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Posts posted by endure

  1. She's the only one I even want to win right now and now there's no chance of it. I may be wrong here but I think whoever is the one to take out Renny will have quite a few people in the jury house mad at them. It may sound crazy but no one wanted to be her executioner because no matter what, you can't help but like/love her.

  2. I think she's a little bit hurt and angry at herself because she really knew keeping the 2 guys would be a negative for her but she kept them because they protected Keesha and she wanted her in the game. She knew she'd be the first out of their alliance but was willing to gamble it.

  3. I completely see that she has no filter but she usually did when it came to Keesha because it was like she was her angel of perfection and she never would even look at her the wrong way but it was very different last night. And Keesha was getting really angry

  4. Do you guys think the talk with Jerry accounted for Renny's craziness last night when she was drunk? She was really taking digs at Keesha and doing so in front of others. It seemed like she finally got confirmation of what she feared (that Keesha had used her) and she was hurt. I know Keesha cares about her but she also throws her under the bus in situations where she doesn't need to just so people trust her more and it is part of the game but Renny tried hard to never cast a negative light on Keesha to others.

    The way Renny was going off last night was a little uncomfortable. And what had Dan said to her yesterday that she felt she needed an apology for? Because then he went upstairs to Jerry and said he felt she said worse things and I never read aboout that.

  5. I respect her more after seeing how she took being on the block. It could be called good gameplay but I saw the motherly side come out of her that seemed to be a more authentic version of who she must be. Don't get me wrong, I haven't enjoyed her throughout the game but Keesha is far worse.

  6. I've never really been a Libra fan but I felt badly for her last night because she was making it so clear to numerous people that Keesha was the mastermind of the most recent decision and they just didn't get it or didn't want to. Not only that, but people were putting words in her mouth and she was being mostly honest about things while Keesha was pulling every trick to get out of things

  7. I think Jerry & Dan are so scared to stray from people in power that they aren't trying to even be friends with the "other side". Renny may do it because she seems to get tired of some of Keesha's hypocrasy. You can see her biting her tongue at times

  8. I was enlightened listening to Angie discuss that her whole strategy since the beginning was to appear unassuming and nonthreatening. And I hope others saw what I did when Jess kept knocking Jerry reading the bible and her sticking up for him by saying that he felt left out so he wanted to do SOMETHING and that she felt Dan has always been into the bible. She doesn't just sit around and gossip. I'm more sure than ever now that Keesha wants her gone because she is jealous after this discussion about the guys thinking she's the prettiest and the Mean Girls are talking about how they just don't see it. She's the prettiest naturally, that's for sure.

  9. I posted this on the last page but the only thing I know that Angie was offended by was Renny calling her out in front of everyone about wearing Brian's hat last night and the nerd herd were snickering as if it was an inside joke and Renny asked the question about 3 times repeatedly and made it uncomfortable. That's when Memphis turns to Keesha and says "I love your sweatshirt, it reminds me of Steven" to point out that she was also wearing a fallen HG's clothes and the group shut up really fast and changed the subject.

  10. Angie reminds me of Janelle in as much as when a girl seems to want to talk/bond with her, you can see her get happy that she gets to be girly. I think they both relate to guys really well but girls tend to judge them for no reason.

    I'll miss her a lot. I love her sense of humor and she takes the game less personally than most of them.

  11. I found it so sad that Angie said she wasn't sure if she'd be met with boos or cheers when she was voted off. They assume she's this egotistical bitch but I think she is more self conscious than anyone realizes. I hope she is blown away by people's love of her.

  12. I really hope she pulls out a win or all the fun people are disappearing quickly. How can Keesha be so hypocritical to be angry with Angie for being clear that she couldn't save Steven with the POV yet Keesha said the same thing and didn't given him a sympathy vote either? It's so sad that she can't see how ridiculous she is being. I don't know why she is threatened by her aside from how well the guys like her.

  13. Is it not a strategy to sit back and let everyone else fight amongst themselves? With her being gracious to Keesha about the nomination, Jessie and Michelle are both becoming huge targets with their big mouths while Angie is making herself look better by taking it in stride publicly. Everything Keesha is whining about is exactly what Angie has had to go through.



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