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Posts posted by beebeejunkie

  1. and this is why I kind of gave up on Morty's forums about a month ago. This back and forth bullshit between poster's is enough to make me vomit. The thread topic is JURY PREDICTIONS. It is not about different charity beliefs. Get a grip! I am done for the season!

  2. Why is every one using small font all of a sudden? I gave up trying to read niteslacker's report. And now other poster's are also using miniature font. I am a 61 year old BB junkie, and I guess my eye sight is starting to fail me. My guilty pleasure is sitting with coffee in hand and reading the nightslacker - night owl report every morning. If I don't get my morning BB fix, it makes for a miserable day!! hahaha.

  3. Im not understanding the concept of she gets MVP because she is Rachel's sister and Rachel has a "fanbase". The majority of postings I have read here are pretty much anti-rachel so where is her advantage of being Rachel's sister come into play?

    Rachel has 130,600 follower's on Twitter, Brendan has 55,100 follower's, and Elissa has 22,200 followers. That makes for a large fan base.

  4. ""Regarding Candice and Howard at 02:36 AM BBT. At about 02:39 AM BBT with Andy in the room, Candice is totally giving Howard a hand job under the sheets.""

    This is posted on the update forum here. Is this for real?

    It is no longer on the update forum. Odd..........

  5. I rallied behind branchel simply because the house was always against them. I wanna see what Ellisa has. Rachel was a beast in comps not so sure about her little sis.... Several other girls i would like to see go first in this house. AND does anyone else see a resemblance in Jeremy to another BB player? Not sure who but he sure looks familiar.

    I originally thought Jeremy looked like Howie Gordon, but now Judd looks more like Howie to me than Jeremy does. I think Jeremy looks like Ashton Kutcher from a few years ago. (In the pictures with his hair down and not slicked back).

  6. If I have to put up with any part of Brenchel, I would rather see Brendon stay. I still don't think America actually voted him back in, but that's just my opinion.

    I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't buy for one minute that he was America's choice!!! Ugh!!!! He sounds like he is trying to change Rachel into a "Stepford Wife". I can't stand Rachel either, but this girl needs to run and run fast away from this guy!!!! He is straight up creepy.



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