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Soul Patch

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Posts posted by Soul Patch

  1. I did NOT like BB1 at all. The cast may have been diverse, but the whole set up made it so that the house was anti dramatic. Sure the houseguests had fun, but I wanted to see arguments, and therefore found it boring. What was worse is that America voted out the most controversial people. Someone complains/shouts at someone else.....the house nominates that person.......America votes them out. After the first couple of weeks I couldnt take watching the show anymore (and didn't even bother watching the free live feeds).

    I started watching again mid season when CBS tried to put some life into that season by adding a new houseguest. This girl was suppsoed to stir up so much shit, but in order for her to go in, someone had to go out. THey offered EACH of the houseguests 50G's to leave and NOBODY took it. They saw the money like it was the devil, and didn't want to make any deals. I was so pissed off because I wanted to see how this new girl would do.

    I didn't really care for Chicken George at all, I guess his humour doesnt work on younger people. The only thing he seemed good for was coming up with crazy plans. I was so hoping for his "lets walk out" plan to go through. From what I remember, he came up with some crazy plan that if all the houseguests were to walk out, then CBS would have to pay them all for winning :lol:. That was the gist of it anyway, I belive CBS would've let them all walk out and then inject the house with their own picks. I can still remember that live show when Julie asked the HG's they were gonna walk out (in a "we dont care if you leave" tone), the shocked look on their faces was too funny because they believed CBS wanted them to stay.

    And then there was their "we are such celeberties in the outside world" attitude. Probrably becasue they knew the show was such a big hit in England, but it didn't really catch on here. They would have talks about Josh (a contestent) being on Teen Magazine, or Britney(another contestent) doing movies, and marvel at the legions of fans that they had. I began to watch JUST to see their reaction of not being so popular. I got this satisfaction when A former houseguest got to return (casandra), and she brought the news that they "weren't so big" in the outside world, then I laughed at their pissed off faces.


    And Im asking this in total sincerity but if Four Million People can actually get off their Duffs and take the time to vote for "One of those three" from this BB6 Season....

    SURELY we can put even half that effort into voting for JUST ONE.. only one.. 100% so no 'Gangbanging' or Infighting at all.... Just get something going to RETURN THE CHICKENMAN for once and finally for all!

    Chickenman George 'IS' BBUSA in so many ways.

    I know a lot of the Kids and Newer viewers do not know him.. and that is ALL the MORE reason why The Original ChickenMan needs to return to his rightful home on the Lot.

    If for nothing else, he is probably the only thing noteworthy the New Black Panther Party has done in the last 20 years - Named him Chickenman George LMAO!

    Seriously.. If I have to make love to Julie Chen I will (ok I will anyway) but what is the deal.

    Do I have to sleep with Les Moonves?

    I dunno.. but if it means bringing back the Chickenman I just might volunteer Depeche to 'take one for the team' on this.

    Seriously.. what do we need to do folks?

    dude, you of all people should remember his city "gangbangning" him to win the money. I remember vivedly the clips of his family and friends at the local bars giving FREE DRINKS out for people to "vote out Britney"

  2. I got the feeds as soon as Kaysar won HOH. I dind't have them before and couldnt stand Eric. Now that Howie is going, I don't think I'll renew my Real Player account. Will prolly just read up about who said what on the forums and watch the show.

  3. I can see Maggie saying this more:

    ...I heard Maggie say she would rather vote for someone who was going to do "good" with money over someone who played the game.

    Than this:

    She said you have to vote who played the game best... That Janelle played the game well... That she really knows the game... That she came in knowing she couldn't make friends (hehe) and that she knows alot of stuff about what is going to happen in the game before it does...

  4. *I can't bear to look at that avatar neb, those defiled eyes are sick :rolleyes:

    On Topic. GLad Janelle won veto, but at this moment I dunno who I could stomach winning. Beau was probrably the only friendship I wanted winning the money, now I'll settle for Busto I guess.

  5. I got semi enraged over the last blackout. Maybe because I expected some huge twist to unfold, since they claimed to block the feeds asa to not give away "the secret plot". Then the saturday show was nothing special but a crammed veto/nominations episode. It was basically pointless to block out the feeds last time.

  6. I'm not sure if it's gonna happen or not, but the way Julie has acted with the outgoing houseguests (Mike, Ashlea....hopefully not Eric) she made it seem like they could Return. So Basically which houseguest would you like to see return and why.Or do you not want to see any houseguest return at all. Earlier this week I would've loved to see Mike return to the show, but now that Kaysar and the final 6 seem set, I think it might upset the current balance/mood in the house.



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