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Posts posted by CurlyQs

  1. BB is announcing through Howie that they are now instructed to get comfortable, pick a hand, a finger from that hand, and that will be the hand that they must use for the rest of the game

    Ivette is playing with her left hand, Kaysar - right, James - left, (lots of fish for instructions), Jennifer - right, Maggie - right, Rachel - right

  2. Almost 9 hours in a glass box together, and just now (2:17am) Kaysar was informed that a LOT happened last week

    Beau is dying to pee and is trying to make deals around the group for Jen and April so that one of them will be the 3 to get out.

    BB confirmed through Howie that there are more prizes, but he doesn't know what they might be

    Jen and April are going back and forth as to whether they want to leave their button

  3. R, A, S, and James outside by pool area

    James brings A a water

    S - did you bring me a water?

    J - no

    S - did you want to GET me a water?

    J hands water to A

    A "grassy ass"

    J - "denalgas"

    J - is it santa fee or santa fay?

    A - santa fay

    S - we were talking about where we would go on vacation

    J - well, we've been to hell...so

    A - i dont think anyone is enjoying themselves here right now

    S - i'd trade places with them. I wanna stay. Grass is always greener on the other side

    J - i've enjoyed my time and i've been attacked physically, emotionally, personally, metaphysically...


    J - i have to remind myself that this is a game and isn't personal

    S - everyone here likes each other

    J - i'd beg to differ

    A - you have to understand a lot of people, cause they are pissed, and think they are personally attacked, they attack back

    J - after being here for a few days, you can figure out what needs to be done to motivate a person (manipulate them, whatever) - As Eric said..there are three sides to every story. This entore game is based on assumptions. You trust some, you dont trust others. A game based on assumptions

    A - yeah, so the bottom line is dont take anything personally

    J - i think i stood by that

    Howie comes out and joins them

    H - like if you go out one morning and someone baseball batted your mail box in the real world....that you take personally

  4. (choppy feeds and slow posts - sorry :(

    S thinks that James isn't fighting enough for her to stay, but J is trying to explain to her that it is difficult and that taking on "a whole army would be suicide for us both"

    James tells her that she is his only ally. That they will talk to Jen and see if they can swing her.

    J thinks howie is a f'in idiot - "i need Kay back so bad"

    S - I knew we should try to get Janelle out of here last week instead of K - if he was here, this never would have happened

    J - we wouldn't have had the votes - they wanted to get rid of the guy that got rid of Eric.

    J - if you're gonna get some sun, I'll get some with you...

    J - this is so hard (s kisses him)

    They head out of the GR

  5. F1 Y2 - S and James whispering, going over scenarios i think

    F3 & 4 - By with H, R and Jan

    S thinks maybe she should talk to A, but J is worried that she is building up hope and will get her feelings hurt again. J thinks there is just no solution, but wants to know if S thinks she can swing A.

    J - i'm always honest with you, you know that

    S - we get ONE chance at this..

    J - you've gotten a lot of color, you look really good

    J - who do you wanna go after? A or Jen?

    S - I dunno yet, A just cant keep her damn mouth shut

    J - her whole thing is she thinks they make her look like a manipulator. Her whole motif (yes, motif) is that she can't keep a secret

  6. A has joined H, R at the pool. They are discussing who AC will bring back. R mentions that this is the chance for the viewers to "play" - "they can make the game whatever they want"

    They think Kaysar exited the house well. A misses K's hooka. Discussing that they all really liked K.

    (F1 & 2 are B and I playing chess)

    Howie is wondering how the live tv is...what they show, etc.

  7. Feeds back...ceremony must be over..looks like James is on the block

    J - can i talk to you H?...nothing mean

    H - yeah

    talk amongst the HG about james conflict

    All feeds on back yard with Maggie, Janelle, Ivette - talking about what just happened

    HoH - S and James talking to Howie

    (**trouble posting here - gonna leave it to others - GO! :)

  8. F1 - dining tabl

    F2 - living room

    F3 & F4 - Ivette and april backyard table - April is telling Ivette about James' tactics to talk to people when they are half asleep..wake them up asking questions like who do you think should go up?

    A - S is gonna be in tears. I'm gonna say 'James got you in this position'..that's what i'm gonna say

    I and A go inside to kitchn area with B and R (who was doing dishes earlier)

  9. F1 - dining tabl

    F2 - living room

    F3 & F4 - Ivette and april backyard table - April is telling Ivette about James' tactics to talk to people when they are half asleep..wake them up asking questions like who do you think should go up?

    A - S is gonna be in tears. I'm gonna say 'James got you in this position'..that's what i'm gonna say

    I and A go inside to kitchn area with B and R (who was doing dishes earlier)



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