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Posts posted by RockyTopGirl

  1. 4:18am BBT

    BB just called Ivette out because her other hand touched the box that the button is on.

    She is very upset and emotional because she wanted to win it because it is her and her girlfriend's, Maggie, anniversary and her grandmother's birthday.

    Howie tells her to pick a box

    Ivette says I don't want a box

    Maggie tells her she did so well and that everyone is going to be so proud of her. She hopes Ivette gets a 5 million dollar box

    She picks the black box.

    It an air horn. Everyone expresses their displeasure with this box. Ivette apologizes and everyone tells her its ok and its not her fault.

    She is now sitting in the corner of the glass box crying

  2. 4:15am BBT

    Breakdown of how everyone is coping inside pressure cooker

    Maggie = she looks ok. She is leaning a little bit but her incessant bitching about the pain tells otherwise

    James = looks extremely tired. He is very antsy. He keeps yawning a lot. He is not staying in one position for very long

    Ivette - Looks very tired as well. she is kinda rocking back and forth. I have seen her slap herself a few times to stay awake.

    Jen - Surprisingly looks very alert and unphased. She does seem to keep zoning out which could be her downfall (i've seen it in many "stuck on truck" competitions)

    Kaysar = looks deep in thought. He does not seem to be affected. He is kneeling every once in a while. He is twirling his hair a lot.

    The cameras aren't showing Rachel much at all, so I am unsure how she is really doing. I really haven't heard much from her.

  3. 3:57am BBT

    Maggie is trying to make deals with everyone individually to not put her up if she lets go "Do you swear on you grandmother, on your mother's mother, on your cousins, on your father etc etc etc"

    Now she is going on about how much pain she is in. She says she can't trust a single word in the game in anymore because "there are some shady mf-ers in this house"(obviously refering to kaysar and James)

  4. 3:24am BBT

    Maggie and James are whispering/mouthing things to each other. I think they are trying to make a deal with each other. I can only see Maggie's face. I can't make out her words, but she is giving lots of attitude while saying them

    Wouldn't it be interesting if they become a new pair like Janelle and Kaysar did when they lots their partners?

  5. Looks as if Kaysar is getting ready for morning prayers. He is in the bathroom washing his hands, face, feet and head

    He gets dressed, grabs his prayer rug and what looks like a book and leaves HOH room. He heads outside

    Oh I guess the book was the Quran. He lays out the rug and lays the book on top and begins his prayers. This is the first time that I have ever been able to audibly hear him pray.

  6. Kaysar says that its weird because everything has changed, the dishes don't get done and all that stuff.

    He wonders if it was done too early. Rachel says no, not all. It needed to happen. Its sad but it did need to happen. Unfortunately it had to be done. Its not personal. If you aren't going to play the game you need to go home. Some people get beat. Its ok.

    K: People thought I wasn't playing at first

    R: You played a big hand. You shook it up. You getting the hookah out tonight?

    K: You gonna second-hang hookah? I don't normally smoke it all the time. IF WE GET BORED

    R: I'll second-hand hookah from the hot tub

  7. Howie and Janelle are left in the gym and go into some sort of crazy act. They repeat their names over and over again

    Kaysar and Rachel go outside. Rachel says she wants to go into the hot tub later

    They talk about how bored they are. Kaysar says that he would probably be eating if it wasn't for the PB&J

    Rachel says she wants to be HOH next week just so she can eat. Kaysar is talking about rationing his snacks out. And Rachel says its better than what they have to eat and blames Kaysar because he spun the wheel

    Rachel says she can't believe how the mood of the house has changed and how depressed Ivette is. Kaysar says that its understandable because he (Eric) is a leader to them.

    James and Sarah inside in the kitchen on feeds 3&4

  8. Kaysar in kitchen at sink... maybe doing dishes

    Janelle jumps off treadmill to go get a pin for her hair.

    Kaysar comes in and takes over Janelle's treadmill spot

    James walks by the gym and calls Kaysar and Howie dumbasses

    Howie and Kaysar talk about letting people put them down and then thanking them for it

    Janelle comes back in the gym. They start talking about how Kaysar is turning into Howie.

    Kaysar says its because he saw how much she (J) liked him (H) so he (K) wanted to be just like him. J says, "Like him or am amused by him?"

    Rachel comes in and sits to talk to them. Janelle takes back over her treadmill from Kaysar

    They talk about food and birthdays for a moment.

    BB comes on and says lockdown is over



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