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Posts posted by BBvacation

  1. Julie Chen has stated several times that if a pair makes it to the end, the runner up will get 250,000 and the winner will get one million dollars. One of the stipulations behind this is in order to win the money, no one else in the house can correctly guess that they are partners.

    Do you think that if an existing pair makes it to the end they will still honor the money?? All of the pairs have been guessed correctly.....

    I assume Julie Chen will change her tune sometime this week....

  2. Eric and Maggie

    M: Everyhone knew, before I got on that chess board. Ivette didn't give me a chance to say

    whether or not I wanted her. She said I am playing for you tomorrow.

    E: That's when I unloaded on her about him being the second vote. She said that she was

    going over to you to say that. She was pissed off.

    M: She went up to Beau and told him what he was going to do.

    E: did you see how pissed off Beau was this morning.

    M: yes, but I don't doubt for one second... Ivette and Beau are playing together. B/c she

    talked to him like I talk to you.

    E: there's no way we can prove it.

    M: Jenn jsut hinted to us that Ivette isn't palying the way that we thought she was. Why is

    she doing that. What's her motive? for us to think that we have no one in this game? If we

    don't have Ivette, we have no one in this game.

    E: she has to vote someone off.

    M: right, but if I was set up, like I know I was... Janelle was playing for James, Howie, and Kaysar

    were playing for James... the only thing I don't know is Ivette.

    E: It's possible. My gut feeling says no, but I don't know anymore. I can't give you

    an honest answer. Id ont' know. After today, anything is possible. I was totally blindsided.

    M: I was 100% blindsided.

    E: I don't think i've every been blindsided like that in my life. But you ahve to accept

    it and take ti like a man and not hide in the gold room like michael.

    I'm leaving the way I came in. I'm leaving as a man. Not as a wimp or a coward.

    M: I nkow that. If they think that i'm smarter and more strategic than you are , i don't

    want you to burn any bridges.

    E: I'm not lobbying to stay.

    M: ARe you going to keep playing as if Beau adn Ivette didn't do anything wrong.

    E: yes, so I can find out... if it comes to me it comes to me...

    M: jenn is making me think she knows something.

    I don't have any doubt that her and april are together

    E: it doesn't matter anymore. Their gunning for me they want me gone.

    M: Not if James says Maggie is smarter than eric. He's not going to get rid of me.

    At this point they need to get rid of both of us and they can't.

    I don't feel like I can believe anyone right now.. the only one I believe is you.

    Way to make us feel alone. Do you think that there is anyone that isn't together but are

    playing like they are?

    E: I used to think I was a good judge of character... but not anymore.

  3. April: I don't even like looking at Janelle

    Beau: I just.. yeah.. I don't even like her. I don't like her. I"m just going to put her

    up no matter what.

    A; who started all this?

    B: Kaysar. He said he had to stir up the house and not be obvious about it. He knows his

    advantage as HOH. He wasn't in our group. He asked everyone questions... Who do you think

    the group doesn't want. I didn't say any names. I just said that Janelle is the only one that

    the group doesn't want.

    A: I told Janelle- I'm going to be honest with you, I told Kaysar to put you up. What do

    I have to hide at this point. He's smarter than we thought.

    B: But he's freaking ARab/Muslim. they're all smart. they know how to work it. That's what

    they do best.

    Jennifer joins them

    A: Hello my sorority sister. This is the time for sisterhood to stick together- at this point

  4. April, Beau (BR)

    They're talking about the pairs and what was going on in their lives before they left.

    April: Telling Beau about the plans she told BB she had for the summer and how she was looking

    for a house. She says that BB asked for names of family members and friends that she knew

    and was close to, but (to my knowledge) none of them were contacted. I'm not going to even

    justify myself anymore. Like Howie asking me, "So how do you know Jenn?" Ugh, Shut up!

    Beau: I know I'm keeping the deals that I made because I am a man of my word. I"m going

    to have to vote off Maggie.

    April: I will remember people saying that when someone is lying all bets are off (LOL)

    Beau: I stillw ant to keep the deals that I made.

    April: i'm not saying that Iw ould go against them.

    Beau mentioned their group being April, himself, Ivette, and Jennifer.... we have to swing

    Rachel to keep them here.

    Beau is adamantly saying that he is sticking to voting to keep Eric.

    Beau: Don't be leaving me now and Ivette... we need to think about how we can keep Cappy to stay.

    April: Who was teh second vote to keep Ashlea

    Beau: James

    April: WHY?

    Beau: Because he found out about janelle and Ashlea

  5. Now they are rehashing the food competition, talking about the "other team's" weaknesses.

    K: I was telling HOwie the other day: they're not battle tested.

    James: I just don't want to make this a habit- me having to win this shit every week.

    H: If there was one veto on the line- this was the one to win.

    James: Listening to Maggie worry about the both of us. She can feel our pain, etc. I was just

    thinking to myself that "I want to shut this bitch up"

    SArah says that she went to give Maggie a hug (not to be spiteful) after teh veto competition

    and Maggie said, "Dont' touch me."

    They all agree that they are going to have a very vengeful person on their hands after Eric

    leaves. RAchel agrees, but thinks that Maggie is not as vengeful as Ivette and will make

    wise decisions. Rachel doesn't think Maggie would go after Kaysar.

    Sarah: If we can convince them that we're working two and two, maybe they'll be stupid enough

    to put up Jeniifer and April

    James: You two (kaysar/Janelle) are hated right now

    Janelle: I've been hated since day onef! HEllo!

    Sarah: I have not hated you one day, Janey, I promise.

    Rachel: me either.

  6. Rachel, James, Janelle, Kaysar (and Howie and Sarah) in HOH room

    They are saying that there are no more teams. That this is it.

    James is rehashing the veto competition.

    James is telling them how Ivette wants to swing the house.

    Sarah: FYI April and Jennifer are looking for which side to join...she's asking me which

    side I am on. (April)

    Kaysar: Let's get things straight... There's no question of loyalty. We're going to fight

    for each other. We had a plan, the plan is done, now let's carry through.

    James: What should I say to Ivette? Can I pretend I"m on their side and rat them out to you?

    K: Their going to pretend, we're not. IT's done.

    J: I told them yesterday.. you were going to vote me out.

    Janelle: What about them pretending to be on their side?

    Howie: Be nice as possible, it doesn't hurt.

    James: Yeah

    Sarah: April keeps asking me which side I am on and who I am friends with. I told her I

    was fighting for James and James is fighting for me.

    K: Maybe we should do that then. We act as partners. Pretend that our only agenda is get

    Eric out.

    James: I told Ivette that I gave you all my allegiance until Eric is gone.

    RAchel/Sarah: We have to get HOH next week.

    K: Final Six. (They all agree.)

  7. Maggie and Eric:

    I have no regrets. None. And I won't. And I'm going back to my David, and I'm going back

    to my dogs. Everything happens for a reason.

    E: I just can't believe I was this blindsided. Were you as blindsided as I was?

    M; Of course! I talked to Kaysar to clean my slate. I told him that the conversation

    was for my benefit. I think you are going to stay. I need you to play like you are going

    to stay.

    E: I think you are way off the mark.

    M: have I been wrong yet in this game?

    E: Nope.

  8. Rachel just told Eric, Beau, Jenn, April, Maggie, and ivette that Kaysar is behind all of

    this.... Not Howie and Janelle....

    Eric is trying to make sure he is okay with April.

    April keeps saying that she just wants to leave.

    I: Mentally you come into this came for yourself. But some of you have extra motivation.

    Maggie is going to work her butt even harder for you, Cappy.

    E: That's fine. When it comes down to it, you have to win the competitions. Maggie didn't

    win and she's accepted that. Now you have to accept it and play.

    Maggie: Don't play backwards... play forwards.

  9. Wow...

    Ivette is playing up the fact that Maggie "has" someone and more to fight for. She keeps

    repeating,"What a disadvantage."

    I: "So Janelle plays harder for Ashlea, Kaysar plays harder for Michael, you play harder

    for cappy."

    (Beau is STANDING right there!)

    Ivette: I would have never gotten with James. I totally wanted him.

    Sarah: Oh, don't worry about that!


  10. Sarah is talking to Ivette as she cries about her previous relationships and how James makes

    her feel like a princess. She is telling ivette how important it was to her when Ivette

    would talk about how perfect she and James would be for each other.

    Ivette (yelling and crying): But that was all innnocent, and I seriously said it out of the

    goodness of my heart!

  11. K: They (BB) almost give you stuff according to who the HOH is....Eric got this food thing

    where he gets to go "Yeow!" and they think I'm smart so they gave me a spelling bee. And Rachel

    uses ropes in her job.. so that was easy for her.

    Fireman: water and ropes

    It does make sense! He knew exactly what that harness was for. Do you think that's a coincidence?

    Three times in a row?

    H: Just keep kicking ass and taking names.

  12. Kaysar, Janelle, and Howie are talking about how the other group is so far behind.... and they

    are three steps ahead.

    Kaysar has used the knowledge of the pairs to unite his side, while the other side is still

    vehemently denying their partnerships.

    K: Maggie admitted she had a partner.

    J: April's the biggest liar in the house.

    H; By far, by far.... She said fifty times that she and Jennifer don't know each other.

    It's like families fighting over money. It makes them do wierd things. God, in 24 hours

    you have completely changed this place. They effed James.. they effed him.

    K: you have to get effed to understand this game. We did!

  13. Kaysar: I'm going to bring them in here and tell him, we have enough votes to get ERic out

    But if we don't get those two extra votes... We're coming after you next. They'll hear the

    votes and they won't trust anyone any more.

    Sounds like teh veto game was a chess game. Janelle said that she threw it on purpose so

    that James could win. Because, "who knows what type of speech I would make." And james wants

    to make a personal veto speech.

  14. Ivette kept yelling at everyone from the treadmill until everyone except for Beau and Eric left.

    They are working out ....

    Janelle, James, April, and Jennifer and Sarah and Howie are talking in the kitchen about how the secrets

    are out, how to deal when they are on the block.... etc. Howie is trying to keep it

    light by talking about boobies.

    April and Jennifer are still sticking to the "we don't know each other" story even though

    James and Sarah are "out of the closet."

    April said, "Look at the other seasons. Not EVERYONE can be a part of the twist."

    The update board seems to be down..... can't post this.

    1pm BBT

    Beau: (takling about James) I never trusted him, but you liked him. CAppy liked him, so I was like


    Janelle and Kaysar in HOH room

    K: the reason why Maggie is so horrified is because not in a million years did she think I

    could do this. It's not my fault they think I'm naive. They want me to spell it out for him?

    I gained respect and trust by doing this. I didn't get any respect or trust before I did this.

    J: (sarcastic) James, I've got your back I've got your back" Whatever. (Making fun of Ivette)

    K: April and Jennifer after all this, won't come clean that they know each other. Beau is

    the biggest snake in this house. And you're telling ME that I shoudl think twice about my

    decision?? But you know what, ti's expected. I'm not going to talk about it if they're

    gonna yell. They're all bullies all of them. And this one is one up for the little people.

    It's time that the little people get their turn. And you know what, I told Ivette that I'm making

    a statement and she laughed. I told people I wanted to make a differece and they shrugged me off

    They call me an idealist, well I"m going to show idealism in its finest.

    Meanwhile.... April is telling Beau and Ivette that Janelle told them that Ashlea is her

    best friend. Ivette and Beau are acting shocked and April is saying how Jennifer and she are

    so different..... and they don't know each other.

  15. I can't even begin to finish a thought for you all... Sorry.

    Ivette is FREAKING out, and trying to "walk it off" on the treadmill.

    Eric is calling people out and then trying to be noble. He said to Sarah, "He already told us that your his girlfriend!"

    James: Don't yell at her

    Everyone is yelling.... I can't keep up at all



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