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Posts posted by auntjulie

  1. I was really looking forward to today's House Calls, but I was really disappointed in it. They didn't talk to Janelle for very long and they even forget to open their eviction predictions envelopes.

    They spent more time discussing their time on the red carpet at the Emmys. House Calls is about BB, not the Emmys.

    There was no discussion about the jury questions or anything.

    On a positive note, I did like their costumes.

    Also, we did find out that Janelle had a huge fight with Beau, which may cause her to vote for Maggie. That was the only interesting tidbit I got.

    Normally Gretchen is the focused one when Marcellas goes off on tangents. Today, they both were all over the map. UGH.

  2. He SHOULD adress Beau because it his job to review, recap, discuss, and interview.

    And he did not do his job because he let emotions get into his way.

    Imagine if Erics house was on fire and he said, "I can't save my family, it's just

    too emotional". I would be like "now that's sounds so f**king ridiculous, do your job"

    Maybe not say it to him, but that would be what I would think.

    Ditto for if a child was riding his or her bike and got hit by a car. Imagine if maggies reply was, "I would help ya kid but, I love children and this is too emotional. I am going to get ice cream, if you survive I'll save some for you, it will be in my freezer, toodles!"

    You can't let your emotions interfere with your job like that. And to top it off.


    See my point?

    You're missing the point of House Calls. Julie Chen has to play it straight. However, the viewers love the "dish." So it's great for Gretchen and Marcellas to get riled up. That's why the show is so successful.

  3. He seemed pretty in to himself on the show last year...made himself look like an a$$... I am just amazed that he thinks he is gods gift to Big Brother 5 and he was evicted in week 4............PEOPLE..............WEEK 4............Give me a break!!

    So was Kaysar...lol

    I still Kay-Kay though.

    Scott must think he's important cuz there's still a link on Mortys for his Playgirl pics...I believe he was called Needle Dick.

    Seriously, he's an egomaniac...I quit reading his posts in week 2.

  4. Can you tell? LOL! I've already saved a bunch of new pictures for future avatars, read through all the threads on Morty's, and even went up to the newsgroups pinned at the top of the forum. I guess I should go to bed now. The thing that sucks about CBS's blackout (besides the obvious) is their timing. Friday night I could've hung with Janelle & Howie because I can sleep in tomorrow. Oh well. G'night all.

    At least you can stay up all night tomorrow. Have a good one!!

  5. I wonder if it makes the AC Gangbangers upset to see how unbelievably hot Maggie looked on last Thursdays show?

    Janelle looks a little less like a Tranny now that she has gained 15 pounds but if she was not wearing her female impersonator outfit it would be no contest in the looks dept.  Maggie is looking GREAT!

    ..and at least she has a womans body and breasts.

    I thought you never used the word "gangbangers?"



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