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Posts posted by micool

  1. Wow Boogie beats Janelle again. If they get Janelle out they are doing boogies dirty work. Talk about eating your cake and eating too.

    If they keep Frank in there do they REALLY think Booige or Frank as HOH will put up Joe, Ashley, or Wil? Wil is in Franks backpocket ..ashley is worthless as is Joe. This deal only makes Boogie and Frank have an alliance with almost the WHOLE HOUSE.

    I was waiting for Dan to pretend make the deal with Boogie and go to danielle and do the opposite. Then when they vote out Frank , Dan will say I tried man I was down Danielle wasn't. Boogie and Frank will put up Shane and Dan in a HEARTBEAT. Who is their biggest threat if Janelle is gone? Shane and Dan not Ashley and Joe. Give me a break. Janelle being in the house is good because it will still have the feud with Boogie and Janelle. You take out Janelle you are taking out a huge target in the game that would be a shield for Dan (I'm pulling for Dan to win if you couldn't tell) I feel it is just going to be a huge mistake. There is a reason Dr. Will held on to Janelle throughout all of Allstars. She is a kickass competitor who will always be nominated and hated on (by the girls in the house)

    Danielle is soo annoying with Janelle. I'm not a huge Janelle fan more of a Season 6 fan but Danielle is really jealous and to me she is really a dumb GAME PLAYER.

    Nah, Frank/Boogie seem very onboard with going final 3 with Dan...they already talked about getting out brit/shane/dani lol

  2. LOL she's gone by the Silent 6

    I don't understand what Janelle was supposed to defend herself over? Boogie wouldn't tell her what he was talking about. I know Dan and Britney are taking it as Janelle not saying anything to defend her "lies" but how can she defend what he isn't telling her? The thing about Boogie hating Danielle? Boogie does hate Danielle, lol. I hope Boogie gets HOH in the next couple of week, backdoors Danielle and she cries all week about how she should never have trusted him over Janelle.

    it was the hesitation over getting out her own players that sealed her fate, great tv

    over the instant she said, "lets get wil next week", or when she hesitated about evicting Joe this week..Dan and Britney know they can't trust her now when she won't sacrifice her own players compared to how Boogie was

  3. I agree with LenRay and Smassadi.

    I would never vote for a winner to repeat win. I just would not. Well, maybe if it was Jordan or Boston Rob; I might. Otherwise, no. I do not believe that America voted for coaches to play, either. It is fine with me at this point; I accepted that it would likely happen and I don't care all that much but I am weary of return houseguests. Give us at least a tiny break from it, please.

    wow jordan one of the worst HG's ever...still don't know why everyone loved them from BB11..jeff and jordan were the worst and america handed them the coup de tat whatever its called

  4. I think Dan is one of the best players to ever play the game but he's not at all memorable because his tactics aren't the least bit flashy like a Dr. Will or Evel Dick. His strategy relies on being a wallflower, never causing any drama, never saying anything bad about anyone, grabbing any bit of info he can from people while giving out as little as possible. He makes people like and trust him by spending equal time with everyone and asking them about things they want to talk about and then showing lots of interest in what they have to say. If he goes into the game, he is the most dangerous player by far, especially allied with Shane, who will do all his dirty work, Danielle, who he has complete loyalty from, and Britney, who will also be very loyal out of necessity.

    great post

    he can cause havoc though (replacement nominee roulette was classic)

    and he set it up so he didn't nominate key members of the jury and he didnt vote them out...he also had loyalty from memphis when he saved him from the block

    btw i used to think dan was the best player ever...but i rewatched some bits on season 7 of dr. will and certain parts...and i think what he did then was perfect

  5. Exactly. Poor Ian was used, brilliantly tho. Brit and Shane didn't want Frank and Boog mad when F got put on the block so Br/S used that particular instance (where Ian hesitated and didn't give a definitive "no" answer about putting Shane up next week) to soften the blow and make F/B think that they (Br/S) were just guaranteeing that F/B wouldn't float back to Janelle's team after the pov ceremony. After all, Ian's hesitation had made them leary of Boog's team so they were totally justified in not fully trusting Boog's team with 3 votes. Lol. Frank/Boog fell for it hook, line and sinker too.

    Janelle outplayed Brit/Shane & Boog/Frank and then Brit/Shane outplayed Boog/Frank too. It was fun to watch. It's been really fun watching them all convince Frank that he's staying when he's not. (unless things have changed in the past couple of hours.)

    i dont like how on the show the portrayed that the Ian situation was the reason behind backdooring frank...when it was clearly janelle

  6. I agree with your perception of Ian's situation, NYROSE. Dan recognizes Ian's potential to serve. On Dan's behalf.

    :golfclap: if the sheep wanna follow just continue to lead them

    but Ian is smarter and is basically playing Dan's game (lay low, stay quiet, come hard at the end)...or he really is that awkward.

  7. Let the coaches enter but not allow them to compete in the next two HOH's and the next two veto comps. Let's see how good their game really is.

    dumb idea

    the best thing i would do is have

    the coaches plus Jodi, Kara, Jojo, and the evicted HG on thursday (Frank or Joe) battle it out for 4spots in the house

    janelle would likely get in, but britney probably wouldnt and the other HGs have a chance to get back in the house just like the coaches...that would be the fairest thing i think they could do with this

  8. Dan's head is not so much in this game. He misses his wife alot. Physically and Emotionally.

    playing it the same...waiting for the rest to take each other out then him and his alliance (which i expect janelle to take the form of keesha and boogie to take the form of memphis)

    hope they make it to the end over these newbs + britney

  9. I'm thinking she may not be such a floater anymore.. after watching her plee with shane last night, it looked like she may have just stepped up.

    all she did was continue to be one of Janelle's pawns in this game....none of them realize that their coach will cast them aside quickly

    these coaches must realize this:

    they wont win against any newbies since most of them will be in the jury

  10. How the heck did Ian's name get thrown under the bus??????

    1) was it Brit/Shane's idea?

    2) why the f would boogie and frank believe that!?!?


    funny how Boogie's team (Frank/Ian/Jenn) are probably the more trustworthy and loyal between the two major teams (Boogie and Jani's)....shane siding with ashley and joe LOL

  11. I read that Dan won't allow her to sleep in the HoH. If Dani had any game she would tell Dan that she is a grown woman and can sleep where she wants. Why are some of these people acting like they have to do what the coach wants? Dani, he's not your Dad! You can tell him thanks for the advice now step off.

    ruining his game

    Dan the gawd realizes what a mess this HOH this week has been and wants to make sure his only player isn't on the wrong side

    poor danielle, too dumb to realize that Janelle's team will oust her and Shane like nothing next week once the coaches come in



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