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Posts posted by persch

  1. 8:55PM BBT


    Janelle, Brittany, boogie, frak, joe, Ian

    Chit chatting about survivor, amazing race.

    Boogie asked Britney if she knew Willie before coming in, she says she met Russell once at survivor finale. Never knew he had family. Talks about russels showmance his last season.

    (headed to bed, I'll pick up in the morning )

  2. 8:36 PM BBT

    (Trying to type fast to keep up so bare with me)

    Convo in the HOH room

    Boogie: what up internets might have been blacked out a few hours there,

    Janelle: lets give them a recap, Willie's Expulsion, told me to F**K off.

    Boogie: used the 'c' word

    Janelle: kicked the door in the have nots room... twice.. Head butted Joe four times.

    Boogie: He head butted joe four times (he just repeated, I know) and then was physically removed from the game. HHEEEYY

    Ian: was he taken into the DR, the production room?

    Joe: they were... security came in..

    Now talking about Britney and the past...



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