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Posts posted by Maetera

  1. 1. Austin will be creepy and/or obviously try to promote himself for some future job. Yuck!

    2. I rank this season pretty low. Most of the houseguests were incredibly boring, stupid and clueless about actually playing the game. Yawn!

    3. I'd like all newbies; real people who actually want to play the game. Less scripting and manipulation by the producers. More than anything... I wish they would actually have a season of "Expect the unexpected" - real changes in the order and types of comps, etc. i get so tired of the houseguests knowing exactly what is coming up and when it will be happening... and then feigning surprise on the live show when there is a 'double eviction', etc.

    Oh, I guess the qualifies more as a suggestion but I wish Julie would not give the number of votes for each nominee at eviction so people would start voting individually instead of the mostly predictable en masse votes and/or give America a vote. It would be interesting to not know who is going to be evicted each week :)

  2. If Vanessa takes Steve to the finals then Vanessa would have voted out both Aistin and Liz over Steve and she will automatically give Steve 3 votes because the Austwins will not vote for Vanessa because would think she betrayed the Austin's Angels alliance. She will know jmac will

    vote for Steve so that is 4 votes for Steve she knows she can't get so keeping Liz atleast gives her a fighting chance to win.

    We have seen Steve cry knowing he can't beat Vanessa in F2 so if he wins (and Steve doesn't get manipulated by Vanessa) then evicting Vanessa would give him a good shot at wimning be he can say he took out the one person nobody else could....Vanessa.

    Good points! Speaking of Liz... Did anyone else catch how she was holding her playing cards? Upside-down. They're all idiots.


  3. I could not agree with you more, joystiick.   


    I don't understand how people can talk about Vanessa's lack of a good social game.  By social game do they mean the ability to make close friends in the house? Other than the showmances, no one else have pledged to be lifelong friends with anyone this season.  And even if they did, can we believe it?  This happens all the time in the BB house, but after a few years, most BB friendships and showmances tend to die.


    Aren't you playing a good social game if you can convince others to do your bidding?  Vanessa does not hold a gun over anyone's head. She convinces people that it is in their best interest to do certain things.  They must have been in agreement because they did what she suggested.  Does anyone in the house love her like a sister? I don't know, but is all the hugging and crying fake? Or does Shelli and the twins really like Vanessa? Can anyone say for sure?


    Is Vanessa really disliked more than Steve?  He doesn't seem to have made a lot of friends this season.  Other than Austin, Liz hasn't made a lot of friends, either. Are their social games really better than Vanessa's?   Vanessa has been able to convince the HG's to keep her safe.  She has only been on the block twice, while Liz has been there 3 times and Steve 4. Vanessa leads Steve and Liz in competition wins. And neither could hold a candle to Vanessa's power of persuasion when it comes to determining who goes up and who goes out. This game's winner, in my estimation, should not be determined by how many friends one has made in the house.


    The winner should be determined by how well one played the game. This means to me:

    1- how well one was able to avoid nomination

    2- how well one was able to win competitions

    3- how well one was able to convince or persuade others to vote the way one wants  


    Because the main object of this game is to win. And in order to do so, one must do whatever it takes to stay in the house while following the rules. The last two remaining in the house should be judged on how well they met the above criteria. The one that did all three the BEST deserves to win, IMO.   It is a bitter juror who ignores the above and chooses not to vote for someone simply because that person pissed them off in some way. Unfortunately, that is common in this game.  But that does not make it right.

    I could not have said it better! I agree completely. I'm endlessly baffled by folks (both houseguests and viewers) who lose sight of why the houseguests are all there... It's to win the game, not make friends. After all these years, we all know there is lying and manipulation; it's nice to have alliances but one can't lose sight of the objective and that is to win!

  4. I know things at Morty's die down near the end of every BB season, but I don't think I have ever seen it this dead at this point in the season.

    This is the first season I've watched where I was so disinterested in the outcome. I can handle unlikable characters but this final group is both unlikable AND boring.

    This cast also seems to be the most incredibly stupid group of people ever! I mean, who on earth would leave an obvious 3-person alliance (Liz, Julia and Austin) in the game?! Liz should have been the first, not the last, of the trio to evict... that way you would be breaking up two 2-person alliances, plus, early on Julia hated Austin. ::shrug:: ::rolling eyes:: ::shaking my head::

  5. snarkie, no disrespect intended, but  I have to stick up for James. Sure, he wanted to avenge Jason, but he also wanted to take out a big target. He said this many times. And since Clelli was one of the biggest targets in the house, he thought that he could kill two birds with one stone.  When Clay was evicted, Shelli was out for blood.  James had to choose to evict Shelli over Vanessa because Shelli had already let him know that she was coming for him.   His plan to get Shelli out was not so much for vengeance, but for self- preservation.

    I have to agree with linda60639. Overall I think James played a gutsy game, made some decisive moves (in a sea of wimps) and also managed to be entertaining and likable.

    I'm fine with Johnny Mac winning it but my pick for AFP is James. My biggest fear is that Jmac and James will split the votes and allow one of the losers to get it. I've always suspected that the producers manipulate the AFP vote so it will be who they perceive is deserving; It's wrong but it may not be such a bad thing. I've been able to vote 20 times on two different days; but not at all today :( but ::shrug::

  6. I want Vanessa to win because she played the best game.

    I think Liz will win because I fear both Vanessa and Steve will take her to Final Two and I believe both would lose to Liz.

    If Final Two is Vanessa and Steve, I'm not sure this jury is capable of voting on game skill rather than emotions.... So it's a toss up.

  7. I'm not sure why Vanessa or Steve would take Liz. After all, Liz already has 2 guaranteed votes and Julia and Austin would have had time to sway other votes. Like her or not, Vanessa deserves the win due to her masterful control over pretty much the entire game... of course it didn't hurt Vanessa's game that most of the houseguests were total idiots.

    If the format of the final competition is guessing what jurors said, I think Vanessa would be more intuitive and would win over Steve. I think she should take Steve to final two so she can sell the jurors on her gameplay over Steve. If she takes Liz, that would be a mistake because it could be argued that Liz played a good game (when she wasn't in bed with Austin... Ewwwwwww!) Sadly my primary reason for disliking Liz is how much I detest Austin! (Creepy and full of himself)

    P.S. I wish none of these three had to win, for a variety of reasons, but it is what it is. I was hoping James would win.

  8. I'm not a Vanessa fan but at this point she's the only one left actually playing the game... Well, James too. I liked Johnny Mac until he threw the comp. For that, he set himself up to be evicted. You *never* throw a comp unless you're in a position of power - he wasn't. Meg and Steve are both pretty worthless and James is outnumbered. Unfortunately, that leaves Vanessa and the three idiots...and they have the numbers. The only hope might be whoever comes back in but it may be too late.

    As an aside... I've never understood why Liz was not a major target once Julia entered the game. That would have broken up two pairs (Liz and Julia, Liz and Austin) and what has turned out to be a power trio now. They're idiots but numbers count.... Especially since Vanessa controls all three. Austin is the biggest moron because he doesn't recognize that if he and the twins are the final three, they'll say "buh-bye Austin". This season has had me shaking my head more than any other. Go James!



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