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Posts posted by SthnCmft

  1. I think there's a bit of misinformation about the episode of House Calls to which some people are referring. Marcellas didn't hang up on the caller because she had a different opinion or viewpoint on a houseguest - she chided him for supposedly encouraging violence.

    Marcellas in NO WAY condones violence. He may say he "hates" a certain houseguest, or wants to bop them over the head, but it's all said in exaggerated fashion. He may dislike the gameplay of a HG and he certainly wouldn't actually throttle, choke, or hit them over the head with a bottle. These things aren't said in a manner that is supposed to be taken LITERALLY.

    Remember last year when Marcellas "hated" the twins? When they were eventually evicted he had to interview them - and he did it with professionalism. Marcellas doesn't like Eric's game play and, yes, has said he "hates" Eric. I'm confident Marcellas will interview Eric with professionalism.

    Marcellas is just like anyone else - show him respect and you'll receive the same. Show him disrespect and he'll show you the same.

    ~ Amy ~

  2. BB showed Kaysar saying something like it's all out war now.....I am so very disappointed that they edited that way...

    He said what he said. Period. They can't edit the show to put words in his mouth. If he doesn't want to put it out there to be heard, then he shouldn't say it.

    If Janelle didn't want to appear a gold digger, she shouldn't have speculated in the diary room as to whether or not Michael has money.

  3. Not yet blown to bits because Ivette and April are still holding to their stories.  Hopefully they still do until next Thursday because I want to see the dumbass looks on their faces when they are confronted with the truth.  (They are the only ones thinking they are fooling anyone - hehehe)

    True. And if they keep it up, they're the only 4 left that can take the full prize if they make it to the end (which is unlikely). But hey, I gotta give it to 'em....they're sticking to it!

  4. I found it interesting to listen to Julie's typical closing remarks on Thursday's show. She went through what would be on the shows next week....like, "See who Kaysar nominates for eviction on Saturday" etc. However, when she got to Thursday's show she didn't say anything about the eviction - she just said she'd be revealing the next "biggest twist" for the HG's.


  5. I go out with friends for cocktails and dinner and see what happens?! :shock: I miss all the good stuff!

    I know Kaysar has nominated James & Maggie. But I'm confused with all the posts. Is the goal to evict James, Maggie, Eric, or Ivette????

    Thanks in advance!

  6. 2:50 -

    Kaysar and James playing chess. James says to Kaysar something like 'if you didn't vote to evict Janelle' they will be mad at you (it seemed James was implying that he'll be viewed as having no loyalty at all if he doesn't vote to try to keep Michael.)

    Kaysar says he has no friends in here - James says no one does...

  7. I am just curious as to how Janelle is rude and immature...  What has she done?  

    Racial slurs against Ivette. That's completely unnecessary and crossing the line. I don't like Ivette either but won't stoop to making racist remarks.

    edited to correct spelling...sorry!

  8. Tonight's show gave me an awakening and truly opened my eyes. I've seen only Real Player clips of the "incident" and then immediately shown fish. BB took the time to show us what was going on behind the scenes while we saw fish.

    Eric & Janelle are rude, petty, and extremely immature. They need to play the game like the adults they are. Eric may be shorter than Michael, but he's definitely the bigger person despite his mistake.

    I don't condone what Eric did and think it was a big mistake to be so reactive. He owned the mistake and took full responsibility. Michael has the inability to be so humble as to tell someone "I'm sorry."

  9. They have been using the quarters, but have stopped as far as I know because they are scared someone will get one of the papers and it will say sorry you have been evicted from the BB house... Dade it was a true of false and the answer was false wasn't it???

    Do the quarters come back out when they put 'em in the gumball machine? My opinion is that the clues to the safes are in there.

    Can anyone think of other reasons BB would leave quarters? I'm empty on any creative ideas with this one. :roll:



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