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Posts posted by MrsFroman

  1. I was referred to Morty's after missing a BB8 episode. My best friend sent me here. This season I decided to come here daily and joined in on the Live Feed Updates spontaneously. It's been fun and I love it here. There's not a bunch of whacked out teenagers flaming everyone like the last place I posted....uh 10 years ago! *LOL* Morty's rocks. B)

  2. Yana - I hope that means that the rules will change. I guess not discussing nominations went out the door night one huh? *LOL* I would love to see more strategizing. I am in agreement with you on her ignorance. If she truly believes our government "took away" all electric cars and destroyed them in a big yard somewhere, she's been listening to Waaaay too much "conspiracy" radio!

  3. Yana - I feel bad for Dixie too. I like her. She seems to be a good soul. As far as Rima goes, her bashing of the US really did it for me. I don't care for her but wish her well.

    I don't like no HoH. I watch it for the strategy, and there doesn't seem to be much there. However...the comps kick ass and I love the BB interaction.

  4. TCS - I'm in the middle of Episode 5 and love it too! The comps are better, I like that their comps are not only cooler but they have a comp area to do them in. Also, I like the way they mess with the food. You're right..their guests aren't as bad as ours were so far, but I haven't seen live feed things either.

    Allison Grodner - Please look at BB Australia for some new ideas!! They do it better than our BB9 was!

  5. Does anyone know if there are other watchable BBs with english speaking casts? I would love to watch like Africa or somthing.

    TCS - Agreed!! I love the banishing to the van thing, and I like the food and I like one bed. Though I have to say that we have left the same old thing...single 20 somethings. That part, I would change.

  6. I'm at the end of episode 2. I LOVE that the Aussie BB sounds very much like HAL. *L* I wish our BB sounded like that. It's much more calming. Though I have to admit, HAL made me fall asleep many a time.

    Cracked me up when Dave said "gonna git a bahnahnah cheah" Translation- "gonna get a banana chair"

  7. Jem -

    Vegimite used to be my screen name a dozen years ago. No, I'm not Aussie, but think it's a cool word and loved the Men At Work song Land Down Under where "she just smiled and gave me a vegimite sandwich." :) It's a good screen name. Prompts lots of talk.

    Yana - Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately this has been a really whack job of a week for me and I haven't had time to watch yet. Maybe tomorrow when the hubby takes the kids for their weekly "Saturday Out" I'll get the computer and the quiet to make it happen!

  8. Yana - I have a hard time deciphering what episodes are what in XXOO's youtube.

    Can you give me any advice?

    I watched Dream Angel's link because I knew what I was getting, but it wasn't as prolific as XXs

  9. Wow - looks like they're a little better at the diversity game, huh? There are still a lot of 20somethings but on the whole a good, diverse cast! I'm gonna like this one.

    Yana, thank you again for the link and for the info too!

    DreamAngel - Thanks so much for your link too! I like that on demand feature for the full episode.



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