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Posts posted by 2KrazyBBB

  1. Sounds like it. She does have 5 days to convince them. As much people hate this woman right now you have to at least like her a bit for a TV show like this. She is at least entertaining and can play the villain. It is much more fun when the Yankees are in the world series because they are a villain, better than a nothing like Adam in the house, right? again, at least Shelly is playing the game, you have to give that to her.

    Yeah, ummm...no. Can't stand to even see her or hear her voice now, she's been so vile and nasty to so many. She's made fun of every single person in the house at some point! So...yeah, if you think the hate is bad on this board, please, please, please!! don't read Joker's Updates or Survivor Sucks! My goodness, the hate for Shelly on those two boards is WAY WAY more over the top. (albeit, some of it is funny as hell!) Oh, and they mostly hate Kalia on those boards also! I have to admit, and I'm not skinny by any means, the thread about Kalia eating all the time is both intriguing and hysterical! They have tons of pictures of her eating..even a video of her picking food up off the floor and popping it in her mouth!

    (Thought I would talk some smack about K to ease the blow of another post bashing Shelly! No need to thank me!)

  2. Are you Shelly's mom or husband? I cant imagine anyone else defending her so fervently? NO, I don't think shes the least bit entertaining. It has gotten the point where I cant stand to look at her overly tanned face or hear her smoke harshened voice. Maybe if she was actually playing "the villain" there might be some entertainment value, the one 'you love to hate' but she isnt. She really believes she is the hero of this story; doing everything with a noble heart and true intentions. She is a delusional panderer - just the 'one you hate'.

    And in what world are the Yankees the villains? The world series is better when the Yankees are in it because they dominate the sport!

    LOL I was going to ask the same question when she answered every single post I made yesterday with a snarky personal comment. Fortunately, I had to leave the computer and go attend to RL. I don't really get obsessive about liking anyone, but when someone is as NASTY to people as Shelly has been, I do have to get the comment out of my system and this is the go to place! Thanks for that, Morty!

  3. I couldn't care less who Shelly is allied with. But she has shown herself to be an extreme hypocrite, and an extreme bitch. She's scum. She's a lying, cheating, white-trash dirtbag. That has nothing to do with who she allied with, it has everything to do with her character.

    God help her child. That poor kid has an uphill battle growing up, with that kind of poor role model.

    I have to agree, with a crusty old hag for a mom, no doubt she's going to have issues. I hope her dad is like polar opposite of mom, maybe then the kid will stand a chance!

  4. I suggest you and others should just stop watching this game if you get so offended by this stuff. Saying Shelly isn't satan and she just made a game move means I need to get a grip? Cool. Brining up her daughter just isn't cool, it is just a game stop contradicting yourself and making it more than that.

    LOL She has talked about her daughter nonstop. I would NEVER bring up her child if she didn't make her part of the conversation. Nobody here is being contradictory but you. I think maybe a little projecting may be going on here. Maybe YOU should stop reading the boards if this stuff we say bothers YOU. Just saying...LOL You're actually pretty entertaining though, so I hope you stay!

  5. Rachel is not the meanest of them all by far. She cries when she doesn't win true, and she has been known to lash out when she feels threatened with a catty comment or two, but she doesn't sit around doing NOTHING ELSE but bash other people. She is not mean imo.

    While we're on the subject of mean .. these "mean girls" you are defending are STEALING her dog and hiding it from her. In that house you latch on to the few things you have from home which remind you of home .. and if people take it, it is the height of disrespect.

    Shelly, who cuddles her bear or whatever from her daughter so preciously said she wanted to take Rachel's puppy, cut it's leg off and pain it with nail polish to look like blood.

    But Rachel's the mean one?

    Yeah right...

    Get a reality check!

    Well said. I concur!

  6. She absolutely was not trying to make jordan feel bad, that is not what happened. She was telling her that she felt like crap too and wasn't happy about doing it, that is exactly what happened in that discussion. Jordan was already feeling bad, Shelly didn't try to make her feel worse she was trying to explain why she did it and how it made her feel as well. She wasn't brushing it off or celebrating Jeff being out, she did feel bad. Get a grip, it is just a game. Lied about stealing? Seriously? I hope none of you were Brittney fans last year because if you were then the hypocrisy is really showing in this thread.

    Couldn't stand Brit. Shelly is lying about stealing. YOU think that's okay? LOL I guess we all have our own idea of values. In my house, stealing and lying are not tolerated. My kids would never have to write sentences about it because we actually set an example for them. If I were as concerned as Shelly has SAID she is about how her daughter sees her, I certainly wouldn't be on national TV letting her see me steal toys and talking about cutting it up and leaving pieces laying around for Rachel to find. I agree with ONE thing you said...it's just a game. I think you may need to get a tiny grip yourself. LOL Your comments, however misplaced, are amusing. Keep it up! :)

  7. So you have never been apart of an emotional argument with a friend or family member or pleaded to someone emotionally? I highly doubt that. Shelly was telling Jordan that she felt bad about doing it but it is a game and she made the play that best suited her, that was the entire premise of her interaction with Jordan. Again, people see what they want to see to hide the truth, sad.

    Shelly is an emotional time bomb. I think it IS sad that people see only what they want to see and I also think that's EXACTLY what you're doing, simply based on your description of the interaction between Jordon and Shelly. Shelly was trying to make Jordon feel bad because she was hurt and that was making Shelly feel bad. THAT'S what actually happened. I actually came out of the gate this season wanting to like Shelly based on her initial interview comments. I loved the comment about her and Josie heading straight to St. Judes with the winnings. I spent many long days and nights at St. Judes with my daughter while she battled a brain tumor and I am a life long supporter of the hospital. I want to LOVE anyone who supports that place. However! It has been hard to like Shelly even before she became obsessed with hating Rachel, with her simply superior (unwarranted) attitude! She preached and preached about honesty and lied, lied, lied about stealing. Apparently, she isn't setting a good example for her daughter because she has discussed how she punishes her for lying by making her write sentences. Why not just teach her to be honest?

  8. Exactly it's a game and Jeff got played, get over it. Rachel's tactics I guess are ok because people expect that from her. Rachel has played this game more vile and nasty than anyone in the house the last two years. Hell, Brittney was voted in as America's favorite last year because how much she made fun of Rachel in the DR last year. Brittney was much more awful to Rachel yet people loved it then. However now it is different because Rachel is playing on the golden couple's side so Rachel is all great now too. Please, Rachel plays this game very personally, even tried to throw Jejo under the bus to Dani several times, she is awful to other girls because she is jealous of them and has done this for the last two years. Shelly not liking her, bashing her to other people and hiding a stuffed dog doesn't come close in comparison. Rachel still talks horribly about the people not on her side, but I guess that is ok because she is playing with Jordan, gimme a break.

    I'm not a J/J fan, it has nothing to do with them. I can't stand Shelly just based on the actions of Shelly. She's so rude and crude it's just unbelievable. I find Rachel much less offensive than the chain smoking old hag.

  9. Shelly will not win, unless Jordan takes her to the final 2. Would it not be a real twist if these 2 have this planned since they supposedly intended to be BFF's after the show. Shelly wants to cajunize Jordan, or so she said. Shelly kept preaching to her she wanted to go to the final 2 with her. In BB one never knows the real truth of what goes on behind closed doors.

    That is so true. Jordo did give the jacket back that Shelly gave her though...maybe they are just that sneaky! That would be interesting if it was all game. I'm betting no on that though, just because Jordon can't lie.

  10. It's ok for Jeff to have his army of sheep who he could pick and choose to go to the end with, act like the big dog in the house, have Jordan get a free ride to the end while doing nothing, yet if Shelly makes a play to stop it from happening she is this horrible person? Jeff did the same thing in 11. He got his army of sheep and they didn't want to ruffle his feathers, as much as I didn't like Russell he was dead on about that. It's a game, Jeff will realize that and if shelly makes it to the final two you will look back at this play and say she made the correct play, how couldn't you if she did make it that far? The houseguests will see that as well and will vote her to win. Jordan got in Russell's face in 11, and said you are just mad because you got played, and are going to the jury house. Jeff told him, hey man it's just a game and you got got. Well, the same qualifies here. If Jordan didn't like it and wanted to play these childish school girl games then she shouldn't have came back in the BB house. A phone call and confinement for 24 hours isn't worth a 500,000. The fans making it so personal are crude and 10X worse than anything Shelly actually did in a tv game show for crying out loud. All that happened here was a sheep who went against the herder. Just because America feels Jejo was entitled to win it all because they are cute and get great edits doesn't make it so. Shelly didn't come in there to be a mom, or help guide those two to the final, she came there to win.

    Oh, please...it has nothing to do with the game and every thing to do with her nasty, viscous attitude. She has obsessively hated on Rachel. She has taken Rachel's personal belongings and threatened to destroy them (Rachel's little doggy) while she herself would have crapped her pants if Rachel had stolen the dog Josie gave her. She has made totally inappropriate comments about Rachel, Jordon, Brendon, Jeff...maybe you haven't been watching the live feeds or BBAD. It has nothing to do with being fans of Jeff, Jordon or anyone else for that matter and every thing to do with Shelly thinking she is better than the others while doing things 10x worse than ANYTHING anyone else has done. Sounds like you're the one with issues. Get over it, it's a game.

  11. I think Shelly has a decent chance of winning. The veterans sitting in the JH now are gamers and they will vote for the player that made the best moves. If the game ended today, Shelly would beat A and P and she would get at least 3 votes from the vets. I think she really improved her chances by flipping and helping take out Jeff. She went from absolutely no chance to about a 25 to 1 chance. If every thing falls into place, she could win the money.

    IMO, Kalia is probably at the top of the list of newbies. Since no one wants to hurt Jordan's feelings, she would beat Rachel heads up. Kalia would also beat Rachel.

    Shelly CANNOT win if J/J/R/B are in the jury house. They will hold the majority of the vote and Shelly won't get better than 2nd place. That's not winning...that's the first loser. Probably appropriate for her.

  12. I think you are assuming that they would have gotten to the end as a trio, which is to me really a stretch. Until Jeff and Jordan got wind of Shelly working the other side, I really do think they were committed to her. Even this week, they were saying they would prefer her and Rachel to the final 4. I think if Shelly didn't feel so compelled to make a "big" move, one of JJ would have still left eventually, but whoever of JJ made it to the end with her would have kept her. As it is, I don't think she has much chance of going to final 2 with the other options...I think ultimately she will regret this.

    I don't blame her for playing her own game, but I wish if people were going to lie and backstab then they wouldn't make such a big deal about integrity. That's my beef with her. I think she was kind of nasty, but that's the game. I would have rather her said upfront (like Dick or Dr. Will), "Hey, I'm going to lie or betray or do whatever I need to do, because this is a friggin game."

    Exactly! Also, if you're going to live in a glass house, don't throw stones! She is constantly making references to Rachel's maturity and integrity when she is the thief and lies like a wrinkled up old dog about it! Give the dog back, Shelly! We see you and hear you dumba** Everyone knows you did it!

  13. Shelly is a vile human being. I cannot believe how she keeps saying how bad Rachel is acting over her stealing, lying, backstabbing, more lying, more backstabbing... I've never in 13 seasons of this show seen anyone actually steal and LIE like a dog about it. She actually believes her own lies. It's insane! Why is she being allowed to get away with this? I honestly don't understand.



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