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Posts posted by smortown

  1. Austin and Van still at it. Austin: "HOH is the most important thing for us next week, not the Veto" Van: "It would be insane if one of the twins win HOH next week." Austin: "Julia has to win." Van: "Well, I'll study with her. I tried to throw that HOH to her, but..." Austin: "They should be trying to butter us up non-stop. We are their only hope. They are like the mean girls. They are being ostracized, and now they know how it feels." Van: "They should be buttering me up! I would make the replacement if one of them comes down." They are talking about how hard it was to keep the twins a secret, and funny it was. Van: "You slipped dummy to Steve". They go on and on about it all again.

    James, Julia, and Jmac all napping in the have not room.

    Van tells Austin that as far as Steve is concerned Freaks and Geeks is the first alliance that they were in. She asks Austin to talk to the twins about the plan for the veto comp and they can come talk to her if they want to. (I missed the plan)

    Austin climbs into bed with Liz. Austin: "We pick who is the best between the four of us, and the first person folds, if you don't know the answer, you can't guess you have to fold." Liz: "so, whoever goes first, goes first, then we all fold." Austin: "right, that's the strategy. We don't eliminate each other, it maximizes our odds" Vanessa might want to get rid of Johnny mac instead." Liz: "why?" Austin: "Because James and Johnny Mac together would be disastrous". Hugging and kissing...

  2. Julia and Liz in bed in the purple room talking about how mean Jeff and James were to Julia when the twins were switching out. Julia: "I want to win everything now". Liz: "Yeah, you have to win something". They are talking about how all the best players got picked for Veto because no one will of them will use it. Liz: "I want James out of here. He's done. Meg ain't s***." Julia: "I felt bad last night because she was crying. Her knee is bad, she should have waited until next year to be on the show." They talk about how much Meg cries. Liz: "James has go to go." Meg is crying because she knows if James wins, she is out." They talk about James and Meg thinking one of them was going to be a pawn. Why would Van do that, they were bullies and mean to people, and have never been on the twins side. They love that James and Meg are in this situation. Liz says she doesn't care what anyone says, Jmac is coming after them, and next time he needs to go out.

  3. Austin is up in the HOH talking to Van. Austin is wondering what would be the worst that Meg and James could tell Van, but he says there is nothing. Van talks about the week that she had the most stress, zits and all. Van just said that Meg is a liar. Austin, "We caught her in two lies each". Now they are talking about James lies. Going back and forth about lies, how terrified James is of Van (really?). Austin said James will tell Van that she was cut out of Brass Tacks, but she all ready knew that. Van talks about Meg making fun of her. Austin telling Van that he told Meg and James that he isn't going to ruffle feathers before the Veto comp because he doesn't want him or Liz to go up. Van, "they are being unreasonable. It's the same thing they did to us when they put Clelli up". They think Steve would put Meg and Jmac up next week. Van says that Jmac would put up her and someone else. Van: "Julia said that Johnny Mac was whispering with James and Meg." Austin: "I just don't want him to put one of us four next week. He's in a vulnerable spot because he's not playing veto." Van: "I believe him when he says he will nominate the one who stays this week. He's a smart doctor. Why wouldn't he do that?" Talking about different scenarios. Round and round. Van: "Austin, it is foolish to accept that people are telling you the truth." Do you trust Steve?" Austin: "It depends." Who would he put out if me and Liz were up?" Van: "Who would you want him to put out?" Austin: "I want to stay." Vanessa: "So, you won't pull a Clay?" Austin: "No, I've been a fan of this too long."

  4. Feeds came back and the twins are talking about Steve being the only who won't be competing in the POV comp.

    Meg and James in the have not room with their shades on talking. Meg says I'm going home, I know it. James: Even if your up with Jmac? Me: yep yep. They think Vanessa worst fear is if James wins POV.

    Meg telling James that Vanessa will pull him aside, and tell him that she wants to work with him. They are discussing the big brother TV schedule.

    Austin, Jmac, Steve, Liz and Julia in the kitchen talking about what the POV comp might be. They are trying to guess how many gumdrops are in the jar, how many peaches are on the tray. Jmac is telling Steve that he is the least important person. They laugh. Liz and Austin talking about when to stay and when to fold. Austin is telling her different strategies. 

    They are talking about BB15 bowling comp. 

    One of the twins (still can't tell them apart sometimes) is calling Steve sneaky about his chess play. Steve called Julia Liz this morning, so I'm not the only one. John was there when Steve mixed them up, so now the twins are calling John sneaky.

    Meg and James are napping in the have not room.

    Kitchen crew wondering when the VETO comp will happen.

    Austin and Jmac talking about video games, Mortal Combat, Street Racer, Mario Kart. Austin is telling Steve island level is his favorite, rainbow arrows...

    Steve puts on his blue hoody, and starts to scamper while Austin and twins analyze his technique. They tell him he is very sneaky and very entertaining. 

    James is awake. His stomach is growling. He's going to get some milk.

    James tells jmac that he is brave for eating slop plain. Jmac is hosting the VETO comp. James talking about hosting the midway comp "Julia needs to get her bumper fixed".

    Liz is asking James when he thinks the comp will be. James says the set up was easy. It only took 5 hours, and there was no banging or nothing.

    Steve has Fancy by Iggy stuck in his head. James goes in the storage room reads the label on the milk jug "free from 100 preservatives and artificial ingredients, hmm".

    James is slurping his milk and eating slop loudly while Meg is trying to nap. She asks him what he's eating. Meg asks James if he should take a shower, he says "yeah". James stubs his toe on a board in the have not room. James whispers "that's why they put us on have not, they think they can weaken us." Meg, "I can't even" James, "how many times have Liz and Austin been on it?" They both think it was two times. James is looking in the camera "America, I'm trying to get Meg on track, because she needs to win the Veto. She's not doing very good she can't get out of her dentist chair. Thank you America for this delicious slop." Meg is laughing.

    James tells Meg she can have a swig of his vanilla almond milk with a touch of chocolate. She says she doesn't like vanilla almond milk. Production tells James to stop that. He thinks they don't like him talking into the camera. Meg calls the slop cootie vomit, and James tells her she needs to get some food in her, and a shower. Meg: "I'm so exhausted. I'm just so tired." James "I'm ready." bouncing up and down. Meg "I know I need a shower, I'm just pissed". James, "I need to win this Veto for both of us. If I don't, I've let us both down." Liz tells him no, "I'm going to get my act together". 



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