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Posts posted by star_topology

  1. Magnolia is about 45 minutes north of Houston near The Woodlands and Conroe. I am sure Jerry's adult children will care for his wife. That is part of living in this area to make sure where your family will be during a storm.

    We will start evacuation at 6 AM. We live on the border of Texas and Louisiana. I really feel like it will come ashore in LA, but the emergency management of the county wants to make sure there is not another situation like Katrina.

    We had to evacuate 3 years ago with Rita which was a forgotten hurricane because it happened about 2 to 3 weeks after Katrina and it was a much stronger hurricane but not as much flooding as Katrina, but tons of wind damage.

    We evacuated from Rita (the Forgotten Storm indeed) too, as we live in the Beaumont area. I'm currently in the Woodlands area in advance of Gustav.

    Good times. Hopefully I can catch BB tonight.

  2. First-time poster here. I've never really been a reality-tv buff, especially sequels. The lone exception of course being Big Brother; it's always manages to suck me in. But I don't recall the action picking up this quickly, and I love it. In past seasons, most of the low-balling and general sneakiness came about a few months into the game.

    Anyway, one thing I've noticed in many message boards that I'm really glad to see is everyone realizes how phony Eric 'the shepherd' is--as the shepherd goes, so do his sheep, all the while not hating on Kaysar because of his background. I expected lots of jingoism and arab-hating, but maybe that's just me being cynical.

    Kaysar: "I didnt seal your fate. I sealed your partner's fate."

    On Kaysar: Kaysar has quickly become my favorite BB character this season, and with the stinging one-liner above, he has got to be the most eloquent, calculating player in recent memory. I can't wait to hear more of his "Godfather-esque" comments in the future. But wasn't Jee dubbed the "Godfather" last year?



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