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Posts posted by lokiluck

  1. christinetroy23

    he said she said wrote:  

    Don't forget that he "stepped up" for the wine and beer and now BB has taken it away (at least for the time being...)  

    when and why did they take it away? i bet something to do with the fight?

    YESSSS def after fight NO more alcohol!!!!!!!

    "crappy" biggest complainer :roll:

    Soooo, he (cRappy ate the stupid sardines) for ALCOHOL, got half a nite of it, sending a big part up to the gold room to get michael drunk and now is till complaining duuuhhhhh :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

  2. Agree 100% "crappy" did NOT have to get into the food comp!

    He only did it to grab camera time away from janelle, after all, Michael/Kaisar & Janelle/Beau I think finish all their gross whatever....

    After the comp, all eric sheeps started the "what a hero, my crappy,,,"

    Everyone forgot eric push janelle out and michael was more than full from his shake from hell... so what... "crappy" ate a couple sandwiches... he did NOT have to and he hadnt have a big glass of shake from hell


    telling them to ration(sp) the food! telling them that he will allow them to come and talk to him on by one starting now!!

  3. HMmmm NO presedent to HOH booted out for bad/violent behavior... :shock: :?: :? :shock: :?:

    But if "I" were CBS wich I AM NOT! I would put hoh second place up--- Janelle :D

    It would create real real reality havoc to boot the original HOH wich we all saw on sat show and have a week of plain old nothing :shock: :shock: :shock:

    They need to "replace" give some silly a$$ explanation for erick's vanishing and Janelle new HOH and move on from there

    hmmm dont remember if/whah anything they said about Scott chair incident on season 4 :?: :?: :?: Kinda thing they said NOTHING........

  4. Nodoubt575

    Well Kaysar and Janelle are kinda crappy partners...midweek of Ashleas nominations Janelle was just like...eff this and kinda ditched her. And Kaysar doesnt seem to be doing much for Micheal at this point either...I think producers thought it would intensify the game, but these people are just kinda givin up.

    Janelle told Ashlea point blank that she was goint to fight back with whatever.... :wink:


    Kaisar's been doing backfleeps "counseling" Michael and trying to defend him(michael) without blowing up their cover...

    Dont know what else could they have done...........

    :shock: :!: :?: :(

    ooppsss! dont think the "pairs" thing had anything to do with tonight's "show... positive it would have happened NO matter what.

    Eric/Michael nnoo good vibes :roll:

  5. My first post, hoping nobody get on my case to soon, but's OK if U do :D

    Been watching BB for a few seasons and the boards for #4-5- and now 6

    A- NOOOO touching or trying to.... obviously Eric did, He(Eric) went after Michael! even if provoked!

    B- Scott season 4 DID NOT touch anyone, just a chair across the room and OUT he went NO explanation NO nothing Scott 4 the ghost :shock:

    Back to Eric/Michael... Ivette/April been "fanning the flames" for a whole week or more... even Erick friday night told them to quit that....even while HE was getting hotter and hotter by the second,

    When Julie asked Eric about the new HOH room he "joked" now they can't complain about me calling lights out by 10.30 pm LMAO since then he's been up till about 3 Am spying on Michael, Jannelle, Kaisar, Howie...

    IF anyone has been trashing ppl is NO question Eric, fanned by Ivette, April, Maggie

    If ever I've been happy to see fish for a long period it's NOW.

    Hoping Eric is OUUUTTTT!!!!!!!!

    NNOO way could they send Michael packing just for "trashing/badmouthing Eric & Co. that's part of the game!

    Violence is NOT!

    :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:



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