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Posts posted by Vindaloo

  1. Here's the thing though...

    We got a snippet of who April's sister really is and yes, on the surface she seemed very nice. But keep in mind that if you hadn't watched the live feeds/BBAD or read forums, based solely on April's exit interview with Julie on the show last night, you'd think April was pretty damned nice and rational as well. :animated_shocking:

  2. Shipp, sorry it's taken me so long to reply...

    Ya, Memphis was in the sauna talking with Keesha who was in the spa the other night and they were talking about the clothing gift. Memphis was talking about how he could only have imagined what kinds of suits they would have gotten him and that he was very much into fashion. So ya, he was jealous of the prize, but he's never been over the top about it.

  3. I've never quite understood how some houseguests have lauded Libra for being a great mom. [The one that's immediately coming to mind is Renny's comment the night of the feast, though there have been others] They've only known this woman in the context of the house where she is child-free. Just exactly what are they basing this upon?

    I don't have any children, yet I can't imagine leaving a newly born set of twins behind for any amount of time, willingly.



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