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Dr. Nick

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Posts posted by Dr. Nick

  1. Who would you root for in a feud between Eric and Ivette? I'd have to think about that one since I don't care for either one of them.... I guess I'd just sit back and hope they brought each other down.

  2. I am just curious as to how Janelle is rude and immature...  What has she done?  

    Racial slurs against Ivette. That's completely unnessary and crossing the line. I don't like Ivette either but won't stoop to making racist remarks.

    She made racist comments? I must've missed it. I've tried keeping up on the live feed forum, but I might have missed it. What did she say?

  3. Tonight's show gave me an awakening and truly opened my eyes.  I've seen only Real Player clips of the "incident" and then immediately shown fish.  BB took the time to show us what was going on behind the scenes while we saw fish.  

    Eric & Janelle are rude, petty, and extremely immature.  They need to play the game like the adults they are.  Eric may be shorter than Michael, but he's definitely the bigger person despite his mistake.

    I don't condone what Eric did and think it was a big mistake to be so reactive.  He owned the mistake and took full responsibility.  Michael has the inability to be so humble as to tell someone "I'm sorry."

    I am just curious as to how Janelle is rude and immature... What has she done? She talked about Eric with Michael in the gold room, but everyone has talked about everybody else in the house behind their back. The only difference is that Janelle and Michael don't have a gang of followers to spy and tell them everything that is being said about them.

  4. She said that to Kaysar, metaldale? I didn't know that. Wow, now she's even more unlikeable in my eyes. Kaysar went outside to try and difuse the situation because he could tell it was reaching a boiling point and it looked to me like they were taking some of their anger out on him. Can't believe he went to apologize to Ivette.

  5. Ivette really bothers me. For once the way she sucks up to Eric is very annoying and I also hate the way she acted during her conversation with Kaysar. She would not let Kaysar get a word in and when he tried she would start getting angry about him not letting her talk. That's the pot calling the kettle black.



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