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Posts posted by Catniptoy

  1. And we are very glad that you did, Spacey!! :animated_wave:

    I came to Morty's back before the server change, which I think was in 2005. I had to re-register after that. Anyway, I was looking for a site that needed a transcriptionist for BB. I didn't post much on the boards until this year, other than transcribing. I think I transcribed when Morty first needed help, but I don't know if he called it "Team Morty" that year or not.

  2. Thank you so much, BuxomBlonde! Poor Jem and Morty had to sift through all of the extra details, but I just transcribe everything I hear. I'm glad you liked them--I know some people probably had to put me on ignore because I went on and on and on..... :animated_rotfl:

    I agree about stocking up on the easy-to-prepare foods. Let's not forget the finger foods for use while transcribing, Team Morty! I've found that the Grape Nuts Trail Mix bars are perfect. They hold together and don't cause a mess on the keyboard. M & M's are always appropriate. And yes, (sigh), I've been known to give in and eat healthy with strawberries and grapes.

    I'm so excited that it's almost time! Can you tell?? :party_smilie:

  3. Hi, All! Probably no one remembers me. :animated_wave: I'm gearing up for BB8!!! Hi, Jem--It's great to see your "face" again!! Do we have a code for the season feeds yet? I've just read the news about the Showtime coverage, and I'm wondering how that will go. I've got to run and check and see if we have that Showtime channel, along with the other ones (I had to have Showtime so that I would have Dexter!).

    Anyway, Hi again for another great season of BB!!


  4. I think we've just experienced some minor inconvenience for a very short time, and Morty is working to make the board even better. In the meantime, Morty has been good enough to give everyone the "instant gratification spoiler" window so that updates can continue. I wasn't able to sign on for a few days, but I continued sending feed updates to Randy through his e-mail (which is posted in the live feeds thread every day). If we all continue to do this during this brief time (and it will be brief), we'll all be rewarded with an even better board in the near future. I know that Morty's is considered one of the top update sites on the Internet, and I feel that reputation has been earned. Few site owners and mods go to the lengths that Morty, Jem and Ranster go to in order to keep everyone happy. This board is not over-moderated, and I feel it has the best updates available. Few other sites have so many people pitching in to work in their live feeds threads, and some have stopped having live feed threads altogether. Morty's, on the other hand, has a great team and there is almost always an updater watching the feeds at all times.

    I'd like to take this opportunity to say thanks to Morty, Jem and Ranster for making this site a great place to hang out, talk about Big Brother and post and read live feed updates and summaries. I really appreciate having such a friendly place to go. Thanks also to my fellow live feed updaters! You guys all do a great job, and I know that it is appreciated by everyone. If you have problems posting for a few days, go ahead and send updates (possibly condensed to one every half hour or so, with times listed occasionally to give time approximations for hamster conversations) to Ranster. I know they appreciate it, and any board overload will be solved very soon. The fact that the board is so overloaded just goes to show how much people appreciate the updates at Morty's! : )

    Hugs and happy hamster watching,


  5. The endurance competition lasted 14 hours. Jen won. Right now, at 9:12 a.m. BB time, Maggie, April, Howie, and Kaysar are sitting together in the living room. They are saying that they can't believe that they have been awake for 24 hours. They say that Ivette has been in the DR forever. Maggie says that she hopes BB doesn't expect them to act really excited when the HOH room opens. She will be happy for her, of course, but she is exhausted. She brings up the fact that nominations will probably be today, too. Kaysar is surprised. Rachel sits on the floor and whispers to Kaysar and Howie after Maggie and April leave (in between yelling "What up Kay-sar!"). Howie leaves to look in the large bedroom.

    9:17 a.m.

    Rachel is telling Kaysar about the commercial they were able to see for America's choice. She tells him that he looked hot and she thought he would have some women after him after that! Rachel tells Kaysar that he doesn't have to stay up with her--go to bed.

    Rachel: They'll call me. Especially if they saw me plow through Howie on my way out! (laughter) Oh, my God. Ivette and Howie are trying to hook us up!

    Rachel says that she got angry with Howie because he told her to "Get her fat ass" up there, and she told him she won't tolerate that, and he needs to understand that there is only so far you can go with joking. Maggie is lying down on the couch now next to them. She is moaning.

    Rachel: You won eggs! I couldn't believe that all three of the last boxes were crap. I was so disappointed for you guys. I was disappointed for both you and James with that. I wanted to see one of you guys win some money or something. And Beau, he'll have bad memories of it for a whole day.

    Maggie: At least he'll sleep better than any of us.

    Kaysar: I think he drank the whole thing.

    They talk about Janelle:

    Kaysar: She's like, "I'll pick red, cause I'm MAD!"

    Rachel: I know! I told her, go with your gut. You said you wanted red because you're mad, so pick that!

    Kaysar tells Rachel that "He (James) was coming after you. I stayed in there to cover your ass."

    Rachel says she knows, and thanks Kaysar.

    Maggie is lying there during this conversation.

    Rachel: That's my kind of fasting! I probably dropped a pound or two. I'm back to my weight! I'm back to my weight! Hallelujah.

    Rachel: When you're old, you start to fall apart.

    Kaysar: I know, I'm right there with you. I'm 25, you know.


    Jennifer's HOH room is opened.

    Jennifer is in the corner, facing the corner and holding a picture and reading the back, and SOBBING. Howie is patting her shoulder. April gets up next to her and says over and over that Dan loves her, he will marry her when she gets out of the house, etc.

    April: Hey, we really need to take out the other couples.

    Jennifer says there are only 3 left.

    Jen tells April that she had to win because she was asking for an endurance comp all along--that is her thing she is good at, and BB gave that to her, she was supposed to win.

    Jen says that BB gives certain people competitions. "Hello--CHESS?"

    Talk turns to Dan again.

    Jen says that she had a good, long talk with Maggie, and Maggie asked her to tell her a story about Dan, but a "good one this time," and she told Maggie everything.

    Jen admits to April that she never uses condoms with Dan.

    April: He pulls every time? And it just goes anywhere?

    Jen says yes. She has a little stuffed duck (which BB gave her in the HOH room) and says that the duck "got in the line of fire."

    April: You told your mom?

    Jen: Yeah, I tell my mom everything.

    Aprl: I need to get HOH next week. We are so in the line of fire now, right? Right? They still think I'm gonna be weak, but they know...

    Jen: OMG, I have to nominate people tonight?

    April: That's what I'm saying, Jennifer.

    Jen says that Kaysar was going to put up two people and backdoor James. He wasn't going to put up Jennifer because she was lasting there with her.

    April: It would probably be me.

    Jen says that it was going to be two strong people if Kaysar won, and Maggie would definitely be one of them. He wouldn't answer her about who it would be. He expects her to put up two people from her own side.

    April says he is crazy if he thinks she will do that!

    Jennifer says that she is in sequester now and she could give a rat's ass if she wins the game, then says sorry BB. She says that she has different ways she could go with this.

    She could tell Kaysar that she gave her word, and he believed her when she gave her word, but she gave her side her word FIRST, so maybe that is the word she gave.

    She then says maybe she could put up someone from each side and be fair, and backdoor James.

    She also says she could put up two from her side, and tell them they are pawns to get out James.

    Jennifer says she doesn't care about breaking her word in this game at all. She doesn't like Janelle and Janelle doesn't like her. April asks if she will put up Janelle and Howie?

    April says that Rachel was talking to her in the kitchen and said, "Well, she really wanted that, didn't she?"

    Jen: I just don't trust him. When Kaysar comes up here I will explain what happened last week, and I will say that is why I can't trust his group.

    April: Did he really think that we would put up two of our people?

    Jen says that the plan is to backdoor James, so why do they care?

    April: I'll be honest with you. I really think you should put up Rachel and Howie.

    Jen: I can't put up Howie!

    April: I know you can't.

    April: You can put up Rachel and Janelle.

    Jen: That's what we were going to do the first week, remember? We were going to put up Rachel and Janelle. I love that idea.

    April: He didn't let you WIN.

    Jen: I think it was half and half. He probably would have stood up there a lot longer and made it difficult for me, and hoped that I would fall.

    April says that Kaysar should have MADE SURE, before he took his finger off the button, and made sure about the deal.

    Jen says he did. She says he asked her every half hour, "I can trust you, right? We have a deal, right?" The deal was that she would put up whomever Kaysar wanted her to put up if he took his finger off the button. Jen says she told herself coming into the game that she didn't want to make friends anyway, so she doesn't mind not keeping her word.

    Jen: I don't care, as long as I have Dan. I don't care. I don't keep friends very long.

    Jen says that she can't have guy friends, and girls don't stay friends with her very long.

    April: We have this room all week.

    Jen: I've always gotten along better with guys than girls anyway.

    April: I can't wait for Matt and Dan and Davida and all these people to meet one another, you know?

    Jen: I'll bet you I couldn't get one of his shirts because they are white.

    April: I'm better at the rolling the ball thing that we did. I'm better at those things.

    Jen: You were supposed to win that, by the way.

    April: Maggie won it, so that was good.

    Jen: I know, but you were supposed to win it.

    About Howie:

    April: You love him, don't you?

    Jen: Yeah.

    April: He loves you, too.

    Jen: Too bad he's with Rachel, huh?

    April: You wouldn't date him, though?

    Jen: No! I mean for game purposes.

    April: He said last night he could play with or without her.

    Jen: Let's get rid of the bitch, then.

    April asks if she cares that she won't keep her promise to Kaysar.

    She says no, because you say in this game you will lie and everything.

    April says he was crazy to believe that, right?

    Jen says that the whole idea was to backdoor James, so she is really keeping half her promise to Kaysar--more than half, in fact!

    April: Who do you trust more, James or Rachel?

    Jen: Neither! Hmm. Who do you trust more, the devil or a rapist? The only reason I would trust James more is that James doesn't have a partner. Every f--ing deal you make with Rachel has to include Howie, and that's hard to do. You can make a deal with one person, but not two.


    Ivette comes in the room. She tells Jen she is so proud of her! She says that if she couldn't win it, she is glad that Jen won it. Jen tells Ivette that she wanted her or Beau or Ivette to win, but then Beau doesn't have a "significant other," so she would rather she or Ivette win, because that means a lot to them.

    Jen says she thinks that Rachel may have had strategy that she let go, because she had faith in Kaysar to win it. But then she was coaching Kaysar to let Jen have it.

    Ivette asks what the deal was?

    Jen says he didn't ask her to keep anyone safe.

    Jen says she will wait until everyone is in the room, it was three hours worth of shit.

    Jen: It was one deal, but every thirty minutes he was asking if he can trust her, do they have a deal?

    Ivette: He says he was able to go more time.

    April: Look at him compared to Jennifer right now. He is in so much pain.

    Jen: Let people think that. I'm HOH. You're a fucking idiot if you gave it to me!

    Jen: I promised him the world in that deal. I don't give a shit if I break my word because I just wanted to get through one more week.

  6. James goes to confront Howie as soon as the room empties and Howie is alone:

    James: Howie! We figured it out! We do realize that by putting Sarah and I up, it guarantees that everyone else will be in the sequester house. So we figured it out.

    Howie: It had nothing to do with that. It had to do with the fact that you are a dangerous person in the house.

    James says that Howie will find out that he was fooled, and that either way, he and Sarah understand that they were part of the "Sequester House Plan."

    Howie says he is playing the game. He is trying to win. He isn't worried about hanging out with James. In fact, he is better friends with James than he is with the others.

    James: We were never going to screw you. We got blindsided.

    James says Sarah will go home this week and he will go home next week (or vice versa) and they'll find out.

    James: I love you like a brother, and I always will.

    James leaves as Rachel comes up and tells them to just stop.

    Rachel and Howie in HOH

    Rachel asks what that was about, and Howie tells her briefly, and he says he knows that James wants him to probably fight for him for POV to keep him alive in the house.

    Howie asks Rachel if she thinks he made the right decision?

    Rachel says for now, yes, she does.

    Howie: They got caught. They got caught.

    Rachel: Let's just go outside and have fun.

    Rachel kisses little bitty kisses on Howie's face

    Howie: Oh, Jesus! He's very fragile right now. Don't stir him up. (Howie's privates)

    They go downstairs to enjoy the surprise from BB.

    About the surprise:

    BB has these big pinata things to decorate. They are in bikini tops for the girls and shorts. They are supposed to decorate them like themselves. They also also marguerita mix and food, but there was a sign posted that PBJ guests can't eat.

    Maggie is decorating one with a blue outfit. They have leis and things to decorate the pinatas with. They are larger than most pinatas.

    Rachel: I love BB sometimes!

    Maggie: You wanna lend me your pass for just an hour? (to Janelle--the PBJ pass)

    James and Sarah did go down to enjoy the food and make their pinatas.

  7. James and Sarah are in the GR. Sarah is crying. She is worried that they are being portrayed as bad people. James says that is impossible.

    Sarah: She better not come in here and sleep in here.

    James: No! We are not going out like that. They feel like they made the right decision. It was the wrong decision, but they feel like it is the right decision.

    Sarah says that Howie has wanted James gone from day one. Kaysar saved James, but Howie wanted him gone.

    James: That's a good point.

    Sarah: So do I try to win HOH, or do I let them go after Howie and Rachel?

    James: I would like to see you stay in here as long as possible.

    James says it was not malicious. They feel they made the right decision for them, based on the things that others told them. He says it was probably the stupidest move in BB history.

    Sarah: Good. I want one of them to leave so that one of them can go home and one of them can be sequestered.

    James says that will happen.

    James; If you or I thought that they were going to do the same thing, we would do the same thing, right? Yes or no? If we thought Howie or Rachel would put us up, ---

    Sarah: But I'm not stupid enough to believe those people out there!!!

    Sarah: I don't even want to leave this room.

    James; But I have to go pee.

    Sarah: Don't talk to THOSE PEOPLE.

    James: I'm not. I'm just going to go pee.

  8. James and Sarah are denying and lying.

    James says specifically (when asked) that he did not swear on the Bible IN FRONT OF ALL OF THEM. (He makes sure to say all of them, over and over) and then compares it to the lies the other side said about Kaysar swearing on the Koran.

    James keeps saying he is disappointed in them, he can't believe it, they screwed the entire team.

    Rachel: Are you sure it was us?

    James keeps saying that he was true to his team. He was always trying to help them, save them.

    James says there is no purpose in being in the house any longer, because the five people he thought he was going to be with have betrayed him.

    Howie is not backing down. He says that he will know the truth eventually on the DVD's, and if he is wrong he is very sorry. But he doesn't think he is and he thinks he can make a strong case against James.

    James says if he was lying, he wouldn't be in the room talking to them.

    Howie: But that's what you are known for, James.

    James says that Howie stabbed them in the back.

    Howie: Do you believe that, Janie?

    Janelle: No. I'm sorry, James, but I don't.

    Howie is really angry now. He is saying that he had HOH, a beautiful girl next to him, great music and stuff, and he was completely miserable for the first time after entering the house because of him.

    James keeps saying that Howie will find out.

    Howie: So, you and Sarah have never once lied to me since you walked in the house, excluding the lie when you walked in the door?

    James says not since they had the sovereign six.

    Sarah asks if they can stop talking now, as there is nothing left to discuss. She leaves.

    Howie tells James there is a small separation between winning and losing, a small separation between right and wrong.

    James says that if the other side wants him out this bad, why would he turn on them?

    Howie says to try to ensure that he and Sarah would be together.

    James keeps using the fact that Maggie threw at their t.v. to show that he isn't on their side. He question Janelle about it, too. Janelle says that is because the other side did want to keep him on the block (to get rid of James).

    Howie says not to keep trying to turn that around in that way (the fact that the other side decided to get rid of James doesn't mean that he didn't TRY to cut a deal with them).

    Janelle says that it all made sense to them after they found out about James, that April really didn't listen in on them that day. James made it up, and they were the ones who told the other side about the conversation.

    Howie says that Ivette quoted Howie verbatim, like rewinding a tape recorder.

    Howie: How did she find that out? Did you tell her (Janelle)?

    Janelle: No!

    Howie: Did Rachel?

    Janelle: Hmm umm.

    James says that it is obvious they will go around in circles and that Howie will not admit he is wrong even if he thinks he is, and he will be sorry when he sees the tapes.

    Howie says that he may make a mistake and fortunately he hasn't shot a police officer or some horrible thing--it would be a mistake in a game.

    James asks them again about how he supposedly swore on a Bible, and he acts like he has never heard of it. Janelle and Howie incorrectly say that he swore in front of the whole other side, on the Bible. They correctly say that he swore that if he got HOH he would put up Howie and Rachel.

    James says they really hurt him, and Janelle asks if he doesn't think they were hurt when they found out?!

    James; You guys had my allegiance and Sarah's allegiance, and I'm sorry you believed them.

    Janelle: I don't think they are smart enough to think of that.

    James: Maybe they aren't, but Maggie is.

    Howie: I gotta hand it to you, Bro. You're good.

    James gives a speech saying that the people he and Sarah trusted don't exist anymore. Howie says that is the way they feel, too. The people they trusted don't exist anymore.

    James; You guys made a really bad decision. We had your back. We thought we had your trust. We're in a really bad postion because the people we thought had our back aren't there anymore.

  9. James and Sarah are on the block!

    James asks to talk to Howie.

    April asks James if he really thought it wouldn't come out that he said that he swore on the Bible that he would put up Howie and Rachel?

    James: April, I'm talking to Howie.

    April says not to blame it on Maggie, then.

    Maggie is outside with Ivette.

    Maggie says that James is blaming it all on her, and she told him that the game is not just between him and her.

    James is up for sure.

    Howie is talking to James in the HOH.

    Sarah is talking in the Hoh with them.

    Howie says that physically and everything that James is the same, but then you add treachery. He says that you swear you will back them up, and then you go after them.

    Sarah: Don't you understand that they are saying the same thing to us about you guys?

    James; Howie, you made that decision because you believe THEM. Whether or not that was a smart thing for you to do or not remains to be seen. I hope they give you your safety.

    Howie tells them that they screwed up his plans royally, and he then not only had to worry about the enemy--he had to worry about them. He says if he is wrong, then he is sorry, but he made the best decision for himself.

  10. April, Jen, Howie, Rachel, Ivette and Beau are all slamming James, very loudly, in the BY.

    Ivette is talking about how paranoid James is acting.

    Rachel says that she whispered to Eric, and she thought Ivette heard it, how much she wanted James out. Ivette says that she isn't sure about that. Rachel says that is fine, but she did say it. She felt that Eric would have told Maggie about it.

    James didn't have eggs left to eat, and he felt it was a conspiracy against him (according to Ivette). He also was bossing her at the food competition, and telling her to put the cookie in the middle of the scale.

    Howie is saying that before he ends the nomination ceremony, he is going to ask everyone if they want to say anything. He wants to know if they want him to do that. Ivette says maybe they shouldn't because it will cause all hell to break loose. Rachel says that he can do it, and then if no one wants to talk, they don't have to talk. Ivette says BB wouldn't want that, probably. Howie asks why wouldn't BB want that? They love it when hell breaks loose! Rachel says that Howie shouldn't say that he will say that, because he can't say for sure that he will be putting them up! Then Rachel says "You can't say it!" (They aren't supposed to talk about who they will nominate for sure). April says that Howie should put it on ALL of them, and Howie says he doesn't need to do that. April tells Rachel not to put all of the blame on her and Howie!

    Maggie comes outside and they ask if she is better.

    Howie called to DR.

    April says "Oh, it will be nominations in a couple of hours!!"

    Ivette: It's RIGHT NOW.

    They are preparing in case they have lockdown. They are using the WC and getting sheets to wash, etc.

    F3/4 are on James lying down on his side, curled up, in the GR, with Sarah lying behind him and spooning him. They don't seem cheerful.

    Janelle is in the room, opening drawers. They are not speaking to each other (I'm not sure if they are supposed to be sleeping or not).

    April: You haven't heard what James has been doing to her and Howie during the week! Do you want to hear this? You're gonna shit your pants.

    Maggie says not to say too much.

    April says not to repeat this.

    April says that James would use his interrogation tactics and wake them up in the middle of the night and talk to them in the morning, and would ask them who they would put up on the block if they got HOH.

    Ivette asks surprised that James is supposed to be an interrogator.

    April brings Janelle's robe to her out of the dryer. April says it is so soft, and asks what it is made of and Janelle says chenille.

    April is embellishing the tale, with James saying "Hey, hey, hey!" and waking them up, and asking them if they would put up him, they wouldn't put up him, would they??!

    April says that James will come to all of them, because he will be trying to make a deal. She says that Sarah will be in f--ing tears.

    April: I'm gonna laugh. I'll say Sarah, you got yourself into this. James got you into this position. That's what I'm gonna say.

    April goes inside now. She is going inside and outside, back and forth.

  11. F4 BY

    Ivette and Beau, April and Jen.

    There is a bashing session going on outside, bashing Rachel.

    Ivette is saying "f--- you" about Rachel, saying she can suck a dick, etc.

    April says that if she goes up as a pawn and goes, they have to promise her they will take out that f--ing Rachel next week.

    Ivette says that Rachel is more on her radar than Sarah! She says that Rachel might go before Sarah if she gets the HOH!

    April says that is what Rachel is worried about.

    Ivette: I'm ready to tell off Rachel!

    April: No! You can't do it!

    Beau says she can't do that.

    April: I just want to know what is going on. I just need--

    Ivette says that Rachel respected Kaysar more than Cappy, and Cappy did more for her than Kaysar ever did.

    April says that Rachel is probably bipolar.

    Ivette says she has mood swings, and then does an impression of her.

    April: She is such a bitch. If things don't go her way. So, are you going to go up there and find out what he's going to do?

    Beau and Ivette: No!

    April: I want to know WTF he is going to do!

    Rachel came outside.

    Rachel: Who are you guys talking about?! (Rachel laughs HARD).

    Beau: ha ha. We're just trying to figure out if I'm going up as a pawn.

    Rachel says she doubts she will. She says that he can only make the best decision he can make in this game. She is 99 percent sure she knows what Howie will do, and that everybody will get a chance to voice an opinion.

    April interrupts: That's what I want to do!

    Rachel: No matter WHO it is, you know?

    April: There are going to be some pissed off people!

    Howie starts to come out, and Ivette says no, he has to wear a speedo!

    Howie says maybe if they don't vote him off next week!

    They laugh.

    Howie: Whether I hate Ivette or not, I could never put her up this week. It is her dream (to see him in the Speedo).

    Beau laughs.

    Howie asks if America wants to see the speedo?!

    April says she knew she would gain weight after stopping smoking.

    Howie: The yard looks smaller. I don't know why.

    Rachel: Did they shrink it on us?

    Howie: Maybe I got fatter.

    April: I took one laxative, to see if it is gonna work.

    Beau: If I took one laxative, I would be on the shitter for a week.

    April: I just feel so nasty and so clogged up.

    Ivette says that even though they had a lactose-intolerant person and one less male, they came really close to getting them on eating!

    Howie says that he thought they beat them.

    They are all talking over each other, and Ivette is insisting that she felt they ate more than the other guys.

    Ivette is naming the order of food that came off the conveyor belt:

    chocolate kisses,

    White kisses


    cream puffs

    Maggie had to keep passing down food, because of the milk. They had milk they had to drink, and Maggie couldn't drink it. Then there was cake, and she ate only one bite.

    Ivette: I don't mind eating PB&J for her. It's not her fault she couldn't eat that! (But Ivette thinks they won).

    Rachel: It was very close.

    April: You should have let us win, because she could have given you the PBJ and we all would have been eating!


    Ivette: You gotta have friction in the house, April!

    Howie: Everybody will be on PBJ, they'll get pissed off and then evict me!

    Ivette: I don't care about being on PBJ. You know what, Howie? There are worse things to worry about in this house!

    Howie: If I can eat PBJ every day and I'll never be on the block, I'll take that any day!

    Ivette: I'm not gonna add PBJ to the big battles in this house.

    Ivette says it is all a big excuse (blaming PBJ), because they have added protein, you have coffee, you have flavorings, etc.

  12. F4 BY

    Ivette and Beau, Maggie and April and Jen.

    Beau has told Ivette about how Howie and Rachel said they trust Ivette, but they want to "make sure" about her because she talks to James.

    Ivette gets angry and says that she doesn't talk to James any more than anyone else! She says that they all talk to him. Beau says that she talks to James alone, though. She says each of them--Rachel, Janelle and Howie all talk to James alone!

    "Why is it that when IVETTE does something, it is so fucking awful?!"

    Beau says that he stood up for her upstairs. He says that they all know now that James is a creep, and he reassured them that Ivette was just talking to James when he came up to her to talk, and he was the one who closed the door that time.

    Beau says that every time someone brings up James, Ivette gets so upset and defensive and acts hurt like she still cares for James!

    Maggie and April are outside there, too.

    Ivette is really being defensive now. She is saying she "doesn't care to defend herself."

    Maggie says that she isn't trying to stand up for someone else, and obviously Ivette is being defensive, but the reason they didn't tell Ivette all about Kaysar over James, was because they were afraid that Ivette had a tie with James.

    Ivette is yelling that April had a bond with Kaysar and no one tried to stop her from talking to him!

    Beau is yelling back now. He says that Kaysar is gone now, too! He says that April had that bond and he is gone. Now, there is Ivette and James.

    Ivette says she doesn't "give a rat's ass" and she would "rather keep her doubts about everybody else in this f--ing game!"

    Maggie: Why are you getting mad at us? Rachel is the one who thought you were sketchy?

    Ivette: Because Rachel can go into the f--ing weight room and talk to him!

    Maggie: Who?

    Ivette: She can talk to James!

    Beau says that Rachel is the partner of the HOH, too. Ivette says they are all mighty, then.

    Ivette says she will call Rachel out, she will call them out.

    Beau: OK, Now you are not listening to me! She said that Ivette is not on our side, and I told them that you are on our side!

    Maggie: It's really hard to convince people of things in here, though.

    Ivette says that it is like cheating on your girlfriend. James cheated on them with the other side.

    Ivette: I have to prove something???! The fact that I took him out speaks volumes. I don't have to say anything else. I'm not going to go up there and say anything.

    Beau says that they got it straightened out.

    He says April pointed out the HOH comp to Ivette.

    Maggie says that the thing that was worrisome was Rachel asking for 3 weeks of safety.

    Ivette says that Rachel is number one on her f--ing list! She gripes that Rachel comes over and sits by her, and she wants to be alone, and Sarah sits by her, too.

    Ivette: We were in the bedroom, and she said, "It's so funny! James was the first one off on our team!"

    Maggie: She is playing both sides, and that way she is safe either way.

    Ivette says outside the house, Rachel is one of the people who gripe about everything at the restaurant. Ivette does an impression of someone griping at the restaurant. She is "so over her" and she can "eat a dick."

    Ivette: I know I've got a potty mouth, I'm sorry. I'm so over it. See, I can just turn myself off. I can just sleep when I need to and eat when I need to and play when I need to and that's it.

    (Deafening silence now from all)

    Ivette says that they should "expect the bite on the ass, you guys." She says that in a way it is strategically smart for them to put up James because that way they aren't a target. But in another way it isn't smart because of the numbers. Maggie says James is not a number for them.

    Maggie: We really shouldn't have to promise them anything.

    Ivette says that Rachel had better not come up to her with her doubting her. She says that Rachel thinks she is so great with her going to bed early, and getting up early, but she isn't playing her.

  13. HOH room 2:00 p.m. BB time

    Rachel, Howie and Maggie talking quietly. Howie looks at the camera and realizes that James is spying on them, standing outside the door, listening! He whispers that James is listening RIGHT NOW. Rachel yawns loudly and starts to sing. Howie gets up and walks toward the door and F4 camera shows the outside of the door, with James hurrying away from the door!!

    Maggie talks about how all Cappy saw was how they all teamed up with James to get her out of the POV competition. That's all he knew.

    Howie says that all they knew was what James told them about the situation, and he talked to Kaysar and teamed with him. They didn't realize what James was like until it was too late.

    Maggie: You don't want to hear how we're gonna feel if you don't get rid of them (laughs).

    Howie says he understands, he is target number one.

    Maggie says it sucks for him.

    Maggie: I honestly don't know what to say to convince you. I don't know what to say. I don't know what you want me to say. I think I said everything I needed to say in the bathroom.

    Howie says no, he understands and he has to talk to Janelle and Rachel. He says hopefully it is the best thing for the house, or he will see them all in a couple of months. (big pause and look)

    Howie: In terms of ME LEAVING!!

    Maggie: I'll let you talk to Janelle.

    Howie: I didn't know we would win! The question was wrong!

    Rachel: I was robbed! (laughs)

    Maggie leaves.

    Janelle comes in the room.

    Howie says that if he is wrong, they will be up against the wall. Howie says things change so often that you can't plan too far ahead in the game. He can give the three of them two weeks. Janelle: You can?

    Janelle expresses how scared she is that Eric will come back in and they will be gone because they will have the numbers. Howie says that their team had the numbers last week, and Maggie won!

    Howie says if Eric comes back and they can win the HOH, they put up Eric with one of the people like Beau, and then they will be challenged again. Howie: Will Ivette want to save Cappy or win her million dollars?

    Janelle: Cappy! They're all playing for Eric.

    Janelle says now Sarah is talking to them!

    Janelle: So, we're getting rid of James? I mean...

    Howie: If I don't do this, the whole house hates me now. I'm public enemy number one (says this 3 times).

    Howie says Janelle is in the clear right now.

    Janelle: Did you make them shake on it?

    Janelle: This is so risky. I hate it.

    Howie: It is!

    April knocks and says she knows they want to talk, but she need to talk to them.

    April: If you do the pawn thing and it falls through......

    Howie: You'll come after me.

    April says that if she and Jenny are up there as pawns, then...

    Howie says he knows that he understands that they would come after him.

    April is raging that it would be awful if you were a PAWN, put up there as a PAWN, and then something falls through and you are GONE!!

    April leaves.

    Howie talks again about his plan to put up Eric if he comes back in the house.

    Howie: Who is Beau gonna vote for? Do you wanna win a million dollars or hang out with CAPPY?

    Rachel: Can we keep this one between the three of us, please? The deal with Maggie?

    Janelle asks what deal? Rachel says the deal last week with Maggie, when they said they wouldn't put her up.

    Maggie called to DR.

    Howie says this buys them two more weeks, it is two more weeks of planning.

    Rachel says she wants James out because there is no way she wants him in there voting on the jury.

    Howie says that the underdog has won again and again in HOH.

    Howie: We can say, Beau, does Maggie want the million dollars, or does she want her Cappy? Think about it!

    Howie says he thinks BB will keep it competitive so that they have a chance (even without the numbers).

    Rachel: Yesterday, we dominated.

    Howie: They really want James out of here.

    Rachel: Maybe it will change the game.

    Howie says that they love the stuff James is doing on t.v.

    Rachel says she guarantees that America doesn't like James.

    Howie says the producers do, though.

    They ask what Howie will say at nominations.

    He says he will say they are his biggest competitors. He will say that he keeps his friends close and his enemies farther away!

    He is considering saying that each person in the house wants to talk about this decision. He is going to let the house speak.

    Rachel says he should say they are the dirtiest players in the game. Howie will say they are the most ruthless.

    Rachel says not to make it personal. Just say they are the most ruthless players in the game. Less is sometimes more. They will wonder who told them this, how do they know? Say "You would have done the same to us, and you know it!"

    Howie: I will just say, I put up you Sarah and you, James, because I will say I feel safer in this house with you gone. Does anyone else have any comments?

    Rachel: April is gonna love it.

    Howie: What did I say? I think you are the two most dangerous players and I feel safer. You know what, maybe I should say something because they f--ed up our strategical....It's our fault for f--ing up because they got us in a bind.

    Howie says that he thinks Eric would be good to come in the house because they can use him to divide the other part of the house.

    Janelle says that if Eric comes in the house, she will feel that whatever they try to do...

    Howie: We are back to square one!

    Howie says that next week he is not competing, it is only Rachel and Janelle. So this way it protects them that week.

    Howie: We are partially responsible because we took this guy in, and he f--ed us!

    Rachel: He screwed us up. He overplayed the game.

    Janelle: He thought about himself too much.

    Rachel: You've just got to be prepared for what he is going to say, what he is going to do.

    Howie says as long as it is verbal, he doesn't care. If it is physical, BB security will come through the door.

    Janelle says James will question her about what changed their minds.

    Howie says as much as they want to take shots, just say "Figure it out yourself, James."

    They all say "Let them do it!" about the other houseguests informing James about what they have against him.

    Howie says that if they don't keep their promise next week, believe him, he will go crazy on them.

  14. Janelle argues briefly with April after they leave the room. April is saying how it is a "win-win situation" to take out James and Sarah. Janelle says, "Unless Eric comes back!" April says that he will do what Maggie wants. She is his partner! Why would they try to switch things up?

    April uses the WC.

    Rachel whispers to Janelle that she doesn't appreciate them trying to blackmail them, either.

    BB: Rachel to DR!

    April yells to Ivette to wait, and runs up to her. She asks if James was just talking to her in the room. Ivette says no.

    April: You have to stop fucking talking to him!!

    They go outside.

    Ivette is saying that she thinks they are "shady" about this. She won't trust them until the POV is over and they can't do a single thing to them. She doesn't think they should beg to Howie and Rachel.

    She thinks Janelle is trying to trick them, and although Janelle isn't first on her radar, she doesn't trust her. She feels that they were so happy acting yesterday--it was too happy.

    April explains to Ivette that some of them want to backdoor James, and some want to just put James and Sarah up together.

    Ivette says that nothing is guaranteed in the game.

    April: I'm just saying, if I'm going up, tell me. Because I'm already wanting to go off on James.

    April says that Rachel was demanding three weeks of safety.

    April: She is a straight-up bitch!

    Ivette: I know she is!

    April tells Ivette how Rachel was demanding safety for her and Howie because Cappy could come back and because James will be gunning for them.

    Ivette says she is more scared of Rachel than she is of Howie and Janelle.

    April agrees. She says that Maggie was saying she understood why they wanted that, but she didn't want to make any promises three weeks in advance.

    April: I'm saying, if you don't put James and Sarah up, I'm not making any promises.

    Ivette says that she doesn't want to talk about this any more with them. She says that James will see them talking. April says James is upstairs! Ivette says she doesn't want to talk anymore with them.

    April: If they put me up as a fucking pawn, they can all go fuck themselves this week! You can't make promises like that! That someone would have the audacity to ask for this week, the next week and the next!

    Rachel is a straight up! I want out of here!

    Ivette is just listening.

    April: I just want to be here to see James leave. That's it.

    Ivette says she is just passive, and April is amazed by this. Ivette says she can be passive about some things. She can give three shits about PBJ, that they want to use her as a pawn, etc.

    Ivette says she doesn't care to approach Rachel, Howie, or Janelle.

    Ivette: If this game is for the evil person to win, then the evil person can win because I do not want to become that evil person. Do you understand what I'm sayin'?

    April: I just want to see James cry. (ROFL!)

  15. Rachel says that they felt that the other team knew about what James was doing. Maggie says they didn't. She says that Rachel and Howie stopped talking to her. Rachel says Maggie stopped talking to THEM.

    Rachel points out that they celebrated when James won POV. Maggie and April deny this. They point out that Ivette DID.

    Maggie: And that was a problem.

    Beau says it was even a problem for HIM.

    Maggie says that they sat around Ivette talking to her, and she was nearly in tears because they were asking her WTF?

    April says that Ivette proved herself by taking out James in the HOH comp. She took him out.

    Howie: I told you before that I am a strategical player.

    He tells them that he will look at all moves and decide on the ones that are to their best advantage.

    Rachel says that they all have to expect a shitstorm if they put James on the block. They all say they don't care. They are prepared for it. They say that if Kaysar comes back, James will be talking to him and offering him people.

    April says to keep in mind that THEY never said they wanted Howie and Rachel out. James said that.

    April: He even was selling out Janelle. He was selling out Janelle, as well.

    Howie: He'd sell out his own mother to stay in the game.

    Maggie: Here's what I want. I want people in the house that when they make a promise, you can believe them.

    Ivette called to the DR.

    Janelle comes in and they all greet her, saying they are having a great conversation.

    April: That MOFO!

    Janelle asks what they are talking about, and Howie says they are talking about putting James on the block.

    Janelle: I'm sorry, Jamie. It is time to go home.

    Maggie: We are talking about the biggest problems in this house. The two of them are probably downstairs right now shitting in their pants. Because we are all up here talking.

    Rachel: It's a big frickin' mess, and we talked about how we wanted to backdoor him.

    Ivette: We're not gonna do that?

    Rachel: It's not a guarantee that we can do that. It's a risk, and he is gunning for us.

    Maggie: Howie, you are a great competitor when you want to be. Are you gonna pick Rachel to play for you?

    Janelle: You can pick me if you want to.

    Maggie: I understand the situation, but it wouldn't be that horrible of a thing if Sarah went home.

    Beau says it is best if Sarah and James can't play for each other with POV.

    April says it is best if they know for sure that one of them is going home. Then the next week they will work on getting out the other one.

    Janelle: What if the person who wins won't do that? What if Eric comes back and gets HOH?

    Maggie; He wouldn't have a f--ing choice. I gave you my word, and he knows what that means.

    Janelle: Michael will want James gone.

    April says Kaysar wants James gone.

    April: He said that you have to get Sarah and James out back to back.

    Jen: Here comes James again.

    James comes in the room and asks how Maggie feels. She says horrible.

    All of the HG's are on the bed in a circle facing each other! They didn't move from that position when James came in the room!

  16. Maggie offers to go downstairs and sit in a chair in the toilet area there if they need to be alone to talk.

    April speaks up and asks if they need to talk, because of the nominations and all. Rachel doesn't actually say to go, but she didn't say to stay, either... Maggie says she just has to use the WC again and she will go. Howie says she can stay--he will even leave if she needs privacy. She says she doesn't mind if people hear her bodily functions. Rachel tells Howie that she thinks Maggie is getting sick from both ends.

    April asks if things are the same as they were last night with voting:

    Rachel: You guys screwed it up last week, plain and simple, and we took a loss. Because he didn't go out the door.

    April whispers in a really urgent tone saying they wanted him out.

    Rachel: Why didn't you put him and Sarah both up?

    April says she doesn't know.

    Rachel: It was a big mistake, and we took a loss because of it.

    Howie says that strategically, he sat down with Maggie and had a good talk, about how they wanted to go back to playing a good, clean game.

    Howie: Eric could come back. It sounds good now, but you guys have a good friendship. You are inseparable. The problem is, what protects us?

    April: We have all said, number one, let's say I have HOH next week, you know I'm going to put him up. Bottom line, yes, he is going to backstab us and he is gonna backstab you guys. Yes, I'm friends with Maggie and those guys, just like I'm friends with y'all!

    Rachel asks how they can possibly risk giving James a chance to save himself with POV?

    Howie says what if they put up James and Sarah, and then he get POV, they say they will get rid of him the next week, but who is to say that they won't do the same thing and miss taking him out again that week? Who is to say James won't take himself off again with POV?

    April says that the other group never made any alliance. They only said they would be truthful with each other. She says that she never promised anything, so if she has to put up Beau or Ivette, she will.

    Howie: But you will put up Howie, Rachel and Janelle before you will do that.

    April: I know it seems like that, but..

    Howie tells her that it is a game to him, and he wants to win the same as she wants to win!

    April says that they shouldn't feel like James won't put them up, he swore on the Bible that he would! Rachel and Howie say they KNOW James will put them up, won't hesitate to do it.

    Rachel: Maggie is the one who screwed it up. She screwed it up. She should have put them both up together, and she screwed it up.

    April says she knows that there will be a double eviction week.

    Rachel: OK, say James goes up and we take him out? What if Sarah comes back? Where is out guarantee she won't come after us?

    April: If I win it, I swear on my life I am going after Sarah.

    April: I don't want this to be a numbers game, guys.

    Maggie comes to the bed to talk, with Rachel, Howie and April.

    Howie: We took a hit because of it.

    Howie: If we do this and Eric comes back.

    Howie says that they have all developed a bond, although they don't want to admit it, the next week it will be Janelle, Rachel or Howie that will be gone.

    Maggie: I'd agree.

    Maggie; We all hate him. I know he is bad. I know he is bad. I just don't want to be played. He is still here. What if he wins it.

    Rachel: Sorry. The way I see it, we're screwed and we have a double-edged sword. We have to figure out which edge is the sharpest.

    Maggie asks if they are saying they are the sharpest edge? Rachel says that they are worried about themselves, just as Maggie would be. She says that if Eric comes back in the house, then who is to say he will go after Sarah? How would that benefit him?

    Maggie; Because that is the agreement WE MADE.

    Maggie says that she can understand and see their point that it would benefit them to have one of them gone, she won't deny that, but......

    James called to DR.

    Maggie says she wants James and Sarah out, and if they want her to she will stand up and say so. April says they all will.

    April says that if Sarah is taken out, next week James is after Howie. Howie agrees and says he knows it!

    Maggie; That's not gonna happen. As soon as he goes up, he will become the angriest person you have ever seen.

    April: He will still wheel and deal. He didn't even know Kaysar and right after he went up he came up here.

    Rachel says that she never felt she had any support. Maggie says she thought they knew because of what she said. Rachel says they walk into the room and the others changed the subject.

    April tells them that James was saying Howie and Rachel are the most dangerous people in the house.

    Howie says that last night was his most stressful time in the house.

    April: OK, what can I promise to get that MOFO out of the house next week?

    Rachel: We want to make sure we both get to the sequester.

    Maggie: Oh. DONE! Is that all you want?

    Rachel: That's the minimum.

    Maggie: Ok, so two weeks? Done.

    April says that if Eric comes back and they put Sarah up, if she volunteers to be the pawn, they have to swear they will keep them and not Sarah.

    April says Sarah came up there and did all of James' dirty work. She says they should all be civil, but...

    April: I can deal with her. James, I can't even look at because of all he has done to people in this house.

    Rachel says that James' ability to win POV are strong.

    April: Then we'll all fight together to get him out next week.

    Rachel: See, we're saying two weeks. Next week and another week. We're safe this week already.

    Maggie; I gotta be honest. You're asking for a lot.

    April: Kaysar tried to plan for three weeks.

    Maggie: I have to be honest, I can't blame them for asking that. I haven't done it, but I can't blame them for doing it. That means that in three weeks, one of us is going home.

    April says that bad things happen when you preplan too many weeks.

    Jen is in the room now.

    Rachel says that Michael could come back, or Eric could, and they have to consider that now.

    Maggie says that Eric doesn't know any of the things that happened with James.

    Rachel: Maggie gets it. I mean, you understand where we are coming from.

    Maggie: You have to understand that puts us in a bind, asking for three weeks.

    Rachel says yes, and you will have James and Sarah gone.

    Maggie: You are asking us to put up one of our own people.

    April says she doesn't like to think in terms of "our" people and "your people."

    Janelle called to DR (she hasn't been in on this convo)

    Rachel says they need to understand their position.

    Maggie says that they need to understand that James is not part of their group. He is not one of their voters in their group!

    Rachel says that he is in his OWN group, but he could vote with them.

    Beau bangs on the door, and comes into the room.

    James and Janelle break up the convo. They come in talking loudly about chess.

    Maggie whispers: I don't blame you guys for wanting something...I don't know.. I can't speak for these people.

    April: Don't talk about us as a group.

  17. Janelle lies down on the HOH bed, and James comes in and lies beside her (after asking if it was ok). He whispers to her that he told her not to eat anything! She says she didn't--"duh."

    Janelle asks him what he ate, and he says 1/2 of the top of a wedding cake, two cookies, a brownie...he ate a lot. Maggie comes in the room and asks if she can hang out because she needs a bathroom close by, in case she needs to throw up. James says sure, he doesn't think anyone is in the bathroom, but that's fine because better safe than sorry. He offers her Sprite or water, she doesn't want it. Then, he goes downstairs and gets Pepto Bismol for Maggie and brings it up to her. She thanks him but is short with him. He asks if there is anything to counteract the lactose thing and she says no.

    Janelle says that she is going to take some laxatives because she ate too much today, and she leaves (actually she went downstairs when James left to get the medicine for Maggie).

    Feeds switch to GR

    Sarah is lying down in the GR, looking very serious. Janelle was talking to her briefly about how she was always with Kaysar, because she was with Michael and Michael was with Kaysar, and then after Michael left she stuck with Kaysar.

    F3 HOH room Maggie is sitting, with her head in her hand, sick.

    April asks if she should sit with a trash can, and Maggie says she will be fine.

    Ivette goes in and out occasionally asking about how Maggie is.

    Janelle goes back into the HOH room. She sits on the bed next to James, who rubs his hand on her back and asks if she feels better. She says no, she ate too much.

    Rachel asks what is going on, is Maggie okay? She asks if Maggie is sick to her stomach, and Maggie says yes. Maggie isn't leaving.

    James asks Janelle if she wants to play chess and she says she would love to. They go play chess.

    Janelle is still looking toward the HOH room.

    April and Rachel are still in there with Maggie.

    James about Maggie: She's nervous. She thought she was indestructible.

    Janelle: Yeah.

    James: Michael has to come back.

    Janelle: Maybe we could go to the sequester house together.

    James: And maybe me and Sarah could join you.

    Janelle: Think about it! How fun to be in Mexico with Michael! We'd have our own room, no cameras.

    James: God, I can't wait for that.

    Janelle: God, it'll be the best.

  18. Ivette announces to BB and everyone that Maggie is feeling sick. I think she said Maggie is lactose intolerant and ate things she shouldn't eat.

    Someone (I think Maggie) is in the WC vomiting (very vocally).

    Ivette thanks Janelle for trying so hard, even though she knew she could eat with her pass. She says that she was the one who helped make the difference for Maggie in the competition.

    Someone vomits again (I think Maggie still).

    F1 Ivette in bed.

    F2 following Sarah in the group BR.

    Ivette is cackling, saying she will never eat any kind of pot pie or chocolate again.

    F3/4 in BY with Howie and Rachel talking.

    Howie is saying it is hard to be HOH.

    Rachel: As much as James and Sarah want us out of the house, they are not coming after us right now.

    Someone yelled that nominations are later today.

    Janelle comes over to the table with Rachel and Howie. She tells them that she wasn't trying to win, but she had to make it look that way. Rachel says she knows, and that Janelle was doing great.

    Janelle says that James thinks that Janelle was trying to beat them. Rachel says to tell him.

    Janelle says she feels bad for the other people.

    Rachel: Well, it's a game. Hey, our group gets to eat and Jenny gets to eat from their side, so.....

    BB says it is a lockdown, inside.

  19. Janelle, Howie and Rachel in HOH. Rachel is talking, putting out all potential scenarios. Howie starts to interrupt and Rachel shushes him and tells him to let her just talk.

    She tells Janelle that if she would have been in the HOH, she wished she had been, she would have told them no more talking. They just needed to listen to everyone and not talk. They have to tell Maggie that they took a loss last week, and they cannot afford a loss this week.

    The scenarios are that everything has changed due to another player entering the game next week.

    Here are the scenarios:

    Put up James and Sarah, and James and Sarah do not get veto. The whole house is happy. Take out James and Cappy comes back. Sarah doesn't trust them and has nowhere to go, she goes to the other side, and even though they don't like her they will still not turn down her vote.

    Janelle: Huh. We're screwed.

    Put up James and Sarah and one of them gets the veto. They take James off. Cappy comes back. James hates Cappy but he and Cappy will combine and decide they can shake things up by taking out Howie, Rachel or Janelle. Still screwed.

    Put up Maggie and April. They don't get the veto. Take out Maggie. Cappy comes back and he doesn't have his partner. That side of the house is gunning for them, but they still have James and Sarah on their side. It's a more even fight.

    Put up Maggie and April and Maggie gets veto. Put up Ivette and take out Ivette. Same as above, with a more even fight.

    Put up Maggie and April and Maggie doesn't get veto, take Maggie out. Michael or Kaysar comes back, and the next week they can all take out James if they choose to do so.

    Janelle asks if they have Maggie on the block and she doesn't get the veto, then they won't save Maggie? They won't put up James? Howie and Rachel say no, because they cannot take the chance that Eric will re-enter the house.

    They all agree that the other side is going to be "so pissed."

    Howie: I win HOH, I'm in the nicest room with the nice shit, and I'm miserable. This is the worst I've felt since I've been in the house.

    Rachel: Shit. She knew. She knew we wanted him out. He knew we would vote him out.

    Janelle: I just don't understand why she didn't come to us, you know what I mean.

    Janelle and Rachel get a twinkie, say they may not get one after today.

    Earlier, Howie and Rachel were talking about PB&J. Howie isn't sure if he will get to eat regardless of which side wins, if it is a side thing for the food comp. (BB just said 30 min. to food comp at 10:00 a.m. BB time). They wonder if Janelle is on the winning side for the food, can she give the PBJ free pass to Rachel? Then all three would eat for the week.

    Janelle says Howie looks so handsome in the HOH robe--he should always wear it!

    Howie: Thanks, Janie. I'll be going next week, though.

    Janie and Howie say they love each other. Janie goes downstairs.

  20. Midnight BB time HOH room

    Rachel says that they will all be pissed that he didn't keep the deal with Maggie, but they will be more pissed at James and will take him out first.

    Howie says he asked Maggie if each person won HOH, who would they put up on the block, and each time she said Sarah and James. So he feels they are safe if they take out James this week. He says that after two weeks they might be screwed.

    Rachel: We have three people. Sarah won't be on our side anymore.

    Rachel: James is too good at winning POV.

    Janelle: Yeah.

    Howie; Let's put it this way. If I put this in motion tomorrow, we are guaranteed safety for two weeks.

    Rachel: We are not guaranteed anything! They aren't going to want to waste HOH to take out Sarah.

    Howie: They want Sarah out, too!

    BB: Janelle, PUT ON your MICROPHONE! (angry voice)

    Rachel says that they can't let James win POV, and it is too risky. She says that Maggie KNOWS that and she has to understand that!

    Howie: BB is gonna F us tomorrow.

    Rachel: Then we get rid of Maggie, worst case scenario!

    Rachel: He is going to suspect. If we put him up, he will be pissed. If he wins that POV, he is gonna come after us, and don't think he won't.

    Howie: OK, OK! Next week, Maggie is gonna come after me!

    Rachel: We have better odds, with the whole house coming after him. I don't like that. I don't like that. We backdoor him. If we can backdoor him, we backdoor him. If not, we get rid of Maggie.

    Howie: That's what we wanted to do originally. Why did we change that f----ing plan??!

    Rachel and Janelle both say they never told him to deviate from the plan! Those people downstairs persuaded him to change the plan.

    Rachel: Just say, look, Maggie, I can't put the guy up.

    Howie: So, Maggie and who?

    Janette: April.

    Rachel: Why not Ivette?

    BB: Please REATTACH your microphone!

    Rachel: Dumbass!

    Howie: I don't want this guy fighting for a veto. You can't get him outta here. Hopefully things will go right.

    Rachel: That said, let's go.

    James come in the HOH room

    James: I went into the bathroom, and April said you can't talk smack without a microphone. F---ing c---t!

    James asks how it went with his talk with Maggie, and Howie says she interrogated him some more.

    James: Did she say I was working with them all along?

    Howie: No.

    James is really hot, and they say it is not hot in the room.

    James is arguing about the temp, saying he wants it turned down.

    James: Who's HOH?

    Rachel: Who's closer to him? Me or you?

    James: What did she do with your interrogation?

    Howie: What's your purpose in the game, Howie? Then we got into this discussion about Cappy coming back in the door.

    James: She said that, or you did?

    James: Should we get all our blankets and stuff and lay on the floor? Just sleep here on the floor?

    Howie: Oh, Janie, I want to sleep with you!

    Janelle: Not tonight, Howie!

    Rachel: Seriously, do you want to sleep by yourself? All by yourself?

    James: You know what? I don't think Rachel should have to sleep by herself down there, fend for herself.

    Howie: Rachel, you can sleep with me.

    Rachel: Thanks, Howie.

    James: I'm trying to think. The first time we got HOH. Did any of us make stupid comments like "They can only take out one of us?"

    Janelle: Yeah. But not to them.

    James: That's what I was saying!

    (Ivette said that in front of James)

    Goodnight, Hamster watchers!



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