find that quote for me please?

    All is well.......been around long enough to understand baiting.....but it takes 2 and as much as I love a debate, Napper just wanted to bait.......so sad.

    Accused of baiting again.

    That being said the person I feel sorriest for is Napper. Ignorace is bliss...

    Here, I was called ignorant. So yep....looks like everything I said was true about the accusations, name calling and putting words in my mouth.

  2. Being gay is a HORMONAL INBALANCE...not a choice, and I truly feel that gays would be the FIRST to say they would never try to urge someone to be gay. That being said the person I feel sorriest for is Napper. Ignorace is bliss...let Napper stay happy while the rest of us absorb the jabs at Jordon and continue to appreciate her innocence and faith in humanity. She and Jeff will probably travel a well rounded path through life as they balance each other so well. He's book smart, she's life smart...a GR8 combination, IMHO!

    So sorry that Ivgal was attacked and even happier to see that so many have come to her defense.

    We all have a different opinion of what was said, meant, happened or didn't...but NONE of us (IMHO)would trade places with ANYONE who is now or has ever been in the BB house I'm sure.

    Where have I ever stated I am for/against gays? I have not made a statement either way, in fact...I pointed out both sides. And I am the ignorant one?

    You (you as in certain posters) have put words in my mouth, called me ignorant, said I called someone dumb when I said it was the "dumbest post", accused me of baiting when I have only been making statements that well, you simply don't like. Really? Are any of you adults?

    The FACT is, not everyone believes like you. Not everyone likes gays (or fat people, or alcoholics, or Jordan, or Jeff, etc). This does not make them a bad or uneducated or ignorant person. They believe a certain way because of life experiences and that, honey, is just how it is. Its not about minority/majority. Its about the freedom to believe in the things you believe are right for you. Just because its right for someone else does not mean its right for you.

    I am not defending Jeff because I like and/or agree/disagree with him. I have stated previously that I do not care for him anymore after seeing his ego in the Jury House. All I am saying is that calling someone ignorant because they don't think like you do is ridiculous. And for the record, I wasn't talking book smarts either.

    If someone doesn't think a gay person can teach children, showing them statistics or reports, or trying to make them no longer "ignorant" (as you put it) isn't going to change their mind.

    Ivgal, please don't PM me and tell me everythings ok if you are going to continue to flame me here on these boards.

  3. No, actually its your personal belief that if others believe differently than you do, they must be ignorant. Yet you try to make your personal belief to come off as fact.

    A person believing a gay person shouldn't teach children makes them no more ignorant than you preaching how people who don't think like you are ignorant.

    If a person thinks gays aren't capable of teaching children (or whatever scenario you want to put in here), it is a personal belief and has nothing to do with their intelligence or education level. Are some children dumber because they believe in Santa Claus? Are some of our Scientists ignorant (as you put it) because they believe in life on other planets and some people don't?

    Fact is, a persons personal belief has NOTHING to do with their intelligence level. Osama Bin Laden was as against our belief's as he could be, but his planning of his attacks proved he was a pretty smart cookie. He was not ignorant just because he didn't believe the way we do. He brought this economy down to its knees, so yes....he won. Not a dumb man.

    If you REALLY want the proof that your ways are flawed then just look at it like this.....

    Person A (a business owner) hates gays and you want to educate him to make him "educated".

    Person A believes his way of believing is right and tries to make you understand how vile and nasty gays are.

    How would you feel if person A did that? Now you know how they feel when you do that.

    Its like a form of hypocrisy. You are trying to do to others what you don't want done to you lol.

    Saying people who dont believe the same things you do are ignorant, shows a LOT about your need for some education yourself.

  4. For what it's worth because no one seems to want to "LISTEN", just ASSume and attack J/J and the fact that the last several posts are attacking JEFF although this is Jordan's thread......

    I would like to acknowledge fatcat for bringing in some common sense.

    Get a grip, people......obviously intolerance of ANYONE is based on ignorance, and ignorance is sometimes just based on never being exposed to something or someone you don't understand.

    White ppl were ignorant about accepting black skinned ppl. until they got to KNOW them, live next door, go to school, etc.......Straight ppl. have been ignorant of gay ppl. for the same reasons, they couldn't identify them as easily, no different color of skin, but most straight ppl. thought they were SO different, UNTIL they started to learn that they WERE their next door neighbors, teachers, PTA members, etc.....look at the facts, folks, when more gay ppl. "came out" and more ppl. became informed about who they were....... WOW, they knew they are just like us, ignorance was overcome and more ppl. became pro-gay, less ppl. became anti-gay.

    There will ALWAYS be prejudice because there will always be IGNORANCE.......but I think if we all realize educating the ignorant is the only way to resolve it, we could ALL reach out & help.

    Feel sorry for those who aren't educated enough to be tolerant.

    And, to bring it back to Jordan, I doubt she has an intolerant bone in her body....shows me, she's highly intelligent.

    Dumbest post I've seen on these boards. I really feel sorry for this person.

  5. Why must everyone be expected to accept those who prefer the same sex?

    Why must everyone be expected to not accept those who prefer the same sex?

    One is no more right or wrong than the other.

    Get over yourselves.

    Someone believes a certain way and makes a comment about it. Big freakin deal. It doesn't make them a bad person.

    "I dont like gays and I think they shouldn't teach children"

    "Im gay and believe I should have the same rights as those who aren't"

    "I dont like gays and I think they should not adopt"

    "Im gay and I can be a better parent than a male/female couple"

    WHO CARES? Just because of a person BELIEF'S doesn't make them mean, bad, arrogant, etc.

    Show me a crime someone has done and we'll talk. Hurting your feelings isn't a crime.

  6. Adam didn't throw any competitions. It is painfully obvious that he just sucks. Get his worthless ass out of there.

    Actually he did throw comps. He was smart enough to throw the comps when he wasnt a target so that it wouldn't put a target on his back. He swapped sides back and forth when he needed to in order to further himself in the game.

    Pretty smart player IMO. Definitely deserving of a F2 2nd place win or possible even a win.

  7. I looooove Jordan in the game, but as a person and not a gamer. Sure, she won a HOH and came close on others. I think she tried once the comp got there but didn't really put any forethought into it. She was very blah all season except for her incident with Shelley. I never seen very much mental strategizing and she all but admitted (numerous) times that she didnt want to be there anyway. I cannot STAND Dani, but I would have rather seen Dani win over Jordan this season.

    I would have liked to seen a Jor/Rach F3 with Rach winning but I will take Adam/Rach just the same. Its really quite stomach turning that all the J/J lovers keep trying to shove them down our throats....like we should like them too. Most of us DO like J/J but that doesn't mean we think they should win.

  8. I agree. I like Jordan but she is just.....blah.

    I think Rach/Adam have played the best game this season. People say Adam didnt play but he did exactly what he needed to do to get this far. Swapping sides every week worked for him. He didnt sleep/eat through the summer. He played a mental game and the physical part came when he needed it most. He talked to everyone in the house, not waiting tilll day 49 like someone else.

    Rachael, well she is just in a league of her own.

  9. I really want Rach/Adam or Rach/Jord in F2 but its not likely for either. Remember when Janelle fought tooth and nail to the end and was evicted F3. It was a disappointing end to a great season of BB. A total let down. I don't even remember who won that season. Sadly, I see Rach going home before F2 because she is such a threat. Lets hope the Grodmother is hearing us and throws Rach a bone.

  10. You may be right then. There very well may be 3 votes afterall. I sure hope they vote out Shelly. Adam may win a comp but I'd rather be sitting beside him at F2 than Shelly. Some of the jury just may wake up and see that Shelly has played the best game of all so far. I can't stand her, but gotta give credit where its due. She has lied, stealed, cheated, back stabbed.....whatever it took to further her in the game. And quite frankly, thats what BB is about.

  11. number one because Shelly came to play the game, made deals with all sides of the house and even after the rest of the idiot HG's figured it out they still did not vote her out and I don't see that she's any worse than Will (both seasons), Boogie (for treating Erika the way he did); Howie (for his relentless verbal beating up of April, including wishing ill on her dog); whichever HG's (can't remember) who acted gleeful that Brittany's house burned down and called it "karma"...)

    (sorry, cant get the quote button to work on my end)

    Yes I agree that Shelly has done no diff than what others in the past have done, however its not like she is the only one of them getting a backlash. All those people were "hated" by the masses as well, in their time.

    When I started watching this season, Shelly was my favorite to win. I hated J/J (I didnt see their other season). But as time went on, J/J grew on me and I really come to enjoy what Jeff brought to the show. As my interest grew for him, it waned for Shelly. Then, finding out she did un-necessary mean things like the stuffed dog bit....well that has nothing to do with game play and just turned me against her.

    I like Jordan but I do not believe she deserves to win this game. I'm not saying she doesn't play the game, but she clearly does not play it to the level that others do. Shelly has played a far better game than Jordan, even if it bit her in the butt (thats the risk you take).

    My guess is that at the end, Rachael and Porche or Kalia and Jordan will be sitting in the 2 chairs. Shelly did play a bold game, and it worked for her for a while....but as with most, it catches up to you at some point.

  12. I dont think bringing up the phone call was "expecting anything in return". Its only reminding the person that you were kind to them and that you are in disbelief that they would stab you in such a way. There were no expectations there. Just because you feel betrayed or let down does not mean you were "expecting" anything.

    On the flip side, I don't think Jordan should win this. Yes she's the "Sweetheart" but thats not what wins you the game. Shelly made a bold move, but she is at least playing this game. Still hoping for Rach to win though.

  13. Posted Yesterday, 04:52 PM

    I loved the interview but I just don't get some guys....Either he loves her or he don't, either he wants to spend the rest of his life with her or he don't....Why not just pop the question and marry her. It's not as if he's cheating on her or ever would, geesh!

    You don't have to answer this but have you ever been divorced? Because you are of the mindset that the 51% of Americans are who end up in divorce. Its do or die. Its all or nothing. He does or he doesn't. Your words couldn't be farther from the truth. Love takes time for some, wanting to spend your life with someone takes time for some. You don't just "know" these things when you meet someone. If you did, there would be no reason to "date". Also, there is no time line on this kind of thing. Some people (very few) know it in weeks, others take months, or even years. And then some are never able to find it within the person at all.I really don't "get" your mentality. It is severely flawed and unreasonable. Quite frankly, its J/J's business and not ours. Having a signed piece of paper doesn't make them any more or less of a couple. It doesn't suddenly make their feelings more or less magical. The only thing it does is legalize their relationship.

  14. Shelly has played a good game, but I don't want her to win. Why? Others may not agree with my reasoning but we've seen Shellys big, fine house on tv. We know she owns a business. She doesn't "need" the money. Now, if she were the only person to have "played" the game, thats diff but others have played well too and could use the money more.

    If Shelly treats Jordan like this to get money, how does she treat her customers at her business? I wonder if she lies to them as well (to get money, since thats what businesses do). I use to like Shelly and I understand lying is part of the game. She made a smart move in evicting Jeff but to carry on with Jordan like she has just shows a whole other side of her.

    I don't know what her business is, but I would absolutely never buy from it if I did know. Crooked.

  15. Something about this guy just makes me love him to death. He was/is one of my favorite players. I can't stand all the sappiness between he and Rachael either, but come on......who wouldnt want a tall, handsome man like him doting over them like he does Rachael. He genuinely loves her. Its a crazy kind of love.....and its refreshing to see that kind of sentiment on tv. Brendan will go far in his life, I have no doubt. He will become a great doctor. I will really miss him in the game.

    And I understand why Brenchal was upset about not having J/J's vote. NO ONE knows hwo the votes go until they fall. Anyone else could have changed their mind at the last minute. IF Adam had voted to evict Shelley at the last minute, or to spice up the game.....then J/J would have felt like tards. He only needed one vote to stay. They should have tried to keep him.

  16. There are things I don't like about Bren BUT, I wouldnt mind seeing him win this. As sappy as he is.....he shows Rachael a LOT of love and he seems sincere. Given her ways, she has probably never been loved like that before. With him wanting to be a doctor, Im glad to see those genuinely caring traits in him. It speaks volumes to me. Yes, he is dorky at times but I bet he will make a great doctor.



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