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Posts posted by patricia

  1. If I was a member of an alliance with 5 other people and 1 of them made a unilateral decision of bringing 2 others into the group, as Devin did by bringing Christine and Amber on board, he would be a goner!

    Devin really thinks any decision he makes should be readily accepted. That is a bad ally to have.

    Devin needs to go.... too unpredictable.

  2. Well it's the first night and though I've been excited for weeks leading up to June 26, 2013, what an overall horrible night. Feeds aren't working, TVGN is NOT in HD, and they are censoring the LANGUAGE! It's called Big Brother After Dark for a REASON!!!! CBS, REALLY, you need to jump on this and fix it quick. I can't watch the live feeds I PAID FOR as they don't even work! Though I've never missed an episode of Big Brother After Dark, I can't even watch this because the censoring makes it too hard to follow along with what is being said. PUT IT BACK ON SHO IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Really CBS you should consider your long term supporters and BB Followers before making decisions that make BBAD non-HD and impossilbe to enjoy watching by cutting out sound whenever the houseguests say a curse word. To sum up my first night with BB15 SUCKS! Now bleep that!

    I couldn't agree more!! I loved BBAD on Showtime. This censoring is crazy! Bad move CBS!

  3. then dont bring the bible in it because u are playing with God! Use another book! But u know, its ur life live how u want too! I just have to make sure that im straight. If u want to throw ur finger up at God that is on u i have nothing to do with it! Ive said and done enough preaching! Today monday not sunday so lets get back to the game!

    So Dan decides it is ok to swear on the bible. Personally, I would not. However, technically it is just a book.

    If it burns in a fire, my faith is still solid. The spirit is alive whether or not the book survives.

    So let's get back to the game.

  4. He is a complete idiot!

    I can't take him anymore....his lies (several), his stupidity (olives), his pot stirring (Janelle & Frank), his disregard of embarrassing his family (lack of discretion) and his flip flopping, a$$ kissing of whoever is hoh. I know he would be the perfect one to go f2 with but seriously, get him gone in the DD this week after Frank of course.


    And the funny thing is... nobody ever calls him out on his lies and flipping. They just don't think he is worth it.

  5. I sometimes wonder if he's telling the truth about not knowing much about BB, last night he asked Dani & Joe about what happens in F3 but before they answered he rattled off the last 3 comps.......could he be lying in the BB house? lol

    I thought the same thing.

  6. I am a Dan fan and I understand the reasoning behind his "break-up" with Dani. Players do not like to keep pairs in the game and would try to vote one of them out.

    However, the "dead to me in this game" was harsh.

    Dan could have phrased it something like "you know you betrayed me, you know what you did. Game talk between us is over. We are each on our own. See ya on the other side."

    ?????Dan made it that way, spending his time reading the bible, presenting himself as someone who HAS higher standards than the rest of the HGs...........unfortunately even Dan can't have it both ways.

    IMO reading the bible is not presenting yourself as someone having higher standards than anyone else.

    It is merely a choice of faith.

  7. Dan's an awesome player undoubtedly (maybe the best ever) but, if he won this season, it would always be tainted by the fact that the coaches were untouchable for the first 4 weeks. I'd rather see Dan win an all-star season myself.

    Good point but I can't stop rooting for him and believe me I have tried! :wub:

  8. yea she is really bad mouthing Dan so natch Shane is going after Dan.....its so maddening to me that Brit and Shane were perfectly ok with Dan taking the fall for the alliance and can't believe he has the nerve to fight to stay and sacrafice one of the alliance. Wake up Shane ....Brit said you were a liability over and over. I think it would be a great fight to the end with the three alpha males.....Frank, Dan and Shane.....f3

    ITA They were all on board with letting Dan take the fall yet as soon as he decided enough is enough, Brit calls him a traitor and a piece of trash. Oh Brit, you make laugh with your DR sessions, but, hypocrisy doesn't suit you.

  9. When a normal player is on the block, she wants to NOT be on the block.

    Jenn has offered to use veto on Dani but Brit has convinced her, Dani to tell Jenn NO.

    Hmmm, I think Dani has the votes to stay but the only way to be sure to stay is to be off the block.

    You wouldn't catch me refusing to come off. :animated_scratchchin:

  10. I'm not sure that Ian had to do any of the behind-the-scenes moves or that it has/will benefit him any more than it would have done had they not been made at all. I think that he was basically safe except for having to win comps at some point along the way; to remain invested. I do believe that Ian enjoys the attention.

    What I don't like about Ian is his ease with being controlled by people like Britney although at some point he might make her pay. As for his awkwardness with social situations; I don't see it. He has used that rumour to his advantage, in my opinion. He surely has no problem being socially two-faced.

    Like I said before, he is playing a helluva game for us to watch but the fact remains that for me, Ian is creepy.

    ITA with this post slim

  11. Production told Ian not to use the POV on Dan. The rest of the QP are all on the same page that Dan needs to go.

    So it up to Dan to win the POV today or he is going home.

    I think BB wants Frank and Ian in the F2.

    I agree. However, both Frank and Ian should realize that sitting next to Dan in final 2 is a good place to be,

    Most players do not want to crown a double winner.

    Also, Ian tells lies and maybe production did not say what he says they said. But, maybe they did ;)



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