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Posts posted by smoopie

  1. I didn't have to break up with my boyfriend this summer using a lame excuse because I wanted to spend my days watching the feeds. :giggle:

    OH heck this means you may be busy next summer with wedding plans... Its funny around the middle of June I start getting ready for BB almost to the point of saying BYE for the summer to friends that dont watch HAHAHAHAH #superfan #addicted

    Im sorry but I have NO simpathey sympathy for GM who is crying because she can't spell... #hair..dye...kills..brain...cells #stayNschool

  2. I have been going for more walks and spending more time at the pool this season.

    Yes .... that means spending more time with the family!!!! I am sorry but, this season is on the same level as the bad girls club if you ask me. None of the people on this season are people I would use as a sample of what BB fans ARE or would want to watch. I just WISH AG would hear us NO SAG cards only put super fans in the house that know the game that watch the game that love the game....I say get 14 people from the popular websites that update and ONLY pick the people that sit there and endure year after year updating... I mean no bigger super fan than that!!!! NO picking people from facebook or wanna be anyones!!! Let it be people who understand the game nothing but risk takers..... OMG would that be such a great season!!!! there would be tea dumping... pickle juice flying ... unitard HAve NOT turkey burger eating and crying people everywhere.... But I will say this ...NO matter who is on the show and HOW bad the season is... I have made some life long friends through this show that I still have till this day.. some I only talk and chat with during the season and some everyday and many in between... For that I will always be thankful for.... :mbabe::heart::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:

  3. I was done with Helen the night she was a have not and got so upset with Germ and how he drank the wine and what he had to say. NONE of it was directed to her and the whole people were enjoying watching them eat etc... The fact she uses I am a mom for game play irritates me so bad. So what being a mom makes you no diff than any other player. My question is who is casting because they really have failed the past few seasons. I mean this chick is so fake and her lies are going to catch up with her as soon as the house clears out a bit. People are going to see through her. I love the way she feeels like she is the one making sure people go to jury and who deserves to be in the game. Yes she won HoH and the rest is becasue she was on the power side of the house. How she thinks its all her is blowing my mind. I would have already called her out on it. This season is so hard to warm up too. People in a uproar over what HG say .. ummm hello people it happens all the time ON many many shows and yet this is the show people get so worked up over. I wish they would have a DOCTOR look at GM or atleast turn her mic down LOL

  4. So each time I watch the feeds I have to deal with aaryns whine raspy voice which makes me want to hear nails on a chalk board OR,,,, ITs getting my ear drums busted out by GM who thinks she is funny...Let me also add about GM ...its pretty bad when you have to dye your brown hair light for an excuse to be so stupoooid.

  5. As I've said before, Joe might not wash his hands in the bathroom, but I have seen him wash his hands at the kitchen sink. I've seen him do it before, durning and after cooking. Just because people don't like him, it's not right to mess with his livelyhood. Do you think prissy little Britney and Dani would keep eating his food like starving people if they didn't see him wash his hands before cooking. They would call it out quickly. He should wash his hands in the bathroom so everyone can see. For all you know,he goes straight to the kitchen sink and washes them there. Chefs feel comfortable in the kitchen and that's why he is in there all the time, but I've seen people on here bash him for that. Give the guy a break. He may float from HOH to HOH but everyone in that house does it too. They just rag on Joe for it. I think he gives it his best in competitions, he really wants a letter from home. He always looks so sad when other people are reading their letters. Most of the people in there have a final 2 deal with several people. So they kiss the HOH ass in advance, then as soon as they can they run to the HOH and remind them about their final 2 deal. They want to make sure nothing has changed and they are still good. At least Joe has been loyal to Shane longer than the stupid Pack has been loyal to each other. I guess some people enjoy being mean.

    Joe washed his hands in the kitchen because the girls had stuff all around the bathroom sink. Your right when ppl don't like someone they find anything to dislike.

    Posting this on the Joe thread:

    I have always thought that the only reason Joe is on BB is to promote his cooking website and to drum up business.

    He really has not put any effort into the game other then run to each HOH to try to stay in the game longer.

    The longer he is in the game the more promotion he can put out there. Like talking to the feeders all the time.

    I would rather have someone in the Big Brother house that was there to PLAY the game. Joe is a waste.

    That being said I am sure he has a nice wife and family.

    Glad your a Dan fan so am I but, dan does his fair share of promotion on the show as well. I agree Joe did not do well at the game but, you never know until you try.

  6. Joe was a horrible player. Never won anything and he actually thought America would reward the first one to fall off in the swing comp.....idiot! He had some class when he left.....Lot more than Booger or Frank!

    Joe is far from an idiot and he did not think he was going to get a reward he was almost hanging upside down in the first few seconds of the hoh and so he dropped the other dropped with in ten minutes of him. As far as him talking loud they are asked to do so in the DR and when you are a person who talks louder than most it sounds very loud. think about Rachel she did the same thing and said that they asked her to sound exicted and louder than normal so all your words are picked up.

    So today on Jeff's interview with Joe Jeff talked about the story Joe told about the dog that ate the shovel and said no way it was true. You can go to his offical fan page and see the photos along with other photos of what Joe has said that is the truth. Joe does not tell lies about his life sorry to dissappoint people.


  7. As a friend of Joe and his family and a long time person here at mortys I don't care if you don't like the way this man plays the game but stop calling him a liar about things you don't know if are true or not. His stories although are puffed to be a better story are true. Remember this man has children that could read what you say about their father.

    You call him a flip flopper but, the biggest one in the house is IAN he did it the whole game and so has Dan it did it with boogie and frank. Its all the same unless you like the person then they are a floater. He tells people what they want to hear and THEY ALL DO THAT. He does not dog other people or say mean hateful things and JANI did indeed say start a hate thread. I would think the loyal Jani fan that posted above would then know she did say that but, instead its too easy to get on the band wagon and just call Joe a liar. EVEN jani has tweeted she wants Joe to win the game.

    For those that do care for joe please go to https://www.facebook.com/MadLoveCooking and like the page so we can get it up too 5000 likes. He will be selling his cookbook from there and it will include slop to try.

    Hate on, but I still love Joe and will vote to give him the 25k, because I think he's really the only one who deserves it.

    His family Thanks you. https://www.facebook.com/MadLoveCooking

  8. A little self-absorbed...have you seen her? And when I say lies, I get they all lie. Dan has showed how to play this games like a champ, and still manages to not be a complete psycho!

    She has said her fathers an alcoholic and violent to her,

    She broke her back, she has ibs, she has liver problems (really? Drink another one) the list goes on and on. I get you have to lie,and manipulate in this game, but this girl is delusional!!

    She's hurting her family, and possibly joes, I know if I was his wife I'd be a little more than pissed!

    I am friends with Joe's family and you are right his wife is pissed and the family is very hurt by her lies. Dani does not tell game lies she tells lies that have NOTHING to do with game its all personal. Just so happen we were watching the feeds with the dirty old man comment and all I can say is Dani will come face to face with Sarah on the 19th and words will be spoken. In fact all the houseguests that have been mean and cruel need to watch out. Joe may make things bigger than they are to tell a good story but, the core of his story is true and yes including the white house land is in fact true. At least what Joe says does not hurt anyone.

    If you want to see the dog with the golden eyes go to https://www.facebook.com/MadLoveCooking and check it out plus like the page while you are there we are trying to get it up too 5000. thanks

  9. Dani still like Shane alot. She just telling the HG and Viewers that she doesn't like Shane since the Zingbot made fun of her. I hope Wil gets evicted and gets to talk to Trey. Found out the truth and posts it somewhere. She'll probably give him a fake number.

    Love Ian talking about what would America choose. For Janielle the look on her face wasn't too bad. But the look on her face about who was smarter was priceless. BB has to have this competition. It's going to drive her crazy.

    I feel bad for Dan. They have their night time talk and she complains that he doesn't hang around with her.

    I worked at a nursing home as a nurses aide and found someone dead when I started my morning shift. The RN does call a doctor and than he comes in to sign paper work. We had to tidy up the room before he arrived.

    Also on evening shifts the nurses aides gave out meds. We were trained by the head nurse and than supervised for the first couple of times. It's easy because each med is on a large bubble pack card with 31 days. Just find the day and push the pill into a cup. We had a RN on another floor to call for help or for as needed pills.

    One day we had a meeting and the RNS got called out for making too many errors. Also that the Nurses Aides were doing a better job.

    I am not trying to start anything or being rude about this but, as a ARNP (Nurse Practitioner) and in the state of FL medication dispensing is strictly prohibited by an aide in a hopital setting(including OTC meds) and you will go to jail. Its a very serious thing so I am a bit shocked that any other state allows this. Again not trying to say its not true just VERY surprised by this information. Should I allow an aide to give out meds my lic are on the line.

  10. My daughter has Aspergers & Tourettes... I know that when she obsesses it can be difficult. She does it mainly when she is uber stressed... I am glad Brit is there to help out.... I am an Ian fan!

    In one way I'm like way to go BB for giving the kid a break putting him on the show but, on the other hand I am almost pissed at BB for doing it as it seems cruel in a way. It's not like BB does not understand obsessed fans and how it can turn out for HG when they leave the house etc..

  11. Thank you for posting that! I like positive stories & it does sound like he has an awesome family! I was watching the feeds last night/early this morning when he & the other HN's were in the HoH room with Frank talking about EVERYTHING under the sun & he genuinely seemed to be having a blafost & just being himself! I liked seeing that side of him!

    Thanks.... :D

  12. What was funny is she posed the question saying ok if its a crap shoot HoH let's get this right who would america say is ..... But she only asked those 3 questions and when she did not the answers she wanted she stopped. Today in the HNR brit tried to bring up Jani's shoes and Dani is so jealous of her she said real fast... Brit would you cry if I was evicted...OMG

  13. 7:00BBT Ian and Brit in BY talking about how Joe said he will put up floaters if he got HoH. Trash talk now starts about Joe. Ian now says he is sorry about the whole "having your cake and eat it too" Brit says she understands and Ian says he is loyal to her and she said she understands. Ian says Brit is in a better positon than Ian is.

    Ash and Wil now talking about Brit and Ash says Wil is not going home. Wil now tells Boogie that he heard he wants Shane out. Wil is not understanding why everyone was wanting Joe out so bad and now its him. Boogie is saying that with his ear hurting he does not want to game talk. Boogie is saying that Frank did not tell him that and that he does not have lots of alliances.

    Boogie/Ash/Wil now talking about how relaxed Joe is while on the block. Jenn comes up and Wil tells Jenn the story about how he is being thrown under the bus by trying to get out Shane and its not true. Jenn says her only concern is how relaxed Joe is as well.

    Wil is saying its hard to defend yourself in the house with all the lies going around. Boogie says that is why it was so hard with Jani in the house due to all her lies.

    Wil/Ash/Jenn/Boogie all talking about the couch. Wil leaves and says he is going to change to work out talk continues about how much they hate the couch. All 4 cams on this convo.

    Ian/Brit/Shane Hammock talking about when the coaches came into the game and what they thought about it. Ian says if you could re-pick your team who would you pick Brit says "easy" Shane/Ian/Frank. Ian says what you would not pick Joe and she says NO! Brit says when she first saw Ash she thought she could really compete well. Ian says he was surprised he was not picked at least by the second person. Brit says she was very surpirsed by Dan's pick and asks Ian do you think he was only picking b/c he thought he was going in the game? Ian says yes. Ian still says he was surprised by not being picked early.

    7:15BBt Brit says Willy wanted to call a house meeting to tell everyone who his brother was and they both agree it did not matter at all who his brother was. Brit says in doing so would have caused it to become a big deal when it was not one. Short FOTH.

    7:30 All 4 cams BY Ian/Brit General chit chat and talk of old comps. Ian talks about the Hockey game and how it may not have been such a crap shoot of a game.

    7:32pm BBT Ian goes in to eat his chicken nuggets and gets up. Joe is in the kitchen cooking but, drops and egg.

    Frank/Shane/Dan/Joe in kitchen not game talk gen chit chat.

    Dani/Brit in HNR Dani talking about how Ash is getting in her space and forcing her to move and watches they way she lays and then does the same thing.. Dani says Ash was sitting googly eyed at Shane. Dani said Ash was hearing the convo about Joe making something to eat thursday and said "wait so you mean will is going home" and brit says so she went and told Wil that they were voting him out. Bitt says dont go to the KT they are making fried chicken that looks so good and short FOTH. Dani is still trash talking everything Ash has said and does today. Dani says Ash has no mind of her own she does what everyone wants. Dani says Ash does nothing but follows her all over the house. 0_o Britt is saying its weird about how she talks about Tray and then flirts with Shane Dani says the more she pulls away from Shane the more Shane flirts with her but, she does not want him she is still in Tray land. (OMG) Now they talk about Tray's last name and we get FOTH.

    7:46pmBBT Brit trys to talk about something else and Dani brings it back to Shane. Dani says that everytime Frank flirts with Dani Shane gets upset and flirts harder to out do him. Brit says she wants Dani to talk about how big Frank is in front of Shane to see what he would do and Dani smiles and says what do you think he would do if I did that... Brit says she cant wait to see how this all goes down after the show and what happens with Tray. Dani says tray is the type of person that could already be seeing another person ( thought they were engaged)

    Dani says she could have been in love with tray and its a "gooder" thing she left. (Thats what I heard)

    Dani says she thinks Shane will hurt her and now talk goes to zingbot and how BB has painted her out to be a giggly googley eyed girl about Shane. Dani said Shane told her he could not talk to her anymore b/c he could really fall for her. Brit says I am not saying this to be mean but that is a cop out and not the truth.

    Dani now talking about how she will go out with hyden instead and it will hurt Shane. Brit now telling Dani what type of girl Hayden likes and to invite him and she wants to make out with him...

    7:59pmBBT BY Jenn/wil (finally game talk even if its the same things being said) Wil does not understand how last week everyone wanted Joe out and this week people can't give him an answer about a vote.

    Jenn thinks the reason people are not telling her who is going out is they know that she would tell Wil. Wil says people will prolly put Jen up next week and Jenn says what a waste to take her out. (LOL) Wil says he really just does not understand. Wil and Jenn go inside.

    8:09pmBBT Brit/Dani HNR Brit asks why do you think Dan asks about how much Jani's shoes costs and Dani says she does not want to talk about Jani and very fast changes the subject. (Jelly much?) LOL She spits out "Brit will you cry if I get evicted" and Brit says yes. Dani says its crazy we have been in here 40 days and nights and have not gone anywhere then says but if we had gone to A G and R and FOTH... Brit says out of the 4 of us one of will win the game. Brit says if not Frank will win the game and Dani says NO I will fight tooth and nail to stop him. Brit says Frank is as loud as Joe and Dani says Frank is a douchebag and how they have to pretend to like him. Dani talks about the mac and cheese again. Dani then makes up a story about how Frank said JC wanted to talk to him but, did not want to talk to her??????? Brit says Frank said the HN's should stay the same next week. Brit says she cant wait for him to be a HN and she is going to cook and eat in front of him. dani says Frank thinks he is so goodlooking and its creepy when he winks. They now talk about how much he stinks and does not do anything to clean often. Brit says we just have to play along with his jokes and let him tickle us to play the game. Dani says each time Frank tickles her she thinks "this will make Shane made" so she goes along with it. 8:12pmBBT Still Frank bashing and how he took a jab at Dani saying he has an open door policy and Dani says she only locked the door so Jani and Ash would not come and eat all her snacks and says "how about you win a HoH and I'll come eat all your snacks" (I saw her shovel a handful of snacks with each HoH)

    (Have a great night guys) :D

  14. Let me remind you guys that Janelle was only in the game 4 days before going on the block, and thought she was safe with Danielle's team up to that point, because of their earlier deal. So what bad game play did she display in 4days? It is because of Wil, Ashley and Britney's lies about her that Janelle went on as a replacement and not bad game.

    As for Boogie... I am really not appreciating him at the moment (not that I ever have), because I know I heard him use the "N" word this morning when talking about Dominic Briones' eviction. I really hope the fans don't allow him to make excuses for that, the way Jeff was allowed to last season when showing bigotry towards gays. Their type of behavior is disturbing because they really don't regard the people listening whom their words of choice might offend. When that behavior is allowed justifcation they do it over and over...They'll just be more careful about it the next time.

    I Disagree that Jani went out b/c of ash and wil's lies. What really happened was Dani was jealous and very catty she wants to be the only female to get attention in that house. Dani heard comments from Frank and Shane about her looking hot in her 80's workout outfit and then thought Jani was trying to set up ash and Shane as a showmance. Britt and her mean girl attitude helped it right along. Dani would never admit she wanted Jani out for those reasons so all it took was a lie from Wil and Ash and she used it trying not to look bad. Dani's lies in real life a huge and she is going to be very shocked when she gets out of the BB house.

    My whole point to the post is she was looking for any reson to BD Jani.

    He is a sleaze ball but he is playing a good game. He seems to intimidate others and seems not to be a target.... yet.

    Seems to me both sides are already talking about striking each other so if the other side of the house gets HoH you may see frank and boogie on the block.



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