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James 2005

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Posts posted by James 2005

  1. I have to know the answer of why he gave away the final vote.

    It was either blind fear of Maggie (judging from his senseless blubbering to Julie, I think this is it,) blind fear of James dominating the game after they got to final 5 (still does not explain why he would give away the final vote, since two are in the finals,) or he's completely retarded, and despite knowing so much about the game did not realize he was forfeiting almost all hope of his team actually winning money at the end.

  2. It is nice to see a well thought out argument complete with supporting numbers to emphasize what many already know - that there are going to be a lot of upset Eric fans on Thursday night!

    It will be nice to finally be able to say goodbye to Crappy once and for all, and let him and his obnoxious behavior fade into a distant memory.

    It's good to have an unbiased opinion, thanks 'crappysucks'.

  3. It doesn't say the maxium number of votes you can submit online .. I will vote as often as I can, because I want Kaysar to come back .. I just wish they'd post this information .. so we know whether it counts all the votes that I submit, or just the first one ..

    You can vote even without selecting one of the people... so it's obvious the script they use is smart enough to tell when your IP already voted. They just don't have an error page for the errors.

  4. I am new to this board but a longtime fan and feedwatcher of bb. 

    Anyway, I too have started to wonder about janelle and ivette possibly being secretly aligned... I mean, why DO they despise each other so much? could be a coverup

    They despise each other because on day one, James told Ivette that Janelle wanted her out of the house.



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