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Posts posted by Meth

  1. I think they are going to do the All-Stars deal, where a bunch/mix show up, we have one night to vote, that first 24hrs we will choose the cast. I think there is a lot of potential in that. However, if they mix newbs with vets, I hope they somehow make it so a line is not drawn in the sand. It happened in 13, and was just awful, besides a few memorable moments, the rest was terrible. In 14, the vets were decimated, and Dan made it to the end, but he would have been if not for the coach deal where he couldn't go no where. I think if it will be mixed, there needs to be a level playing feel something, that just does not make the new players look like tools. In S14, besides Ian for game play and Frank for comps, the rest was also tools. It is like when there is others with knowledge of the game, in the house everyone plays a step behind. It hurts the free flow of the game, also the game play is also effected. I mean s13 like 4 NEWBS sold their souls to the vets in week one and were their little moles.

    3 OPTIONS, I would like to see, either all vets, all news or a mix, but with some level equality. I am not sure what or how, but a rumor going around was creating pairs. Doing so, and putting a NEWB with a vet, could make them have to work together, instead of there being a line down the middle with vets on one side and new players on the other.

    I am really getting anxious. Also anyone think it is time for if you win HOH, you still get to play in the next HOH? This sitting out stuff, needs to end and when people get the house against them or run out of allies, and pull off an HOH they are dead in the water next week.

    We also need the BB Canada punishments for breaking rules, mainly if there is a singer in the house. But that kind of stopped after the Kahlia terrible summer. I would also like a penalty room or box. Sort of like have/Have not but you can be locked down for 24hrs alone, for breaking a rule, maybe it is a power someone wins and can use it against another player. I think a bigger emphasis on food so it impacts the game besides slop, back to winning the food for the week, as well as winning special food or dinners. Also change the POV. If a person wins veto and decides to use it, the person who uses should get good or bad consequences for doing so. The HOH puts there neck on the line nominating, and can be screwed and has been by powers or veto winners, Time to change it up. Maybe even if you win and use veto, you cant play in the next veto. There are holes in some of this ideas. Just throwing out whats coming to me.

    Also how about like double eviction. We get ONE or two weeks double HOH, like they did in All-stars with James/Janelle. I think they did it last season but Aaryn/Jerremy had to pick who would be HOH. Also a week without veto, but it gets sprung like double eviction, after noms. Finally, I was thinking and I know not many would like this, but how about unlocking a veto (With an additional Power like Allison in BBCA), where if you have it and use it on someone on the black. The automatic replacement will be the HOH. Oh one more, I thought the survivor idle where you could play it after the votes were read, could be interesting in BB, after votes are revealed, you can use this veto, Come off the block name a replacement and revote. Could make for some interesting leverage, especially if you are being told you are staying.

    I know these ideas are not great, but they could add more entertainment value to the show, maybe with a few tweaks etc. It is just time to mix a few things up. Because some seasons like last, you need to make the players make moves or react. Helen last season convinced the house it was almost like a rule that you had to vote with the house, and go with who the house wanted out. It was awful. That needs to be stopped.

  2. I am just a fan of Big Brother and who they put in the house they put in. Besides the game play, I understand as well as a lot of others understand, they need to derive a TELEVISION SHOW, out of 90 days, of mostly drivel, fights over food, sleeping, popularity and every other prepubescent nonsense there is.

    I only have TWO things are far as who is in the house. You either go all vets/returning players (Even if from another reality show) or all NEW cast. I just don't think its fair to mix, because there is an upper hand/experience factor for those who return. But also I think, if they returned first week evictees, it would not much matter, if you mixed them with newbies. The Diary room is apart of the game that is used to put up road blocks, cater to more popular players and also another obstacles. They may skew it one way, and there are multiple instances. However, it is another part of the game. Much like every competition, slop, sleeping arrangement. Finally for this thought, Grodners job is to develop an entertaining show, it is why some of the same players return or make an appearance. However, only TWO players have played THREE times Janelle & Boogie. Also some had not been back in 2-5 years, besides Rachelle and Jesse playing back to back. These people are entertaining, and re-casting them is good for ratings. If they can pull off the win then great,

    Back to casting. Season 8, was all NEW players, we got a lot of great players, as well as a super-players in Evel Dick. Then Season 9, also all new players, and is the season everyone (from a production standpoint) would like to forget, not to mention just terrible, brainless game-play. Season 10 & 11, while not amazing, held their own, with Dan probably one of the top FIVE players ever coming out of 10. Then 11, while very entertaining, had a lot of just straight-up, dumb players, who could not get out of the rain. Then Season 12 was all new, was the most boring season, ever watching paint dry was more entertaining, even Rachel in that season, made my ears ache. Season 13 not awful, but not even close to good. The only good were the vets, those newbies, including producing the worst BB player ever Adam Poche. Season 14, I thought was great. But giving the coaches TWO lives, completely unfair. However, Ian made that whole twist irrelevant, by getting the win, and Dan had two lives, so who is to say if he gets to the finals, without the FREE PASS.. Season 15 all new, and they should have just put groundhogs in the house. No one had a brain to do anything on their own. The worst game play of any season, and could they have put any bigger lugs in the house?

  3. Everyone wants NEW CAST, and last year we got an entire new cast and it was one of the worst seasons next to season 9. So I hope we just get returning players with a mix of new players like season 13 which was good besides the golden key. And 14 which was great, but having the coaches sucked, much like the golden key. Bring NEW/OLD players in on the same level. Mixing the cast, elicits instant game play. Everyone is paranoid from the word go and starts making moves, trying to form alliances and get the upper-hand. It just think make it so their is not a line drawn in the sand with NEW on one side and Returning on the it. We need layered game play with multiple altering elements causing players to adjust and/or alter their game play, instead of sitting back and waiting for the game to come to them.

  4. Best Houseguest: Dr. Will S:2/7, Evel Dick S:8/13, Dan G S:10/14 and James Rhine S:6/7

    Best Game move: Ian backstabbing Boogie S:14, Dustin Blindside S:8, Jeff nominates Jesse S:11

    Stupidest game move: Jenn using POV on Dan: S:14 or Danielle using POV on Dan (He votes out Shane): S:14

    Best season twist: Project DNA S:5

    Best House Design Alice in Wonderland: S:8

    Worst Houseguest: Adam: S:13 or Rachel: S:12

    Best Alliance: The Renegades S:10 / Chilltown S:7

    Best Showmance: Jeff/Jordan (Lovey-Dovey Wise) S:11/13 or Bendon/Rachel(Competitor Wise) S:12/13

    Cry Baby: WhAmber S:8 or Kahlia S:13

    Sorry about more then one each category lol, guess I couldnt narrow it down. Good fun!!

  5. Did they do the Pandora's Box Before Nominations? Because if Frank knew Ian had his power before hand he should have just put him up knowing that he would come down regardless. The way he has it set up now, the QP still has a chance of controlling the vote with 4 votes.

    Or could Ian not be nominated?

    They did PB before Noms. I dont think Ian could be nominated, but I also believe he only can use it when they do the Veto ceremony. So it is not like he has a veto for an extended period of time.

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out why Frank would take a not being able to compete for 2 weeks for HOH? I don't understand why Frank would take that deal in the POV?

    That's very dangerous. I'll wait to see what he says and what the circumstance was.

    I couldn;t understand this either. If when we see the PB tonight he got a power, and just made up the cash story. Then this was the dumbest move he could have made. Two weeks no HOH pretty much sitting duck.

  6. I feel like I am taking crazy pills reading this thread. The whole house has lied to the guy because they cant come at him straight up. They have tried everything, he has played and honest and hard game. And been saddled with a huge target in Boogie, which made no one want to work with them. Ohh accept Dan who wants to be Dr. Will soo badd.

    Being nominated 4-5 times, winning 3HOHS and 4VETOS? Even if you hate Frank you should respect how competitive and savy he has been. I was not a huge fan of his in the start, and really was hating him when Jani went out over him. But even Janelle knew he was the strongest player she has seen in sometime. But he has been scumbagged by everyone, I hope as Dan is walking out the door, he tells him I am the only new resident of ChillTown.

  7. First I am a Janelle fan but this season, I think what happened is being a coach and needing to protect her four lackluster players. who just could not help themselves to save their lives. Got Jani into a ton of tight spots, which has made her look bad. Plus she won two coaches comps. So, when the coaches were released, she probably was the biggest target of the the coaches when they were released, Brit and Dan only had one player each and were hammered in the coaching round and Boogie has done just about nothing, besides look out for Frank, even more so then himself. Yeah so, I am not surprised Janelle will be going home this week, she has not played her game, well because it was not her game for the first three weeks.

    However, moving to the thread topic. Danielle for me has replaced two season of an annoying Rachel Reily. Plus at least Rachel told you right to your face. This girl is so sneaky and behind you back, I would not trust her as far as you can throw her. Dan is such a little weasel to. Why not just be upfront with Janelle, so she doesnt have to be this huge fool looking for votes?

    She is by far the biggest train-wreck on the inside we have ever seen, in the past 5-6 season. She has completely created a FORCEDMANCE! This poor dude Shane is looking for someone to rescue him, he gets trapped with her for hrs at night, and her insane chatter. Then Shane has created a monster, she is going to wonder where the hell is her ass ickng after her HOH is over. She has literally made up more lies in three days then I thought was humanly possible. Additionally, and not defending Janelle she really has not said anything behind this girls back. WHat is Dan-lusional coming up with this stuff? And now tonight says, she is so pissed because now, Jani is flirting with Shane just to get back at her. Playing bad-mitten is flirting?

    Tonight, I mean takes the cake she has told the same story 6 times. Also putting the spin on it saying Janelle said she refused to work with Boogie during the coaches meeting. Jani said that she talked to Boogie a few days ago and they talked about working together, which is true. This girl wants attention so much and the thing is she is getting it. And with there only being 3 girls left will continue to get it. Ohh also there is a 7 person alliance. I never got the entire house alliances. I mean they last twoweeks. Is anyone else tired of the continued final six deals?

    Back to the NEW Mrs Shane, what is the deal with the accent? She lays it on thick at times, then talks soft and seductive to Shane at times. Actually, she never has it often. The Dan/Danielle stuff is borderline creepy sorta of like a relaxed 50 shades of grey with being told every move to make. Also, Dan is like a nerdy kid who has been invited to sit at the cool kids table and can be ChillTown 2.0, that is all he cares about, because for the coaches losing a coach is bad news, and Dan made it happen. Bye Bye a winning coach.

    Lastly, anyone get how easily this girl says she is willing to die for Dan, rit and Shane/ She met them a month ago. Is she in that much need just to have friends that tell her she is wonderful and looks good and is not fat? Also now she has started trashing Ashley saying she has tried to OD and takes too many Advil. And notices how she is trying to get close to Shane. Last night she was telling Brit to get Shane to come up to the HOH, because she has missed him all day.

    Dal-lusionelle you have taken the BB14 award for most annoying/psychotic HG.

  8. Really glade Britany is back, the whole dumb/nice routine is actually her game. She is a very savy smart player, who is actually not intimdated at all. Her downfall is her loyalty, she seems to form it quick and stick to those she clicks with in the first few weeks. She needs to play smart and not trust so blindly.

    I think she was a good as anyone as a mentor, she made it to pretty much to the end of her season, besides the three bafoons who actually played little to no game, but were just smart with their voting. If she would have listened to Reagan they would have probably been in the final two or her and one of the trigade.

    She made really smart picks, but man I think Dan chose his team with a blindfold on. He is getting hammered and may be on the brink of by-ville as soon as next week.

  9. Hey,

    Guess my other topic got deleted. Thall shall not speak of D@N Well anyone got the app that goes along with Superpass for Android or iPod?

    I have my LiveFeeds but cant figure out where to watch on my smart phone. I tried via the browser but just kept trying to load etc. Also is it an added fee ontop of the SuperPass Fees for watching it? I thought they said this year it would be free?

    Was there a Dick@Nite episode tonight for anyone who subscribes?

  10. There is a lot of complaining about HouseGuest returning. But wasn't last year and all-stars the only time HG returned? Besides hosting comps etc? So some have only played twice. And no one has played three times? Did Dr.Will play more then twice? I mean correct me if I am wrong.

    I dont get the distain for returning House-Guest especially ones who either made it to the end or jury, or had a great game and was just sent packing for one simple mistake.

    Rachelle playing 2yrs in a row I can see an issue with as well as Brendon. That was out of hand. Because at least some dont play back2back and either grow up, get older and correct the mistakes they made the first time around. As I have said no issue with returning HG. But no more then once. So a total of twice. If you cant win the game the second time, give it up.

    As Casper stated another show would be awesome with some of the much better players. Or maybe every year select a panel of Six past players who made it at least to jury and at intervals within the season have a round-table where they discuss what players maybe doing right and/or doing wrong. I would really love that. It would give a different persepctive. Also they may still have fireworks with the past guest as they disagree on the panel.

    Just a thought. If what I am hearing is true, this season makes little to know sense as far as mentors go. I mean if you did all the work and got into the house, then were told you must listen to X because they played before, wouldn't you just say Naaa I think I'll be better on my own. Maybe give them a choice whether to utilize the mentor or not. The new players may even say screw you mentor and sabotage a team/individual while working with someone else in the house. I dont know just trying to make it sound interesting I guess Lol.

  11. I think Rachel is an easy person for people to hate. If you have a loud laugh and a loud voice with an inability to use an inside voice, most fans almost from the word go are going to dislike you. Add in a natural tendency to cry when you are upset about something, and more fans are going to dislike you, add in what seems like a superficial, ultra "girly" persona whose into makeup, sprinkles, sequins etc, and even more will dislike you, add in an element of "trashy" and those who were still in your corner walked out the door. Rachel unfortunately has all of that going for her.

    But Rachel is much more than that. True Rachel fans, love how open and vulnerable she is. There is no subterfuge with her, what you see is pretty much what you get. You see her every emotion, she is a terrible liar, and she puts her heart into everything she does (whether that is a smart idea or not). When the chips are down, she pulls through. On the skills of life, she somehow has "lame BB contests" as one of her defining skills. She has overcome incredible odds many times on both her seasons, and thus she makes a perfect "love to hate, and hate to love" house guest.

    I am glad she got to come back for a second season, she got to redeem herself, against many of her critics from the first season. But it is time for her to move on.

    On a psychological level, no person should go through the BB experience 3 years running. The intense stress, and pressure cooker environment demands a lot from house guests emotionally. We all like to poke at the house guests and hate on or love on the people that we love, and we ALL find some people annoying, but the fact of the matter is most if not all of the house guests have talked about how stressful and emotionally draining the experience is, to be stripped of all the comforts of home, the support of your friends and family, and the ability to have any degree of privacy. Then you add the added element of having to live with people whom either don't like you or out right hate you, and are determined to make your stay in the house utterly miserable, deprived of sleep (people complain about the lights in the BB house / people walking behind the walls preventing sleep/never mind the house guests whichs snore), food to eat (I am a bigger girl, I wouldn't survive more than 2 minutes on slop without wanting to kill someone) ... and then you are finally released from that, and walk out into the real world, where you get to read all the mean and nasty things people said about you.

    Think for a minute about cyber-bullying and the effect that has on a lot of people. Think about what feeling hated by people and reading mean stuff about yourself on the internet would do to you. Think about how, if you acted in a way outside your normal character in the house you would feel embarrassed, and how those things might make it hard for you to get a job (as you no doubt lost your old job to take 3 months off to be on BB), and you start to understand why the BB experience while it has many positive aspects has quite a lot of negative drawbacks/consequences.

    And I just don't think it would be healthy for anyone to go through that. Not a third time.

    This is one of the best analysis I have read on the subject. Including the characterization of Rachel. Just percise all the way around.

  12. There was 16 players in season 9, So I guess that means there will be 17 this season. Also, I either seen it on a commercial or read it in the rumor mill, I am sorry I really can not remember but they said there will be an eviction on the first show. So we will go in with 16. Which then there will probably be 2-double evictions. If they made them something besides fast-fowards it could be interesting.

    As for the surprises not sure on any of that have to think and get back to the question.

  13. Another BB yr upon us. Glade to be back at by far the best BB coverage site on the net.

    There are so many changes that could be made. But they need to put the HG in situations where they interact with one another more often. For the first few weeks little groups revert to their corners of the House and sit and wait. And too many hold-ups in the HOH room. ENOUGH!! Play on DAY 1. And They did annouce there will be an eviction on the first show. So it is probably still 13, but one person we will not get to know Lol.

    As always great to be back, I dont post much but will change that this yr. And no return guest..But I mean if Daniele is coming back thats a different story.

  14. Whenever I use Flashback and pop it on a certan date/time after a minute or so, it jumps to a random time and date. Then I start it again via another camera angle and it goes a bit further but does the same thing. I know this is not tech support for SuperPass but I want to see if it is me, or the feeds.

    Thanks in advance.

    Also there are a ton of WBRB this yr more then any other time I can remember.



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