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Posts posted by muffuns

  1. Apparently I don't get it.  What makes you think (and not picking on you personally) the people in the audience were boo'ing anything but Christine for how Christine presented herself on national TV on BB???  What else do the Feed/TV/BBAD audience have to go on but the words and actions of Christine in the BB house (unless you  know her personally but I guess even the Tuscon paper is not selling record copies on this one)???


    Why is it NOT ok to boo Christine on eviction night, but ok for people in the BB house and every forum to "crush" her (new word I learned on BB this season) and every other HG (or support them)! 


    Why was it OK for Christine herself, on the show, to say vile things (repetedly) about other hg's, behave like a tramp, tell everyone how she made her hubby lick his dog all over and his tongue was coated with hair (while they were dating..and he still married her) and she thinks it's funny cos he did it, tell people her Pastor's wife "waxes" her nether regions (to each "religion" it's own...still trying to understand Victorias, let alone Christiine's), and expect everyone to love her on eviction night, or feel sorry for her, and NOT boo her!!!


    When you behave like a (fill in the blank) expect to be treated like one...and LEARN SOMETHING!!!!

    I agree, I must be mean because I didn't feel bad for her one bit. I quite enjoyed it, she was a very hateful mean person, she got glee out of other peoples misery, she made up unnecessary lies, like Donny being a pervert, and things a superfan should know better... I guarantee if she was there and someone else got booed she would have been her usual ugly cackling self. This was the only show in this boring season I was happy with, I watched her eviction five times, and loved it even more with every viewing. Call me mean or what ever, but I have never treated people the way Christine has, and if I was in that house I know I wouldn't either, because that is not who I am.. The other houseguests didn't crap talk unless she was around, she was the leader of the constant bashing. I will not leave out her blatant pawing of Cody every chance she got, and knew it would bother her husband, she seems like the type that takes what she wants no matter who she hurts. Maybe she needed a wake up call to show her what a horrible person she is, and will work on her behavior. Maybe miss Christian was put in there by God to teach her a lesson...

  2. At this point, Caleb is more of a threat than Devin because he has Amber. Couples/teams are always more dangerous. Devin is alone and as long as no one feeds him information he can't use it against them. Can he put them up for eviction if he wins HOH, sure, but they each run that risk weekly with anyone else as HOH?

    He doesn't have Amber, only in his mind.. He forces himself into her life, she wants nothing to do with him.. There is no showmance or anything, it's all in him mind.. She already told him more than once she's not interested, but he refuses to see it.. She is a nice girl, and when she is being friendly or cordial it is taken the wrong way....

  3. She has the potential to be a comp beast, but she is too nice to be a backstabber.. Caleb is so detrimental to her game, telling everyone they are in a showmance.... He wants to be her savior, but will turn on her if he feels slighted.. I've never seen anyone so crazy in love with someone who want nothing to do with them.... I've been on other sites where they were blaming her, saying she is leading him on, some of this coming from other women.... She already told him she's not interested, but he takes it to mean she loves me... He really should have tried out for the bachelor, I think sometimes, he thinks he is on the bachelor... I just hope she ups her game, because she is a very, nice sweet girl who is good at comps.. Caleb is even worst than, Ginamarie, and Danielle M....



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